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Advertising Case Study Sample

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India Successful Advertising Campaigns Case Study

When it comes to completing a case study, a slew of questions usually arise. To help you to understand what a case study is, we have prepared an example of a case study in advertising. Before we start, let us remind you what a case study in the context of advertising is. A case study is an investigation of a particular case (a particular advert, an advertising campaign, several campaigns of one company, etc.), usually successful, which is aimed to reveal and explore the reasons which led to the success of the advert or campaign. Or, a case study can present a failure of a certain campaign and analyze the reasons behind it.

The paper you’re going to get acquainted with was completed by a writer from EssayShark who is knowledgeable in this topic. The sample was created according to academic standards so that you can use it as a template for your own paper. From this example, you will know how cases should be investigated, how to cite references correctly, and how to provide the reader with the context. If you are assigned with a similar work, this sample will be useful for you as you can use it as a source of ideas. Be quick to examine our example and successfully complete your paper!

The Most Successful Advertising Campaign of the Year in Your Country


Humanity overtook time when advertising becomes the most important element in the mechanism of sales of goods and services, as well as the success of companies in general. Unfortunately, the amount of advertising increases, and the level of consumption of people remains the same. Therefore, the question arises: how to make advertising more efficient? Many people consider advertising to be negative and annoying, but no one will deny that it contributes to the development of the advertised product. People think that advertising services have emerged not so long ago. However, historians found information about the rudiments of advertising thousands of years ago – even in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. Of course, the advertisement of that time had other purposes than today and was aimed at people who owned vast amounts of money and could pay for any product or service. What is advertising, and which advertising campaigns had a huge success among the rest ones?

Background Information

To answer, it is necessary to possess a methodological apparatus. There is an enormous number of types of advertising, but over time they are transformed and multiplied. In general, today it is worth distinguishing such types: outdoor, Internet advertising, TV advertising, advertising in newspapers and magazines.

Outdoor advertising represents familiar for all of us big boards, as well as advertising signs, posters, and even advertisements on the walls. The primary objective of such advertising is to attract the attention of potential consumers with many advertising tricks. Often used shocking (permitted ones) or unusual elements – all this to draw our attention. Advertising services in the field of outdoor advertising are not just part of something – it’s an independent kind of commercials. A person sees the elements of such advertising in different situations: while driving a car, walking along the street, or out the window of a house or an office. It means that each person spends a different amount of time viewing a big board or an advertisement on various surfaces. The primary task of marketers – it is necessary to make it so that he/she had a desire to stop looking at least for a couple of seconds. If this works, we can assume that outdoor advertising has justified itself.

Internet Advertising

The next in complexity and variety is internet advertising. Today, almost everyone knows what the Internet is. Moreover, a huge number of people know what contextual advertising is. If you, for some reason, haven’t heard what it is, contextual advertising is text ads that are shown by users on requests if these advertisers added the applications in the settings of the advertising campaign. Ads are shown at the moment when a person showed interest in a product or service and, probably, is ready to buy. For example, you went to the search site and considered various options for purchasing a mobile phone. And even after you have finished and switched to sites that have nothing similar to the previous search, the mechanisms of contextual advertising will show you mobile phone advertising on any sites. But how to competently sell with this powerful online advertising tool know not all the users. That is why, in our time, such professions as Internet marketers and specialists in the Internet sphere are in high demand and have a high income. Internet advertising today is one of the most dynamically registered types of advertising. And it’s no accident. After all, the Internet gives an abundance of opportunities for advertising campaigns. But this has both its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of advertising on the Internet are obvious: it is accessible to all users of the network, it is understandable and straightforward. Therefore, advertising services, the release of the Internet, have recently become widespread. There are several types of Internet advertising: graphic banners, video banners, advertising reviews, and advertising articles.

With the growth of the amount of advertisement, the most successful companies are doing serious marketing research, and then the results are used in advertising campaigns. Of course, to get a successful advertising campaign, a company needs to have a team of professionals in marketing, psychology, and culture. An advertising campaign is described as “a complex of interrelated, coordinated actions developed to achieve strategic goals and solving enterprise problems and are the result of a general advertising plan for various but related advertising appeals placed in different media for a certain period of time” (Wells, Burnet, Moriarty C. 6).

Ariel Marketing Campaign in India

India is a country in which every marketing campaign should be thought of so that it succeeds with each of the vestiges of the population. Therefore, the task of marketers and advertisers is to create a multifunctional project that will bring success. Especially, such goals have huge multinational companies. P&G is one of the largest and fastest-growing corporations in India. Established in 1964, P&G India now serves more than 650 million customers crossing India.

Each of us knows the “Procter & Gamble” as a corporation, which owns many brands of household chemicals and household products. One such brand is “Ariel,” which specializes mainly in cleaning products for clothes. Launched in 1991, Ariel was the first to bring the “minimal cleanser” innovation, the catalyst change for sheltered and unrivaled stain-expelling power. Reflecting on the most successful advertising campaigns of this year, I can not fail to mention Ariel’s campaign “Removing spots of social inequality,” in which it is proposed to share women’s laundry work traditionally. MediaCom Mumbai and BBDO Mumbai developed this advertising campaign.

Analysis of the Issues and Factors

Ariel’s challenge was to prove that men are not just consumers of women’s services, but full members of the family who can and must perform the same functions as women. In the course of marketing research, a whole series of interviews was conducted among women on the topic of their household duties. The result was deplorable because the overwhelming majority of respondents feel themselves slaves of the house. In support of the campaign, an advertising video was released, which was very positively received by the TV audience. At the center of the story is an elderly father who witnessed this situation: his daughter returned from work, saw her husband, quietly sitting on the couch and watching TV, as well as her son, who had stained his shirt. Despite the fact that she worked all day, she should do household chores: cook dinner, clean the house, and do laundry. Father begins to understand that he has been mistaken all his life because a woman is not a tool for domestic affairs. He realizes his guilt and leaves for his wife to help her. In the meantime, he leaves a note with apologies to his daughter.

Identified Solutions

The advertising campaign brought the company an unprecedented rise in the Indian market – they had sales twice as much as planned. There are very few Indians who have not heard about “Ariel” after this campaign. The main thing remains that the company received an audience of 1.3 billion people who believed in them, supported and recommended to their friends. But you know what? It was not the only positive outcome for the company. It is important that it received tremendous feedback from clients because the advertising campaign became a real trend: many social networks launched a hashtag #sharetheload (of course, at the initiative of the company), and it was used more than 1.5 million times. It made Indian men think about the role of women in society and her role in the family. Feminist organizations in India reported on very positive statistics in the struggle for the rights of Indian women and social equality of the population. It is worth mentioning that this advertising company has become the best on the “WARC 100” award (an annual award of the world’s best campaigns and corporations based on their performance in effectiveness and strategy competitions). Josy Paul, the Head Director of BBDO India, said, “Share the Load is not just a campaign; it’s a movement for change. By raising a mirror to society, the brand is seeking a better world where there’s equality in household chores, especially laundry” (СВ).

Conclusions and Recommendations

The arguments I have presented the proof that the advertising campaign is serious science, to master, which means that you can make this world better. Marketers every day bring the level of publicity importance to a new level, increasing competition in the market, thus making it more perfect. Ariel’s “Removing spots of social inequality” advertising campaign only confirms this. The company received a huge profit. But in this case, it’s not the most significant achievement: it made not only the market more perfect but also the culture of a separate country. Its task – to create equality between a man and a woman more visible – was a success. As a result, the goal is achieved: millions (and maybe hundreds of millions) of positive reviews of the commercial, changes in the views of Indian men on household chores, and improvement of the family atmosphere.


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