Examples » Case Study Samples

Case Study Samples

  • India Successful Advertising Campaigns Case Study

    India Successful Advertising Campaigns Case Study

    When it comes to completing a case study, a slew of questions usually arise. To help you to understand what a case study is, we have prepared an example of a case study in advertising. Before we start, let us remind you what a case study in the context of advertising is. A case study…

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  • Business Case Study Sample: Barilla S.p.A. Case

    Business Case Study Sample: Barilla S.p.A. Case

    SCM 450W Cover Page                     GRADE__________ /100 Spring 2014 Individual Assignment #3 Barilla S.p.A. Case Typed Individual Assignment Name ___________________________ Email ________ Date______________

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  • Case Analysis Example: Effects of Advertisements on Gender

    Case Analysis Example: Effects of Advertisements on Gender

    Introduction According to Craig, adverts are crafted image bundles that are designed frequently and associated with a certain product with pleasure feelings that stem from the fantasies as well as anxieties (1997). Many companies do pay the mass media especially the television houses to advertise their products. Brierley points out that adverts do manage as…

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  • Business Case Study Examples: Strategic Decision Making in Honey Companies

    Business Case Study Examples: Strategic Decision Making in Honey Companies

    Strategic Decision Making and Business Model Development Strategic Positioning Differentiation and positioning are closely related marketing approaches. Positioning is the approach to conveying what makes the product or company better than or different compared to the competitors. On the other hand, differentiation is the way the company performs its positioning through promoting the benefits its…

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  • Example of Case Study about Intel

    Example of Case Study about Intel

    Should Intel Penetrate the Smart Phone Market and Tablet Market? 1.0 Research Statement Proposition The response to the research question whether Intel should penetrate the smartphone and tablet markets is clear – yes. This answer is based on the current market demand and financial or investment considerations. The latest report on Intel financials conducted in…

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  • Sample Case Study: The Art Gallery of NSW

    Sample Case Study: The Art Gallery of NSW

    Bringing David Hockney’s a Bigger Picture Exhibition to Australia Program Formulation The main stakeholders can be classified as internal and external. Internal stakeholders encompass the event organizing team including the event director, managers (programming, safety, medical, guest, backstage, welfare, production, lighting and sound, site, security, licensing, traffic), event assistant, site crew, artist liaison, community liaison,…

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  • Case Study Sample: Business Report on Zara

    Case Study Sample: Business Report on Zara

    PART 1: TERMS OF REFERENCE/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is based on Zara Company which is a Zara is a publicly traded apparel company with headquarters in Spain and other locations within UK and U.S. among other countries. The report focuses on a critical analysis of the company to identify any problem or opportunity that can…

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  • Microsoft Case Study Sample: Employee Motivation

    Microsoft Case Study Sample: Employee Motivation

    Employee Motivation and Retention Strategies at Microsoft Introduction Over time computers have proved to be vital in almost every line of work. The technology sector has experienced tremendous transformations making computers to carry out various crucial tasks in organizations. This has made organizations to base their tasks and responsibilities on computers for they enhance competitive…

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  • Sample Case Study: Family Systems

    Sample Case Study: Family Systems

    Introduction In the recent past, the family was perceived as a system. This perception has turned out to be an increasingly fashionable and significant theoretical framework for not only counselors but also family therapy professionals (Atwood, 2001, p. 35). A family system functions as a unit, and each family member has a critical and unique…

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  • The Scandinavian Airline System Case Analysis

    The Scandinavian Airline System Case Analysis

    Background Information The Scandinavian Airline System (SAS) has used different strategies, which have helped it to overcome challenges that it encountered in 1980s. It faced various threats especially from the environment of aviation. The major threat was high competition from other popular airlines, which led to the decline of profit of the airline. The company…

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