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Sample Case Study: The Art Gallery of NSW

Bringing David Hockney’s a Bigger Picture Exhibition to Australia

Program Formulation

The main stakeholders can be classified as internal and external. Internal stakeholders encompass the event organizing team including the event director, managers (programming, safety, medical, guest, backstage, welfare, production, lighting and sound, site, security, licensing, traffic), event assistant, site crew, artist liaison, community liaison, advertising/marketing/publicity agency and website sales (Lesley and Lesley 11). External stakeholders consist of the Art Gallery of NSW (venue owner), sponsors, contractors and service providers/suppliers of amenities such as water, electricity, accommodation, food and transport). Other external stakeholders will encompass media, clients (participants including speakers, artists and performers), competitors, local community (Sydney and Australian population), foreign visitors, volunteers and stewards, local government of Sydney and national government of Australia (regulatory authorities).

Others include industry sector organizations, community organizations, interest groups and associations (Lesley and Lesley 12).

Internal Stakeholders

  • Event director
  • Managers (programming, safety, medical, guest, backstage, welfare, production, lighting and sound, site, security, licensing, traffic and website sales)
  • Event assistant
  • Site crew
  • Artist liaison
  • Community liaison
  • Advertising/marketing/publicity agency

External Stakeholders

  • The Art Gallery of NSW (venue owner)
  • Sponsors
  • Contractors and service providers/suppliers of amenities such as water, electricity, accommodation, food and transport)
  • Media
  • Clients (participants including speakers, artists and performers)
  • Competitors
  • Local community (Sydney and Australian population)
  • Foreign visitors
  • Volunteers and stewards
  • Local government of Sydney and national government of Australia (regulatory authorities). Industry sector organizations
  • Community organizations, interest groups and associations.

The Art Gallery of NSW

The NSW Gallery will increase the number of art exhibitions it has hosted. Additionally, the popularity of the NSW Gallery will increase. This is because the exhibition is likely to attract viewers who have never visited it. Further, the NSW Gallery is likely to increase its revenues from the sale of existing collections to art lovers who will attend the exhibition
Local community (Sydney and Australian population).

The local community will have an opportunity to view David Hockney’s works, which they may not otherwise access in the absence of such an exhibition. Moreover, the exhibition will inspire infrastructural improvements. These will enhance the accessibility of essential services such as transport, sanitation and electricity for the local community. In addition, the exhibition will attract foreign visitors. This will promote the image of Sydney and Australia as an attractive tourist destination.

Event Director

The event director will receive local and international recognition for overseeing the organization of the exhibition successfully. Moreover, the event director is likely to receive proposals to oversee the management of similar events within and outside Australia, in the future. In addition, the event director will receive attractive compensation for excellent event management.


Sponsors will get an opportunity to promote art and artistic talent. They will also enhance their image by associating with a successful exhibition. For instance, companies will attract positive publicity for sponsoring the event. In addition, sponsors could use the exhibition to identify investment opportunities in Australia.

Local Government of Sydney and National Government of Australia

Through the exhibition, the local and national governments will boost the image of Sydney and Australia worldwide as supportive of art and attractive tourist destinations. Additionally, the local and national governments will enhance their image in the public eye by performing infrastructural improvements. The exhibition will also give them an opportunity to meet sponsors who can provide financial assistance to support the growth of art and the economy in Australia.

Benefits Breakdown Structure

For AGNSW, the exhibition will increase the gallery’s reputation worldwide. It will also generate revenue for the gallery, as well as, increase its membership. The exhibition will showcase the gallery’s collections to visitors from nations worldwide. It will also attract potential buyers of the other gallery collections, as well as, induce other artists to subscribe. For Sydney, the exhibition will promote it as a world class art city because it will attract local and foreign visitors, including art lovers. For sponsors, the exhibition will offer opportunities to support art, as well as, identify potential areas for investment.

Work Streams

Every work stream will address an aspect of the project scope (Kendrick 307). They will include exhibition, logistics, security, sales, marketing and sponsorship. Exhibition will involve presenting and displaying Hockney’s works in an organized manner. Logistics will encompass various tasks including budget development, supplier solicitation and contract negotiations on clients’ behalf. Other logistical considerations will include the registration of attendees, on site staffing, communications with suppliers and attendees, preparation of itinerary and booking forms, transportation, parking and accommodation arrangements and production management of aspects such as sound, lighting and video…

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