Examples » Summary samples

Summary samples

  • The Old Man and the Sea Summary Sample

    The Old Man and the Sea Summary Sample

    There are many samples, but this ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ summary will provide you with the best ideas. It was written by a professional writer who is knowledgeable in the topic. Your paper can look great as well if you use our ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ analysis sample. However, remember that you can’t…

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  • All Quiet on the Western Front Summary Sample

    All Quiet on the Western Front Summary Sample

    The most striking ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ summary is presented below. For the sake of a high grade, read through the sample to learn how to write literature essays. It is impossible to write a quality paper without knowing how to present your thought, and this ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ analysis sample will…

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  • Free 1984 Summary Sample

    Free 1984 Summary Sample

    In the “1984” summary that you will find below, you can find ideas on how to write your own paper. Only a skillful writer is capable of writing essays of a high quality. In difficult situations, when you don’t know how to deal with your paper, you can use this “1984” analysis sample. But you…

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  • Anna Karenina Summary Sample on the Epigraph Meaning

    Anna Karenina Summary Sample on the Epigraph Meaning

    If you get stuck with your literature essay, the following ‘Anna Karenina’ summary will help you out. This sample will be helpful not only because of the ideas presented in it, but also because it shows how this type of paper should be structured. This ‘Anna Karenina’ analysis sample can become a real helper for you. It was written…

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  • A Hero of Our Time Summary Sample

    A Hero of Our Time Summary Sample

    “A Hero of Our Time” summary presented below is your chance to write a quality paper on your own. Unfortunately, not all students are capable of writing papers of such quality. In “A Hero of Our Time” analysis sample, you can find ideas on how to write your paper in a better way. With it, you…

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  • Dead Souls Summary: Madame Korobotchka’s Role in the Story

    Dead Souls Summary: Madame Korobotchka’s Role in the Story

    Do you study Russian literature and are assigned to analyze one of the novels? Here is Dead Souls summary written by one of our writers to help you in your studies. You may also like other samples dedicated to The Master and Margarita, The Cherry Orchard or War and Peace. If you have any suggestions what…

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  • Bartleby, the Scrivener Summary: Two Ideologies

    Bartleby, the Scrivener Summary: Two Ideologies

    Introduction This story is about three character types based upon the Freudian philosophy of the Super Ego, the Id, and the Ego (Kendra Sherry 1, 2016). According to Freud, the Super Ego represents God, the Ego represents the basic instinct of Mankind, and the Id is the compromise. These are represented in the employer and…

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  • The Master and Margarita Summary Sample

    The Master and Margarita Summary Sample

    Why does Bulgakov try to convince the readers the events happenning in Moscow are fiction and those in Yershalaim were real? Introduction A novel The Master and Margarita written by Mikhail Bulgakov, a great writer of 20th century, is a masterpiece of the literature of the world scale which deals with questions of ethics. It criticizes…

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  • Civilization and Its Discontents Summary

    Civilization and Its Discontents Summary

    How significant was Jewish culture and religion for Freud’s life and work? Introduction Jewish culture and religion inevitably left a mark on Sigmund Freud’s life and work. Although Freud himself openly and consistently labels himself as an atheist, it can be seen from his writings about how Jewish culture influenced his life and career as…

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  • The Secret Life of Bees Summary

    The Secret Life of Bees Summary

    What Is the Role of Black Mary Image in the Novel? Introduction Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees features a cast of strong black women, the most influential being Black Mary. Despite being inanimate, Black Mary nevertheless serves as the catalyst of the story. Black Mary inspires the black community of Tiburon, and it…

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