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Analysis Paper Sample: The Marketing of Entertainment Goods

How the Internet Has Changed the Marketing of Entertainment Goods?

Today we can say that the internet has changed every part of our life starting with buying and selling goods and services ending with the way we get entertainment. A lot of people spend more than a half of their free time surfing the internet and using online products.

In this essay we will discuss internet influence in respect of entertainment goods. The field of entertainment is increasingly difficult to define. In this essay, we will talk about films, music and games.

As for the film industry, the way of marketing is changing very fast together with the way people get this kind of entertainment. First it was the case of promotion in cinemas, then TV broadcast and DVD, now it shifts to the internet. The loss in video viewership for retail is about 22% (Christophor Rick, 2012).

Considering music industry we can mention the shift from concert attending and CD purchasing to on-line listening and download tendency. Some speculate that, due to illegal file sharing, the old business model, where concerts were used to promote record sales, no longer applies. Others suggest an inversion of the business model, where recorded music stimulates concert demand (Dominik Papies and Harald J. van Heerde, 2015).

And the youngest entertainment good is computer game. Everyone who has once switched on the computer has tried it. Children start using the internet just to download a game and play it. More people are playing computer games than ever, but how they play is changing. So the gaming industry is evolving. More games are being developed for mobile devices (Kate Hairsine, 2013).

The ways of entertainment you can get today through the Internet are numerous and grow every day. Millions of companies work on new projects, so the ways of marketing for these goods are also changing all the time. The winners in this race will be those, who understand the importance of marketing on-line.

Works Cited

Hairsine, Kate, (2013, January 04). Gaming industry has changed dramatically. Retrieved from http://www.dw.de/gaming-industry-changes-dramatically/a-16499688
Papies, Dominik and Harald J. van Heerde, 2015, How the Internet Has Changed the Marketing of Entertainment Goods: The Case of the Music Industry, Marketing science institute reports. Retrieved from http://www.msi.org/reports/how-the-internet-has-changed-the-marketing-of-entertainment-goods-the-case/
Rick, Christophor, (2012, October 25). Social graph shows video marketing effective for CPG, retail and entertainment. Reelse, the video marketer’s guide. Retrieved from http://www.reelseo.com/social-graph-shows-video-marketing-effective-cpg-retail-entertainment/

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