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La La Land Movie Review

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La La Land Movie Review

La La Land Dreams Big and Celebrates the Lovely and Lonely in The City of Angels – 
Keys to La La Land’s Magic


Award-winning La La Land, written and directed by Damien Chazelle, is an innovative, enchanting, 128-minute musical movie extravaganza. The story tells of trials and triumphs of aspiring actress Mia (Emma Stone) and struggling jazz pianist Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) as they seek fulfillment of big dreams in hard-core Los Angeles (Gelb). This essay explores several key elements that make this feature film magical and memorable.


First, Chazelle’s decision to shoot the entire film in the Los Angeles area is perfect. “Los Angeles is a city that reveals itself bit by bit, like an onion, if you take time to explore it,” he states (“The Best Places to Experience”). Like peeling the onion, each scene reveals another layer of character motivation, combined with Justin Hurwitz’ robust, original score and unparalleled visual imagery created by Director of Cinematography, Linus Sandgren. Chazelle beautifully blends of the glitz and glamor of “old Hollywood” with innovative, aesthetically exciting, au courant treatment. There could not be a better match than the City of Angels and La La Land.

Casting and Performance

Second, superb casting and performance skillfully interplayed with script, music, set, and costume design, further enhance the reality-fantasy film’s credibility. Chazelle’s powerful, poignant conclusion intensifies the already raw, heart-breaking, heart-warming emotions that weave consistently throughout this feature film. By adroitly integrating classic and contemporary, Chazelle’s juxtaposition of seemingly paradoxical elements – tradition and the break from tradition, dreams and the fulfillment and loss of dreams, love in many forms – conflict, compromise, reconciliation creates a powerful, thought-provoking message (Garcia).


If you’ve ever wondered about the dreams and loves that you’ve left behind, or if you want to be entertained by astonishing music, dancing, acting, and scenic locations, La La Land is the film for you.

Works Cited

Gelb, Daniel. “La La Land.” Fandango, www.fandango.com/la-la-land-188460/movie-overview.
“The Best Places to Experience ‘La La Land’ in Los Angeles.” Discover Los Angeles, www.discoverlosangeles.com/things-to-do/the-best-places-to-experience-la-la-land-in-los-angeles.

Use Our Service to Write Movie Reviews in a Clever Way

If you want to compose a really impressive movie review essay, you should pick a film that you like and understand. Don’t force yourself to write about thrillers or horrors if you’re a big fan of comedies. For example, our writer adores musical and romance movies. And there is no wonder that he has chosen to write a movie analysis essay about the award-winning La La Land. Besides, who can stand Ryan Gosling’s charm and Emma Stone’s beautiful smile? If you want to learn more about this masterpiece before watching it, our review is a great option.

Movie review essays are frequently assigned to the students in order to evaluate their writing skills and their knowledge of cinematography. We all love watching movies, especially of our favorite genre. However, writing a review requires lots of energy and time. If you have to prepare a movie analysis but don’t have enough inspiration for that, don’t worry! Our writers are always on their watch. They’re ready to lend a helping hand to tired students and provide them with high-quality academic assistance. We’re available 24/7 so you can apply to us as soon as you need some help. Place your order now, and we’ll start working in the blink of an eye!


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