Examples » Research paper samples

Research paper samples

  • The Establishment of Fred Trump’s Financial Foundation in 1946

    The Establishment of Fred Trump’s Financial Foundation in 1946

    For years, we have been helping students handle the trickiest academic topics, like “Fred Trump Financial Foundation in 1946”, and have learned what issues the average learner faces most frequently. Many students come to us asking for help with crafting a hooking topic as well as with creating an entire strong paper that will meet…

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  • The Influence of Technology Essay Example

    The Influence of Technology Essay Example

    When a learner enters college, he/she faces a lot of challenges. How to write a research paper? How to write a persuasive speech? How to write an essay to make it rock? These are just a few of the questions that freshmen stumble upon at the very beginning of their academic careers. Students need to…

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  • Descriptive Essay Example: Organizational Memory

    Descriptive Essay Example: Organizational Memory

    Academic writing can be tricky because there are so many different types of papers that each have their own requirements, missions, and nuances. Students may face difficulties with any part of writing, especially when they are at the starting point of their academic careers. Some learners search for information on how to write a book…

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  • How to be a Happy Camper

    How to be a Happy Camper

    Introduction A happy camper is a person who is content with his or her current life situation. This may include aspects such as their career, social status, health, financial situation, spiritual life, and educational level, among many others. While camping entails being in a different external environment than what one is used to, learning to…

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  • Express your Opinion in Keeping Guns in Homes with Children

    Express your Opinion in Keeping Guns in Homes with Children

    Introduction Some people tend to think that keeping guns in their homes actually makes their children safer. This is absolutely not the case. The truth is that guns really do not provide any protection to the children; they only put their lives at more risk. Research in numerous US urban regions reveals that every gun…

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  • Difference Between Reasons and Causes of War

    Difference Between Reasons and Causes of War

    Introduction  War is a phenomenon that human beings have grappled with for thousands of years, and it can now be considered part of human nature. Now, war can be defined as organized violence among groups and can be viewed from an international or historical sense, depending on the context. The definition and circumstances of war…

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  • Explain reasons for increasing divorce rates in Western countries

    Explain reasons for increasing divorce rates in Western countries

    Introduction Since ancient times, public opinion about the divorce rate has been uneven in different parts of the world. First of all, the difference in religious beliefs on marriage and divorce issues as the religious part of it plays a decisive role. In Eastern countries, we can see only separate cases of divorce among the…

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  • Environmental Challenges in Urban Planning

    Environmental Challenges in Urban Planning

    Introduction Modern society has changed drastically over the last couple of decades. The need for development has led to crucial changes in how urban land and its resources are used. Moreover, some of the land is being used mostly for business needs rather than social ones. In this essay, I would like to highlight the…

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  • Essay Example About Employees’ Degrees

    Essay Example About Employees’ Degrees

    If you need to write a narrative essay about employees’ degrees, the following sample will be helpful. It will give you an idea of how to structure your paper, what thoughts on the topic to include, and how to cite and format the sources used. Keep in mind that the sample that we present here…

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  • A Sample Essay on the Legal Age for Alcohol

    A Sample Essay on the Legal Age for Alcohol

    In this post, our writers share a fresh essay sample discussing the legal age of alcohol consumption and its impact on all the related issues. You’ll see how to structure academic papers on such controversial topics and learn what arguments to use if you are assigned to write something on this subject. This sample may…

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  • A Sample Essay About Add-Ons

    A Sample Essay About Add-Ons

    When a teacher assigns an essay but doesn’t prescribe any particular topic for you to cover, have no worries: It’s a trick to assess your knowledge of the subject, critical thinking, and argumentation skills. The teacher wants you to decide on a topic that will be relevant to the discipline yet compelling and insightful enough.…

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  • Overcoming Fear Essay Sample

    Overcoming Fear Essay Sample

    To write a high-quality essay, a student must choose a deep topic, conduct advanced academic analysis, write a first draft and get it approved by their professor, and spend at least several hours on the editing and proofreading process. This takes even longer if you don’t know how to write an essay in APA format…

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  • Employers’ Overemphasis Essay Example

    Employers’ Overemphasis Essay Example

    An essay on employer-placed pressure can explore the challenges and consequences of excessively focusing on certain aspects of work or employee performance. For example, overemphasizing specific metrics or tasks can decrease creativity and innovation. Employees may become too focused on meeting expectations to take risks or explore new ideas. That is why they often choose…

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  • Makeup and Fragrances Essay Sample 

    Makeup and Fragrances Essay Sample 

    If you are lucky enough to be able to choose a topic for your essay, use this wonderful opportunity to discuss something you are passionate about. It might be easy to pick just one topic to concentrate on, so think carefully before making a final decision. For instance, you can dive deep into the topic…

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  • Research Paper on Religion: Christianity

    Research Paper on Religion: Christianity

    Do you want to talk about God? Just kidding. We’ll talk about Christianity in general. Actually, about the connection between Christianity and ancient emperors. Religion has always been tightly connected with secular authorities. The influence of church was powerful, especially in ancient times. The research paper on religion below will explain what benefits ancient rulers…

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  • Political Science Research Questions: Donald Trump

    Political Science Research Questions: Donald Trump

    What Should Happen So Trump Got a Victory Over Clinton? Introduction During a variety of centuries in human history, politics has proven itself to be one of the cruelest and most unstable aspects of social life, mostly run by hypocrisy and intense fight for power. In such an aspect, presidential elections play an essentially curious…

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  • Computer Science Research Paper: Why IT Companies Like IBM Move to India

    Computer Science Research Paper: Why IT Companies Like IBM Move to India

    Many businesses try to move their centers and production to India, China, and other countries where they can lower a wide range of costs: manufacturing, taxes, qualified specialists, and employee salary. Along with this, such companies improve the economic situation in the new area. In the following computer science research paper the author has analyzed…

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  • Sociology Research Paper on Children’s Social Development

    Sociology Research Paper on Children’s Social Development

    You can get rid of writer’s block if you have a proper sample like the sociology research paper presented below. We can claim that the example will provide you with the brightest ideas for your own writing. It is enough only to read through a sociology research paper example – you will know how to…

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  • Psychology Research Paper Example – Antisocial Behavior

    Psychology Research Paper Example – Antisocial Behavior

    We know that a psychology research paper example can help you with your own writing. It can be considered as a template that you can use while writing a paper. Our psychology research paper sample is written by a professional writer, and will help you see how to write such papers properly. Like any other…

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  • References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”

    References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”

    References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” Monty Python premiered their full-length Monty Python and the Holy Grail in 1975. At that time, several episodes of the group’s TV series had already been screened on BBC, bringing tremendous popularity and recognition to the Python. Monty Python and the Holy Grail was…

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  • The Epistolary Genre from the Renaissance Until Today

    The Epistolary Genre from the Renaissance Until Today

    Among a variety of literary genres, epistolary literature is one of the most intriguing — even though it is less popular than some other mainstream genres such as satire or saga, for example. This genre of literature emerged during the Renaissance, apparently as a result of experimentation with new writing techniques. From the Renaissance to…

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  • Literary Nonsense of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

    Literary Nonsense of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

    Acts, motivations, and reactions might often have the leitmotif of absolute absurdity. People could have a natural desire of adhering to logical principles, but some time or for the most part, they do not demonstrate logical explanations. Such a feature of humankind’s existence and function is hyperbolized and presented within literary works, which include stories,…

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  • The Amish Research Paper Sample

    The Amish Research Paper Sample

    Introduction Whenever one mentions countries that are most advanced, America definitely comes to mind. As far as different ethnicities are concerned, it is a melting pot. However, one community called the Amish keeps a safe distance from technology since it is their conviction that it weakens the family structure. One of the most profoundly distant…

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  • Meaningful Music Essay Sample

    Meaningful Music Essay Sample

    What Is Meaningful Music? Is the concept of music being meaningful subjective, depending on an individual’s personal experiences? Or are there some universal features of music that have a deeper meaning for the majority of listeners? Read our sample to find out if it’s possible to answer these questions and get valuable insights for creating…

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  • Essay Sample about Interview Questions

    Essay Sample about Interview Questions

    An opinion on “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and other awkward interview questions Introduction There are two types of interview questions: traditional and behavioral. Traditional questions focus on the position, motivations or work history whereas behavioral questions focus on how you reacted to a past situation or would act in a hypothetical…

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  • History Essay Examples

    History Essay Examples

    Words: 3270 Pages: 4  Sample of History Research Paper: The Battle of Jerusalem 1917 World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts of all times. The number of casualties is estimated to be from 14 to 17 million. The war began between 8 countries in 1914, and shortly after, more than 38 countries were…

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  • Women Rights Free Essay Samples

    Women Rights Free Essay Samples

    Words: 3807 Pages: 3  Women’s Rights Research Paper Example (2092 words) In this women’s rights research paper our writer has disclosed the role of women at the beginning of the 20th century in Europe. We can hardly imagine that just a few centuries ago, women were limited in their rights and freedoms. Initially, the role…

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  • Research Paper on Child Development – The Roles of Toys

    Research Paper on Child Development – The Roles of Toys

    If you need to write a research paper on child development, then our sample can help you with this task. With a template, you can perform better in your writing. To avoid any writing problems, you need to read through our child development research paper carefully. If you feel that you are struggling with your…

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  • Geography Research Paper Example on World Cuisines

    Geography Research Paper Example on World Cuisines

    The customs of cuisines are an important part of human life, as they reflect the experience of people who lived before us, who came from antiquity. These customs were formed under the influence of natural, historical, and social conditions, from cultural exchange with neighbors. The historical events occurring in different countries, as well as their…

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  • A Detailed Cuban Missile Crisis Paper Sample

    A Detailed Cuban Missile Crisis Paper Sample

    On January 1, 1959 in Cuba, after a long civil war, the communist partisans led by Fidel Castro overthrew the government of President Batista. The United States was worried by the prospect of having a communist state at its side. In early 1960, the Eisenhower administration commissioned the CIA to create, arm, and secretly prepare…

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