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Sample Essay about WikiLeaks

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Sample Essay: Is WikiLeaks Doing More Harm Than Good?

With the advent of mechanized ways of communication, human society thrived into an era where information is considered a valuable commodity – arguably the most valuable one. The notion of co-creation has a new meaning associated to it; a concept advocating human conscience as a whole [1]. The concept of emergence aided with freely available information, demonstrated as a problem solver in the language of the current time, has had the world in flux.

Our society has shaped itself during the past years, as a free society, cultivating the power of basic human instincts: adhering to the notion of invisible hand by Adam Smith [2]. But as it can be analyzed from the damaged ecosystem of the market, caused by a recent economic meltdown in 2008, the picture has two sides [3]. When emergence is set free all sorts of schiagiances take over and the wild human instincts creep their way into the system. WikiLeaks is a product of such intimidating processes, which has the potential to be detonated deep inside the stratums of the society and explode at any time.

On one hand WikiLeaks serves as an unbiased channel, not jeopardized by the governments or the high street, providing a platform for the people to spread the truth-a real advocate of democracy. As Julian Assange, giving his views on sony hacked data, said: data “belongs in the public domain” [4].

WikiLeaks, undoubtedly, works as a global policeman, bending its rules for the government, fighting injustice with information and making the culprits answerable.

But on the other hand it lacks legitimacy, there is no blue-print to eradicate the antagonistic elements. On a recent scandal, “WikiLeaks republishes all Sony hacking scandal documents.” Former senator Chris Dodd, chairman of the MPAA, wrote against the republication of the stolen material. “WikiLeaks is not performing a public service by making this information easily searchable. Instead, with this despicable act, WikiLeaks is further violating the privacy of every person involved.” Furthermore, the cynicism about the government, can feed into extremist mindset, making the system even more fragile and distorted.

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