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Sports Marketing Research Paper about Tourist Destinations

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Sports Marketing Research Paper about Tourist Destinations

Sport events draw much attention these days. It would be unwise for marketing specialists not to use this great opportunity. However, only the organizers of the events decide if the advertisement of goods and services is appropriate. The author of this sports marketing research paper describes also the peculiarities and potential of a new and promising direction – sporting event tourism. This kind of entertainment combines the rest with the opportunity to participate in the most significant events of the sport. The research paper also includes the description of the benefits of sport competitions both for population and marketing.

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The Peculiarities of Sporting Event Marketing and Promotion of Tourist Destinations


In the modern world, tourism is one of the most important areas of the economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. Sport in modern conditions is becoming a necessary part of human life. The organizers of sports events determine the conditions for holding them. They are responsible for their organization and holding, have the right to suspend such events, change the time of their holding, terminate such events and approve them. That is why the point is to define some of the peculiarities of sporting event marketing and promotion of tourist destinations.

Sales Managers and Advertising

To start with, it is better to analyze sales managers of such an event and its symbols. The rights to advertise goods, works and services in the place of a sporting event or a sporting event belong exclusively to the organizers of such an event. The rights to determine the manufacturers of sports equipment and equipment used at a physical activity belong exclusively to the organizers of such an event (Moital, Iguel et al.). The use of third parties is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded in writing with the organizers of sporting events. In the mass media, the exact and undistorted kinds of sports events approved by the organizers should be used, and such names are not construed as advertisements.

Organization and Conduct of Sports Event Marketing

The organization and conduction of the sports event marketing are carried out by the regulations on such a sports competition, approved by its organizers. The federal executive body establishes general requirements for the content of regulations on interregional official sports competitions that provide for the specific features of certain sports in the field of physical culture and sports.

If several persons are the organizers, the distribution of rights and duties between them regarding such an event is carried out by a contract and (or) regulation on such an event. Otherwise, provided by these documents, the organizers of the sports event are jointly and severally liable for the harm caused to the participants of the event and (or) to third parties.

Enterprises in Sports Tourism Services

Currently, a very large number of enterprises are engaged in the provision of sports tourism services. This is due to the increased demand for various types of sports and event tourism. Most often, the population appeals to various sports societies and clubs engaged in certain activities to obtain the necessary services. This process can take an adequate amount of time and is not entirely convenient for a considerable number of people.

In connection with the prevailing circumstances, enterprises that allow for a short period to obtain the necessary range of services in the areas of interest begin to appear in the market for sports and event tourism. Therefore, when introducing this organization to the market, barriers to entry are few. The enterprise will operate in the tourist market (Brenner, Laurie). The absence of competitors will have a beneficial effect on the pace of business development and the consolidation of the enterprise in the market of sports and event tourism services.

Sport-Event Tourism: Definition and Characteristics

Sport-event tourism is a special kind of tourism, thanks to which tourists (clients of tourist firms) become living witnesses of the greatest events in the world of sports, culture, and art. Such trips remain in memory as one of the brightest moments in life (Moital, Iguel et al.). Customers become the category of those rare favorites around the world who have seen something that will never happen again. Sport-event tourism – the direction is relatively young and extremely interesting. The main purpose of the tourist’s trip is timed to an event. Unique tours, combining traditional rest and participation in the most spectacular events of the planet, are gradually gaining increasing popularity. Sport-event tourism is a timeless atmosphere of a holiday, individual conditions of rest and unforgettable impressions (Morello, Robert). The main feature of sports-event tourism is a lot of unique bright moments. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism.

Categories of Sports and Event Tourism

All sports and event tourism can be divided into several categories, which are selected according to the scale of the event. On this basis, national and international events are singled out (Scott Erickson, G., and Roland J. Kushner). Also in sports and event tourism, there are several areas that can be divided according to topics: national festivals, cinema and theater festivals, theatrical shows, fashion shows, gastronomic festivals, music festivals, sports events and others. As a rule, many people want to see large-scale events, so during these periods prices for air transportation and hotel rooms are raised. Tourists, going on a trip, you need to be prepared for the fact that a trip to sports events is not a cheap pleasure (Scott Erickson, G., and Roland J. Kushner). Take care of the trip in advance, as with the places in hotels and on flights there can be problems.

Tourist Demands and Planning

Participants in sports and event tours make high demands on accommodation facilities, especially to their classic type of hotels, transportation (convenience of delivery to the place of the event), catering enterprises and the services of tour guides and interpreters. A feature of sports and event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new sports-event tours, which from casual to regular.

Tourists need to remember that a sport-event trip should be planned. Here the option “to make at the last moment” is excluded. The second is to think over your safety. It will not always be right to take a family, let alone children, to such mass events. It should not be forgotten that there is a chance abroad to face hooligans and swindlers. Very cautious attitude towards resellers, who sell admission tickets on the street.

Unique Aspects of Sports-Event Tourism

It should be noted that sports-event tourism is a unique type of tourism, as it is inexhaustible in content. Some experts believe that shortly the number of participants in sports and event tours will exceed the number of participants in excursion tours.

This product is designed for people who love sports and also have the desire and the opportunity to go to another city, or even the country. This service can fully meet all the needs of customers in a decent organization of recreation throughout the tour.

The next stage in the life cycle of the package of services is the stage of growth. It is characterized by the fact that consumers already have an idea of the services provided by the firm and directly or indirectly spread information about the company among friends, which can also increase sales. The company at this stage already has a strong reputation, sales of service packages are increasing dramatically. However, it should be remembered that during this period, competitors may appear in the market, inspired by a successful example of the organization. A major task is to retain the leading position in the market.

The next period of the life cycle is the stage of maturity. The growth rate of sales is slowing down. It is extremely important to maintain the interest of consumers to the services of their enterprise. It is necessary to distinguish and communicate to clients their main competitive advantage. It is mandatory to conduct an effective advertising campaign; it is possible to involve well-known personalities to attract new groups of consumers.

After this, the recession begins. Possible reasons for the transition of the package of services of the company may be:

  • decreased interest in football events;
  • a decline in the solvency of the population;
  • various kinds of cataclysms, due to which the demand for all tourist services is reduced;
  • the emergence of new competitors with a more attractive set of services.

Very important in this period is a sensitive reaction to all changes in the industry, as well as monitoring the socio-economic indicators of the main group of consumers. It is important to constantly update the proposal, make adjustments to the tour, make the package more attractive to consumers. It is necessary to conduct some marketing research to change the preferences of customers, to identify priority areas for development. You can apply various methods of sales promotion:

  • financial (discounts, installments, loans);
  • premium sales (gifts and free additions to the purchased);
  • competitions and lotteries;
  • sales;
  • accumulative discount cards;
  • bonus programs.

Evaluation of the results of sales promotion is made by comparing the sales volumes before, on time and after the program is implemented. If in time not to apply all possible measures to maintain a position on the market, the stage will inevitably come, during which the enterprise will be compelled to decide to exclude the package of services from development and sale.


In conclusion, it should be noted that in sports competitions the same tasks are solved as in physical education in general. Also, they are an effective incentive for systematic sports activities, contributing to the development of physical culture and sports in the country.

Sports competitions are used to prepare people for more responsible, competitions; selection, detection of sports data and sports preparedness, quality control and training and educational work; agitation for sports, propaganda of ideas of physical education and sports.

Works Cited

Brenner, Laurie. “How To Successfully Promote Tourism.” Bizfluent, 2017, https://bizfluent.com/how-2174572-promote-tourism.html.
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Moital, Iguel et al. “Using Scenarios To Investigate Stakeholders’ Views On The Future Of A Sporting Event.” Event Management, vol 17, no. 4, 2013, pp. 439-452. Cognizant, LLC, doi:10.3727/152599513×13769392444783.
Morello, Robert. “Tourism Promotion And Marketing.” Smallbusiness.Chron.com, 2017, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/tourism-promotion-marketing-57157.html.
Scott Erickson, G., and Roland J. Kushner. “Public Event Networks: An Application Of Marketing Theory To Sporting Events.” European Journal Of Marketing, vol 33, no. 3/4, 1999, pp. 348-365. Emerald, doi:10.1108/03090569910253189.


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