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The Research Paper about Drugs Example

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The Research Paper about Drugs Example

This research paper about drugs describes the general principles of drug abuse treatment. A drug addiction is tightly connected with the criminal world. Addicted persons might commit a crime because they usually lose the sense of reality, especially in a state of drug intoxication. Long-term consumption causes brain illnesses, transforms behavioral manner, and increases the risk of infectious diseases. The process of recovery is difficult and lasts for a lifetime. Drug abuse treatment has to be under constant control of doctors, supervisors, and close relatives of the addicted person. Character and term of treatment depends on gender, age, culture, and other individual qualities of the particular patient.

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Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for the Criminal Justice System


In most cases, drug addicted people do not accept the truth of being addicted to a specific type of drugs. Moreover, they do not realize that drug addiction is a disease which affects brain functioning and the overall physiological condition of the human being. These days, the issue with drug addiction has become a treatable illness which includes not only the cure for mental health but also decreases criminal behavior which was caused by drug consumption. In the United States, there are core principles of drug abuse treatment for criminal justice individuals. These are conducted under the severe supervision with doctors and psychologists to avoid mental disorders as a consequence of treatment.

Importance of drug education

Before the treatment, people need to be aware of the problems which might arise in long-based drug consumption (Simpson et al.). Drug education is an integral part for criminals who have lost the ability to think adequately and control the situation of their addiction. An individual approach is needed in the process of treatment to guarantee the mental stability of the person under drug recovery.

The primary principle of drug abuse treatment is that any drug addiction remains a brain illness. The long-term consumption damages brain functioning and results in changes in behavioral type. Experts have revealed that drug use might change the anatomy of the brain and the chemical structure. The variations of the brain might return to a normal condition not at once. The brain and its structure might recover after long months or even years since the person has dropped using drugs.

Relapse prevention

Many people, who overcome the process of drug treatment are exposed to relapse. The reason of that hides in the truth that the brain got addicted to chemical components of the drugs and that people cannot live without them. Criminals forget the learnings and the consequences of drug usage and give up the process of recovery. That is why supervisors and mentors of treatment must control the situation and conduct conversations with the patients frequently.

Components of effective treatment programs

Since medicate manhandle and habit have such a significant number of measurements and upset such a large number of aspects of a person’s life, treatment is quite a challenging process (“Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment”). Viable treatment programs regularly consolidate numerous segments, each coordinated to a specific part of the sickness and its results. The treatment of drug addiction must help the individual stop using drugs, start life without drugs, and accomplish gainful existence in the family, work, and the society in general. As the drug addiction remains illness, people require a long time to cut out drugs from their everyday routine. Most criminals need long haul or rehashed scenes of care to accomplish the ultimate aim of sustained restraint and recuperation of their lives.

Long-term treatment

Scientists have also proved that even after years of stop using drugs, people still need to be mentored to avoid relapse. They need to take physiological and health tests to track their readiness of living in society (Simpson et al.). The changes which were gained after long-term drug consumption might also influence genetic aspects. For instance, women who have cured of drug addiction tend to give birth to children with health disturbances. Therefore, the baby born need to pass some programs of treatment as their brain was also damaged due to parent drug consumption.

Rehabilitation and follow-up care

The third principle of drug abuse treatment is the repeated programs of rehabilitation in five years after drug refusal. The reason for that is that under the drug use the behavioral pattern of the person has changed eternally. They have lost an adequate way of thinking and analyzing any situation. These programs include more physiological conversations about their life after recovery, their successes, achievements, and goals for the future. Supervisors must measure and analyze the development of the patient’s mental health. Moreover, they should evaluate their functioning in society and how well they got adapted to the new life.

The assessments of the drug treatment results must also include the criminal’s intentions. Experts must conduct life-based tests and analyze how people find approaches to resolve some everyday issues. For instance, if they remain aggressive to violence which sometimes happens in the world. Supervisors also study their way of thinking and detect potential problems of the patient. As people from the prison has been distanced from the usual societal life, supervisors give opportunities for individuals on the rehab to be occupied in some social work.

Individualized treatment

The essential principle of drug abuse treatment is the difference in age, gender, race, and culture. People tend to think differently when they are eighteen and forty. The process of recovery must be individual due to the term of drug consumption (Simpson et al.). People tend to respond differently to the same approach to treatment. For some of them, slight programs might be effective enough, while other people require more complex ones to get rid of the addiction.

Stress management and distraction techniques

Stressful situations which occur in everyday life might cause the relapse. Therefore, the person must be monitored for life to maintain progress (“Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment”). Criminals must achieve and success in something significant in life and society to present development. Some people become religious while other – start a career and strive for their own business. Any occupation helps in distracting their attention to drugs and thus lead to the successful life on rehab.

Community-based treatment and support

Criminals who complete the process of treatment in prisons must follow the programs of further rehabilitation in communities. They are more sensitive to changes in life after imprisonment and require more support from the like minds. The network of rehab people tends to show more success in the process of treatment than one person individually. Criminals show significant results when they work in small groups, find solutions to problems, and conduct conversations as well as debates (Chandler et al.). It is proved that discussions assist drug addicted people to change the way of thinking and analyzing.

Rewards and motivation

A system of rewards and motivation is another key principle of drug abuse treatment. Supervisors of the criminal justice system establish a list of policies and rewards which help them in controlling the situation in these communities. The competition among people on rehab motivates other people to develop even more. For instance, some life success in the career of one criminal makes the other person follow the higher example. They get rewards for appropriate solutions to conflicts and gain mentoring in other cases.


Medications also remain a key principle of drug abuse treatment. Methadone helps to decrease pain and the person function better. Buprenorphine is similar to the structure and effect of morphine but remains less harmful to the brain (“Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment”). When the person overcomes drug cravings, these medications release the pain and give the effect similar to opioid drugs. Nonetheless, the doctor is the one who prescribes the type of medicines and its amount. It is important to remember that pain-ease pills also cause addiction. Therefore, only doctors give medication to the patient and control the mental as well as the health condition of the criminals.

Last but not least principle is that different infectious illnesses appear as a result of drug consumption. HIV and AIDS are the most common consequences of drug usage. People are non-attentive to their lifestyle, and the blood infections become a danger. They endanger other people in communities to gain the same diseases. When the person receives information about hepatitis or AIDS, they become frustrated and terrified (“Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment”). Therefore, doctors give specific medical prescriptions while psychologists handle the mental condition of the criminal.


All in all, the process of drug abuse treatment in the system of criminal justice include plenty of complicated programs to recover people from their diseases. The supervisors establish individual approaches as well as conduct group rehabilitation. The process of recovery comprises many risks such as relapse and drug cravings. Doctors give medications to balance their mental and physical condition. The process of treatment lasts for years with frequent assessments of the patient’s progress. The development of the rehabilitation depends on the age, race, culture, ethnicity of the person. The longer the criminal has been consuming drugs, the more time and effort they need to handle the recovery. Regular assessments help them find balance in mental condition and enhance behavioral patterns of the drug addicted person. Supervisors evaluate and analyze their way of thinking and forecast the further development of their patients.

Works Cited

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“Principles Of Drug Abuse Treatment For Criminal Justice Populations.” Drugabuse.Gov, 2006, www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principlesdrug-abuse-treatment-criminal-justice-populations/principles.
Simpson, D.Dwayne et al. “Drug Abuse Treatment Process Components That Improve Retention.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 14, no. 6, 1997, pp. 565-572. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/s0740-5472(97)00181-5.
Simpson, D. Dwayne et al. “Treatment Retention and Follow-Up Outcomes in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS)..” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, vol. 11, no. 4, 1997, pp. 294-307. American Psychological Association (APA), doi:10.1037/0893-164x.11.4.294.
