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British Invasion and Rule of India Essay Example

How Did the British Invasion and Rule of India Affect India and Its Citizens?

British invasion and rule had affected India and its citizens very deeply. Several embassies reserved their rights in India but only this cultural collapse influenced both Indian and British cultures. Other countries were involved thoroghly through this historic assembly that remains actual interest till nowadays. British concourers had rediscovered and brought ancient traditions to all world and that fact is of a real treasure. 

You can be sure to meet English speech through different parts of the country that created traveling available for the most part of the population of the planet. That made Indian culture closer for understanding to other cultures and even create an opportunity of direct dialog between those one that were not able to have a contact earlier, or have lost it through complex political events.

The trade interest was a root of British invasion to India. This historical stream followed after spreading spanish influence on that area. This political engaging increased as part of world colonialism. That way indian states were involved in separation process based on social fluctuation since Muslim affection (Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rottermud, 245).

Western education was brought and established to Indian cities with british rule.This was a greate affect besides overtaking of part of traditional economic system as transferring goods through India and delivering them to western countries and attaining transport system control.

Attaining foreign educational system had a great value and initiated review process of own comprehension system. Thus mutual wisdom exchange took place and eastern scientific views once again move to European countries. This knowledge had both positive and negative consequences. It has resulted damagely mostly for people who got involved in getting new power from esoteric as not available for majority knowledge. Those who have no idea on putting themselves in overtaking social wave got in troubles with the first group. Some worldwide historical events of 20th century could be reviewed from the suspect of rediscovering Indian culture by europeans directly.

Effect of the British invasion had disadvantages for Indians also. Inland confrontation took place with accordance to nature and its laws and foreigners could not put such respect due to the lack of knowledge at this part (far example wild animals were of a danger for British and of a national treasure for Indians). Nevertheless this fact does not decline the fact of fratricidal war. Third side took part with a line of peace as usual in this case. British have left lots of damages as to be taken for truth from some sources: “So the impoverishment of so-called backward casts took place under the British” (Dr. V. V. Bedekar, V. Y. Sardesai).

Cultural influence on Indian earth could be observed in architectural style changes in civil architecture and on forts too. There is a greate assemble in English classical forms cituated in the historical part of New Delhi, for example, not far from Indian Gates. Regular city planning remains English tradition in that part of a city. Some buildings of Study centers also represents influence of British rulership of the time of invasion.

Long term British presence in India could be determined as a historical upheaval. British have affected almost all parts of Indian life that could to be perceived even by visual observe. This political link considered to supply technical progress and economic strategy  from one part of the world to another based both on ancient order and innovation tension.

Works Cited

Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rottermud. A history of India. 3d edition. Taylor and Francis e-library, 2002.
Mandar Oak, Anand Swamy. Commitment and Conquest: The Case of British Rule in India. Jul 16, 2010. www.williams.edu/Economics/wp/OakSwamyCommitmentAndConquest.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwiD6rF8ZLSAhUCEpoKHdnGAfsQFggfMAE&usg=AFQjCNEB1lWoNPl4tcuWSHZDWkyrwy5avg&sig2=IBRiJiOrDIgtD225jBPUOQ
Dr. V. V. Bedekar, V. Y. Sardesai. How the British ruined India. https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.srimatham.com/uploads/5/5/4/9/5549439/how_the_british_ruined_india_.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwigxNnjmJPSAhVjApoKHSwTAGYQFggyMAM&usg=AFQjCNHUbmMD4HwtiE2L99QXHYTTxRRLMg&sig2=7IxwOfl8tuaf3hmwFIAJPA

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