Examples » Book review samples

Book review samples

  • The Life and Legacy of Ben Carson’s Brother Curtis

    The Life and Legacy of Ben Carson’s Brother Curtis

    Our regular clients know that we are committed to helping them succeed. We always provide top-quality writing assistance, but another feature that customers like is the wealth of valuable resources we offer on our blog. Our experts constantly create helpful materials that can make your academic life easier. The sample essay on “The Life and…

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  • Did Moana really die in the storm

    Did Moana really die in the storm

    At times, it is more effective to take a look at a professionally written academic paper than to read tons of writing guides filled with theoretical information. Thus, our experts work hard to provide you with helpful content that can help you make your college life easier and get better results. This sample on “Did…

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  • References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”

    References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”

    References to English Classics in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” Monty Python premiered their full-length Monty Python and the Holy Grail in 1975. At that time, several episodes of the group’s TV series had already been screened on BBC, bringing tremendous popularity and recognition to the Python. Monty Python and the Holy Grail was…

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  • Literary Nonsense of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

    Literary Nonsense of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

    Acts, motivations, and reactions might often have the leitmotif of absolute absurdity. People could have a natural desire of adhering to logical principles, but some time or for the most part, they do not demonstrate logical explanations. Such a feature of humankind’s existence and function is hyperbolized and presented within literary works, which include stories,…

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  • A Brief History of Time Paper

    A Brief History of Time Paper

    How do you define a “review”? According to dictionaries, it’s “a critical appraisal of a book, play, film, etc., published in a newspaper or magazine.” According to your educators, it can be “a type of academic writing where a student should critically assess a book, an article, or another written work.” Why do teachers assign…

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  • Advantages of Fiction over Educational Books

    Advantages of Fiction over Educational Books

    Introduction The ability to read is one of the most powerful skills that a person can have (Topping, 2015). There are very few things that people are able to accomplish without the ability to read. Without the ability to read, one needs assistance to carry out simple tasks such as reading labels on medicine bottles…

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  • History Essay Examples

    History Essay Examples

    Words: 3270 Pages: 4  Sample of History Research Paper: The Battle of Jerusalem 1917 World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts of all times. The number of casualties is estimated to be from 14 to 17 million. The war began between 8 countries in 1914, and shortly after, more than 38 countries were…

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  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Review Sample

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Review Sample

    If you don’t know how to start writing a literature essay, then check out the following “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” summary sample. One of the most useful properties of the sample is that it can help you to come up with your own ideas for your writing. The “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s…

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  • Great Expectations Book Review

    Great Expectations Book Review

    We present a “Great Expectations” summary sample that you can use to write your own paper. If you are searching for literature essay examples, then it is worth checking out our blog. You should keep in mind that you can’t copy our papers – you may be accused of plagiarism. See how you can define…

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  • Fathers and Sons Review: The Role of Sceneries in the Play

    Fathers and Sons Review: The Role of Sceneries in the Play

    You don’t need to struggle with your writing anymore, as this “Fathers and Sons” summary will help you. You will learn how to focus on information that relates to the issues of the essay. Our “Fathers and Sons” analysis sample will be useful for you. Reading it through is what you need to do before…

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  • Murder on the Orient Express Review Sample

    Murder on the Orient Express Review Sample

    In the most severe cases, when you don’t know how to start a literature essay, read through a sample like our “Murder on the Orient Express” summary. Quite often, students find good ideas in such samples for writing their own papers. If it is difficult for you to start writing immediately, a “Murder on the…

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  • Heart of a Dog Review: The Mix of Fantastic and Real

    Heart of a Dog Review: The Mix of Fantastic and Real

    The main thing that you should do before starting to write your paper is to read through the following ‘Heart of a Dog’ summary sample. You can see how ideas should be revealed in essays. The ‘Heart of a Dog’ analysis sample will help you at all stages of your writing. If you are assigned a paper…

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  • Example of a Great Expectations Analysis

    Example of a Great Expectations Analysis

    Before writing your paper, read through the “Great Expectations” analysis sample that is presented below. It will help you to determine for yourself the approach to the answer of a question or the disclosure of a topic. A sample will show how brief and detailed your paper should be. You will see how to formulate…

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  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame Analysis

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame Analysis

    One of the most popular works written by Victor Hugo is “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” It was the first historical novel in French and it immediately became popular among the public. Most notably, the book glorified not only the author, but also the building of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. In the 19th century the cathedral…

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  • Iliad Analysis Sample on the Heroic Code of Its Characters

    Iliad Analysis Sample on the Heroic Code of Its Characters

    The Iliad is one of the oldest epic poems that people know. Despite this, people still read and analyze this work. A writer from EssayShark.com also made an attempt to explore it and you can see the result of his or her work below. This sample was completed with the aim to help students write…

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  • The Most Messed Up Fairy Tale Essay

    The Most Messed Up Fairy Tale Essay

    Fairy tales only seem to be children’s literature. If you explore fairy tales more attentively, however, you’ll find out that they convey some adult ideas. Also, tales are often filled with symbols and allegories that are not that easy to comprehend. Below, you’ll find a fairy tale analysis presented as an example that you can…

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  • Dante’s Inferno Circles of Hell Analysis

    Dante’s Inferno Circles of Hell Analysis

    Though studying at school can seem a real hell, Dante’s Inferno is much more frightful. When you are assigned with a Dante’s Inferno analysis you might need to put in great effort to complete that task. Below, you’ll find our sample that will help you to cope with your assignment. All of our examples are…

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  • Beowulf Analysis Sample: Structure and Function

    Beowulf Analysis Sample: Structure and Function

    Beowulf is an epic poem that was written between “700 and 1,000 A.D. in England” (The British Library). Beowulf tells the story of a terrifying demon named Grendel and his ultimate defeat by a young Geatish warrior named Beowulf. Beowulf is written perhaps with a great emphasis on morality and the strength of a man.…

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  • The Glass Menagerie Essay

    The Glass Menagerie Essay

    Fire Escape in The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie is replete with symbolism, and the fire escape is an important symbol in the play. Leading out of the protagonists’ – the Wingfield’s – apartment, is the fire escape that has a landing. This physical structure represents an escape from the dysfunction and the…

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  • ‘The Piano Lesson’ Analysis

    ‘The Piano Lesson’ Analysis

    Do you hate questions like, “What did the author want to say?” Do only the words “literary analysis” make you frown and cringe? Don’t worry, the dark time of forcing every sentence in the middle of the night has passed, because we are here to help you with any kind of assignment you receive. First…

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  • ‘The Overcoat’ Analysis

    ‘The Overcoat’ Analysis

    Do you like discussing books with your friends? If you do, you probably know that not every story evokes a strong emotional reaction, as we are all different, and the same book affects different parts of our minds. But what can you do if you are assigned an essay on a story you neither liked…

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  • Le Pere Goriot Analysis

    Le Pere Goriot Analysis

    Creating an outstanding literary analysis takes time, practice and skill. Liking the book you’ve read is not enough – you need to understand the specific tools the author used for creating the effect and delivering the message. If you are not so sure about your analytical skills in literature, you can always take a look…

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  • A Passage to India Analysis

    A Passage to India Analysis

    Not every student enjoys reading books and dissecting a plot into parts, trying to figure out the infamous notion of “what the author wanted to say.” If you belong to this group of students, or you just didn’t like the book and have no idea what to write here, we are rushing to rescue you…

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  • The Martian Chronicles Essay

    The Martian Chronicles Essay

    If you were assigned to write The Martian Chronicles essay, you will find our sample really useful. The writer answered the question concerning the book plot in their work. You can look through other literature samples on our blog or contact our experts to help you.

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  • Anne of Green Gables Analysis

    Anne of Green Gables Analysis

    One of our writers was assigned to write Anne of Green Gables analysis answering a particular question. We’ve published this paper as a good example of literary writing for you to read and analyze. The essay was formatted due to APA citation style and can help you greatly. Of course, you can forget about “copy-paste”…

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  • Essay Sample about Love: Norwegian Wood and the Ambivalence of Love

    Essay Sample about Love: Norwegian Wood and the Ambivalence of Love

    What kind of a love story is presented in the Norwegian Wood? “Norwegian Wood” depicts love in a rather unconventional and complex way, playing on the duality physical/platonic. In the first half of the novel, love seems to be defined in a broad, platonic manner. First, we’ve got the “typical” relationship, between Kizuki e Naoko,…

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  • The Hound of the Baskervilles Book Review Sample

    The Hound of the Baskervilles Book Review Sample

    The Nature and Psychology of Guilt in Doyle’s Book With the growing popularity of the evolutionary theory, the fin-de-siècle literature strived to accommodate the spiritual and paranormal within the domain of science and reason. At the same time, the Victorian era was marked by the rising awareness of the foreign influence and its consequences. In…

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  • Much Ado about Nothing Analysis

    Much Ado about Nothing Analysis

    What Is the Role of Abundance of Methaphores in the Play? The great abundance of metaphors in Much Ado about Nothing is a direct result of the subject of the play, the simultaneously exciting and confounding nature of love. Nothing can bring more joy and pain than the pursuit of love. The ability of metaphors…

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  • The Things They Carried Essay Examples

    The Things They Carried Essay Examples

    Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried Essay: The Role of Women The Things They Carried is a collection of small autobiographical stories by American writer Tim O’Brien. Although all the stories describe the author’s memories of the Vietnam War, they include female characters that play an important part in the book. Martha expresses love and…

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  • Faust Summary Paper: Why Does God Allow Mephistopheles to Tempt Faust?

    Faust Summary Paper: Why Does God Allow Mephistopheles to Tempt Faust?

    The most pivotal point in Goethe’s Faust is the conversation between God and the devil Mephistopheles in Heaven (Magnùsdòttir, 2015). During this correspondence with God, Mephistopheles loathes God’s creation and the mankind’s faith in him (Magnùsdòttir, 2015). This leads to God agreeing to make a bet with Mephistopheles over Faust, a servant on Earth (Magnùsdòttir, 2015).…

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