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A Brief History of Time Review

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A Brief History of Time Paper

What is aetheistical understanding of man’s origins described in A Brief History of Time by Hawking?


The origin of  humanity and the universe still remains the most important, but never truly and precisely answered question from the beginning of time until now. But when has the time begun? There are many attempts to make an understandable study about the time and space, some of them fighting to explain the phenomenon of religion and God, the others trying hard to classify all the researches about humanity and the universe in one scientific frame, explained with arguments and facts. Starting from Aristotle and the ancient Greeks, many scientists were trying to find out the biggest mystery of the universe.

All these theories and thesis, through Galileo, Newton and Einstein lead us to one of the biggest revelation, established by Edwin Hubble in 1920, which is called “The Big Bang Theory.” This theory describes the universe like a still moving and expanding process as a result of a primeval explosion. The most clear and meaningful explanation of the Big Bang Theory we can discover in the best-seller and one of the famous astronomic books nowadays, A Brief History of Time, written by the biggest theoretical and physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking.

Keywords: origin of humanity, astronomic science, universe.


As long as the universe has its beginning, we all want to know where it starts and does the universe have boundaries, or an ultimate ending? For many years the universe was seen as a static model subordinated to the principles of relativity according to Einstein (1921), dominated by gravitational attraction laws. These gravitational laws with all their details, first studied and examined by Newton and Galileo, were interesting starting point to consider in Hawking’s best-seller A Brief History of Time.

In this ageless book through the quantum mechanic, still unknown for a bigger part of the population, he succeed to explain, in a most understandable way, the big mystery about expanding of the universe. The book starts with the creation of an image of the big universe and continues with the elementary particles and the forces of nature, accompanied with explanations about constitutional elements, about the x-rays, radio waves, gravitational waves. According to Hawking the big explosion is just a simple movement, motion and interaction of subatomic particles. This movement is caused by increasing of the temperature which has to be equal to zero degrees before the explosion. This explosion, also called Big Bang, is picturesquely illustrated like “the galaxies flying apart from each other at great speed and the universe was definitely growing” ( Edward Hubble, 1920).

After describing the expansion of the universe Hawking gets to the point where he is mentioning the inevitable question of God. He never denied his existence, because he never understood how the smooth galaxy can be formed out of the chaos.

Anyway, the question of the origin of the mankind still remains a mystery, the Big Bang theory does not have the answer how the universe come to existence and just assumes that the space, time and energy already existed. However, this book is still a leading lecture for cosmology and astronomy, because of the simplicity and the style of writing, which approximate the real standards of physics and astronomic science.

Works Cited

Weinberg. S. (2008). The Expansion of the Universe. Cosmology, Oxford press.

Hawking. S. (1998). A Brief History of Time,  New York: Bantam books.
Brief answers to cosmic question. Retrieved from https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/seuforum/faq.htm

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