What Is the Message of Nietzche’s Beyond Good and Evil to the Current Society? Friedrich Nietzsche’s 1886 masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil, provides a powerful assertion of individual morality that has potential implications for the modern world of the 21st century. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche rejects moral dogmatism, the assumption that there is…
What was the reason of Pierre Gringoire’s decision to live with vagabonds in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo? Pierre Gringoire is a character, who is described as impatient and egotistical person. He is a playwright and a philosopher, who values himself very much and considers his life as the most important thing on…
What Is the Role of the Framing Story of Heart of Darkness? While reading a certain literary work, we usually pay our attention not only to its plot, but also to its structure, and the writing techniques used by its author. In fact, the author’s writing is considered to be of no less importance than…
What role do these opposed pairs play in developing the novel’s themes? The hero of the novel Don Quixote lived for ideals. The issue of the novel is the contradiction between the chivalrous ideals of the main hero and reality, which is not ideal. At first sight the characters of the novel of Servantes look as…
What Is the Role of Female Characters in The King Lear? Shakespeare in his works repeatedly refers to the image of a woman who in his works is devoid of any extraordinary idealizations, she is not the sainted, and the image of her even assumes a certain negative connotation. The female characters in The King Lear (Shakespeare,…
What’s So Great about Little Women? In Little Women, Louisa Alcott emphasized two crucial and essential parts of our life – the true meaning of family and the power of love. The main idea of the novel is that “into each life, some rain must fall.” Nothing is perfect in this world. Each of us…
What Are the Benefits of Having Franny Within the Novel? In the book The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, a girl named Susie is raped and murdered by a serial killer. The story follows Susie as she enters Heaven and later returns to Earth to watch over the people she knew in life. In the story,…
By What Means Does Henry David Thoreau Teach Us to Open to Self-Discovery? Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862) was an established writer and philosopher. He taught us many things, but perhaps his most accomplished idea was that of self-discovery. Self-discovery is an idea rooted in knowing oneself and taking that and the simplicities for…
The Nature of Alex’s Relationship with His Parents and Its Role in the Novel A dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess depicts post-modern English society using satire and anti-ethical implications (Diez Cobos, 2003). The anti-ethical elements are available in family portrait and its nature, so as its members deviate the traditional family behavior…
The Meaning and Effect of Surprise Endings in O.Henry’s Short Stories O. Henry was always well-known for his witty narration and wordplay. He was skillful enough to add some shade of light into the gloomy tragedy and some shade of sadness into the bright comedy.
How did Stephen King create the character of It (Pennywise, Bob Gray) in “It”? One day a great writer went home. His road passes through the bridge; old boards were crackling with every step and he remembered the old tale. Here, right now, he would hear a voice: “Who is on my bridge?!” By the…
Liesel Meminger as a Girl “With a Mountain to Climb“ Liesel Meminger is the main character of the book The Book Thief. She is a small but very strong girl who has suffered too much in her life. Death narrates this story, describes the main characters, and gives us his own opinion about humans. He…
What is the effect of having the book be narrated by Death? The Book Thief is about the war. It is written on behalf of the Death, which is unusual. You are reading the book and from the first lines you feel some shock… Usually literary books are written on behalf of the protagonist or on…
Who is the main antagonist in A Song of Ice and Fire? A Song of Ice and Fire is an epic novel which strikes people’s minds. There are several dynasties with their own histories and a big number of characters. Every hero is thoroughly described, they reveal their characters in different situations following no particular…
“Wuthering Heights” is a story of love and revenge. When it was first published, the critics’ reaction wasn’t unanimous. However, they acknowledged that the novel was of great power and energy. The essay below is a comparative Heathcliff and Edgar Linton characters’ analyses. The author compares two heroes from different perspectives: their appearance, social status,…
Why Is Les Miserables Considered Great? Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables brings numerous worthy traits to the field of literature. The story of ex-con Jean Valjean and his exit from prison brings him to the residence of a generous pastor and his wife who offers Valjean a warm bed and plentiful meal. Valjean violates their trust…
Austen’s Depiction of Children in the Novel The novel Sense and Sensibility is the first published work of the great English writer Jane Austen, which achieved wider readership and made Jane famous. The story is about young girls from the middle-class family and the feelings that they experience. From the very beginning, Sense and Sensibility…
A well-known author, Stephen King, steps away from his usual horror story in his novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, a short story that was published in his 1982 collection titled Different Seasons. A fellow inmate nicknamed Red narrates the novella. It focuses on a man named Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted…
The Harry Potter books are one of the most read series of our century written by the author J. K. Rowling. Despite the fact that this book is considered to belong to children’s literature it amuses the minds of people of all ages. It seems that the story of a boy who lived managed to…
“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours…” ( Nicholas Sparcs, 1996).
What Makes The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky a Good Book? The Idiot is one of the greatest works of Fyodor Dostoevsky, which was written in 19th century. Fyodor Dostoevsky is a famous Russian writer, who left after him some immortal works, which show us that some things never die and do not lose their value, but…
How Does the Story of Narcissus Relate to the Broader Message of The Alchemist? The Alchemist is the novel written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. The main character of the book is the alchemist, a shepherd named Santiago who pursues his dreams to find a treasure and reaches it in the end. The book also…
Speak about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Excitement of an Indian Theme Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet whose immaculate works raised interesting points of modernism and survival. Throughout his entire writing career, Longfellow infused spiritual rituals of Native Indian ideologies with seemingly progressive nuances concerning rites of passage and human consciousness. Mr. Longfellow utilized the…
“Break, Break, Break” by Alfred Lord Tennyson There is nothing worse than an inability to tell about the sorrow, that tears the soul to painful pieces. The unspeakable pain is expressed in the poem “Break, Break, Break” written by Alfred Lord Tennyson during early 1835 and published in 1842 (Poetryfoundation.org, 2015). The title of the…
What Is the Best Ghost Story Ever Written? English literature is famous for its unlimited variety of genres, each of which, whether fantasy or romance, arouses in the reader an admiration and sense of warmth or excitement and enthusiasm. But what if we ask ourselves: “Which of the ghost stories is the best one?”
A Farewell to Arms – Hemingway’s Antiwar Novel Ernest Hemingway wrote A Farewell to Arms in 1929. It was not his first book, but that was the one, which made him famous. It was a little bit more than ten years after World War I, described by Hemingway in this book. I believe, the novel…
The Role of Symbolism for Plot Development in “Ethan Frome” by Edith Wharton Ethan Frome can give ambiguous impressions. On the one hand, the beginning is very intriguing. The events take place in a distant place located somewhere in New England. We are shown an old, gloomy disabled person named Ethan Frome, who does not…
In what ways does Katniss’s hunting experience prepare her for the Games, and in what ways does it fail to prepare her? It is important to indicate that Katniss hunts in the forest using a bow and arrow. The idea she demonstrates at this moment is that if she is able to cover one particular…
What Does Pi’s Journaling Say about the Person’s Need for Communication? Is it possible to spend 227 days alone in the ocean? Is it possible to spend 227 days alone in the ocean on the same boat with a tiger? Is it possible to spend 227 days alone in the ocean with the tiger being…
Alexander Pushkin is one of the most famous Russian authors. The poet left a great legacy which is essential for both Russian and world literature. His works are read across the globe. Various Pushkin’s poems and proses are plot for modern shows and movies. There is a great amount of streets, educational establishments, libraries, schools…