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One of the biggest questions left by the second Moana movie is whether the protagonist dies in the storm. When she is about to break the curse, Nalo strikes her with lightning. Following the assault, Moana dies briefly, but her ancestors perform a ritual that brings her back to life and gives her demigodly powers.
When Moana tries to break Nalo’s curse, the god strikes her with a bolt of lightning that kills her momentarily. Nalo takes the form of a fierce storm to prevent Moana from achieving her goal. However, she manages to evade him by diving into the ocean and touching the island, but not before being struck by a deadly lightning bolt (Guerrasio, 2024). After the impact, electricity quickly runs through her body, leaving her unconscious and her body inert in the ocean. The reasons that support the idea that Moana dies at this moment are that the impact of lightning is deadly for humans and that the protagonist is disconnected from her environment for a few seconds. Therefore, upon receiving Nalo’s attack, Moana loses consciousness momentarily and experiences a total disconnection from life itself.
After Moana’s death, her ancestors and the ocean unite to bring her back to life. After she is left floating lifeless in the water, Maui holds her in his arms. Later, before her soul leaves her body, she feels the call of her ancestors (Eclarinal, 2024). Then, the spirits of her grandmother, Tautai Vasa, and other forebears appear, and they use the healing power of the ocean to restore her life. Among the arguments for her being momentarily dead is that to encounter her ancestors, the soul of the protagonist had to transcend physical reality. Another sign indicating that Moana is resurrected is the ocean’s role during this moment because her body is enveloped by the sea with an unusual calm, protecting her while the ritual is completed. Another meaningful sign is that Moana returns to life with vitality and unharmed after the impact of the lightning, which can be interpreted as a divine rebirth. So, contact with the ancestors signifies that Moana’s spirit left her body and was brought back to it through a supernatural ritual.
Upon recovery, Moana returns as a demigoddess. Eclarinal (2024) states that the appearance of tattoos like Maui’s is evidence of Moana’s ascension to demigod status. This means that she has acquired superhuman abilities. Additionally, it can be seen how Moana’s oar becomes an extension of her new powers because it gives her the ability to shape the waves and create paths in the sea at will. In many mythologies, death is a transition process to a new state of existence, suggesting that after the lightning strike, Moana crosses this threshold. Additionally, it is evident that after the resurrection, her connection with the ocean intensifies, since now the water guides and obeys her. Thus, Moana’s return to life after the ritual is made evident by the demigoddess-like characteristics she acquires, indicating that she has moved away from mortality.
Moana died for a few seconds after being struck by lightning in the storm; however, the magical ritual of her ancestors brought her back to life as a demigod. The protagonist’s death was probably necessary to reach demigod status. Therefore, Moana’s resurrection reflects how she has transcended human limits to reach her full potential.
Eclarinal, A. M. (2024, November 30). Moana 2: Does moana die in the sequel? Ending explained. The Direct.
Guerrasio, J. (2024, November 27). “Moana 2” has a dramatic ending with a big twist. Here’s what it means for the future of the franchise. Business Insider.
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Photo by Torsten Dederichs from Unsplash
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