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Job Relocation Essay

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Essay on Benefits of Job Relocation


Relocation can be hectic and stressful. The reasons to relocate ought to be concrete given that it is a big life decision that needs thorough consideration. There are a lot of things to consider when moving and, therefore, sobriety is needed when making the decision.  Job relocation is a particularly significant decision in one’s life and there are usually lots of unknowns. Factors that I would look at when making the decision include proximity to family and friends, cost of living, security, remuneration and the company’s financial shape. This is an essay about the benefits that a job would have to offer in order for me to move.

Stay close to family 

To begin with, the world today is filled with a myriad of uncertainties and challenges. It is important to have people in one’s life that help one to maintain their focus and keep sight of their goals (McAlpine 181). My family and friends play an irreplaceable role in my life. In fact, most of the goals that I have set in my life directly involve my family and friends. Proximity to my family and friends would, therefore, be an essential factor to take into account. Besides employment, my social life is of great importance. I am always in constant communication with my friends and family. The fact that I am in a business partnership with my brother makes propinquity vital. The business is relatively new and it is important for me to constantly interact with the relevant stakeholders.

Increased salary

Secondly, remuneration is an important consideration when shifting jobs. However, at this point in my life, money is not so important to me as being able to socialize with friends and family. But then again, my decision needs to make business sense. The cost of living in a new city are important to consider (Smith). I would also have to look at the price of basic commodities such as gas, food, and rent. Moving to a place that has a relevantly high cost of living would not be prudent since my business is only in its formative years. The benefits offered would also be important to consider. If the pay with benefits were about 65% higher than my current salary, I would be remiss not to consider the offer. 

Career growth and development

Thirdly, career growth and development is important for any person. Advancing my experience and exposure is important. The job opportunity would need to offer me a more challenging position that would expand my horizons and scope (McDonald and Linda 67). I need to take on new responsibilities in order to improve my competencies. My business needs me to enhance and polish my credentials and improve my business skills so as to earn our clientele’s trust and serve them better. My ultimate goal is to be a leader in my field. A new job needs to offer me the career growth and development required to do that.   


Relocation is undoubtedly stressful and there needs to be a concrete reason for moving. The benefits offered by the new job need to be financially rational in the short term and to offer long-term career growth and development in the long term. For me to consider relocating, I would consider my potential career growth and development, the remuneration and also, the proximity to family and friends. The fact that I share business interests with a close family member makes proximity all the more important, and one of the main benefits to consider. On the one hand, since I am running a relatively new business, I need to be prudent in managing my finances. On the other hand, career development and growth is essential and can also benefit a business’s growth in myriad ways.

Works Cited

McAlpine, Lynn. “Academic Work And Careers: Relocation, Relocation, Relocation”. Higher Education Quarterly 66.2 (2012): 174-188. Wiley, doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2273.2012.00514.x. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017.

McDonald, Kimberly and Linda, Hite. Career Development. New York: Routledge, 2016. Print.

Smith, Jacquelyn. “8 Tips For A Successful Job Relocation”. Forbes.com, 2013, http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/11/20/8-tips-for-a-successful-job-relocation/#6e961e34225b. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017.

More Point to Consider in Your Essay

Relocating has a lot of benefits that you can discuss in your essay. You can also use a writing prompt generator or reach out ot us to get more ideas custom-created for  you by our professional writers. And know that we are here to help you write unique essays whenever you order one from our site. Our experts can share their knowledge on how to write a narrative essay. Moreover, you can use free essay writing tools on our website, such as an AI content detector or a college essay title generator.

Personal growth and learning new things.

New places and people can change the way we think and perceive the world. As human beings tend to stick to what’s comfortable and consistent, they become more dependent on it. If you are in pursuit of self-improvement however, work relocation is a good solution to start acting independently and gain new valuable experiences. In your essay you can discuss traveling and how it has influenced your life. Explain how unfamiliar situations and new people make you more adventurous and curious. New experiences improve our emotional intellect and motivation to learn new things – a quality that is important in many careers. 

Building career connections.

Considering your career perspective, relocation can provide you with a variety of new connections. After all, not only talent but also knowing the right people can help you to build your career. Every work relationship and person you meet throughout your career has the potential to positively impact you.

Also, don’t just value workplace relationships. It’s important to look further and establish connections in other places, for example in local coffee shops or neighborhood organizations. Participating in various social circles can help you improve your interpersonal skills and help you to learn how to interact with new people. These can benefit you in your personal life and in your career.

Work-life balance.

A good job offers you opportunities to feel happy at work and to have downtime to enjoy your life outside of work. Flexible schedules, remote work options, sabbatical leave, and other options can give you space to enjoy your family and friends, hobbies, and exploration.

For most people, work-life is an essential factor to consider when considering relocating.

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