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Essay samples

  • Essay on Benefits of Job Relocation

    Essay on Benefits of Job Relocation

    Introduction Relocation can be hectic and stressful. The reasons to relocate ought to be concrete given that it is a big life decision that needs thorough consideration. There are a lot of things to consider when moving and, therefore, sobriety is needed when making the decision.  Job relocation is a particularly significant decision in one’s…

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  • Essay on Causes and Effects of Impulse Buying

    Essay on Causes and Effects of Impulse Buying

    Introduction Impulse shopping is a phenomenon almost everyone in the modern world with expendable income has experienced at one point or another. However, when this compulsion is combined with the lack of control shopping on impulse can become an addiction, which, like many other addictions, can bring problems along with it. Sheetal et al., (2016)…

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  • Essay Sample about Interview Questions

    Essay Sample about Interview Questions

    An opinion on “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” and other awkward interview questions Introduction There are two types of interview questions: traditional and behavioral. Traditional questions focus on the position, motivations or work history whereas behavioral questions focus on how you reacted to a past situation or would act in a hypothetical…

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  • Degrees and the Job Market Essay Example

    Degrees and the Job Market Essay Example

    Dozens of college students order custom academic writing services from our company every day. Moreover, hundreds of college learners take advantage of our free tools that are available to every user to help them polish their writing. If you need to make sure your paper sounds human-written, you can use our AI detector essay. For…

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  • Corporate Advertisements in Schools Essay

    Corporate Advertisements in Schools Essay

    Introduction Most corporations use advertisements to make money. This marketing strategy aims at increasing the number of consumers by influencing potential customers. Multinational companies have resorted to using schools to advertise their products. As a marketing environment, schools contain many potential buyers who are easy to convince. As a result, food-based industries and fashion entities…

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  • Crisis Situations at Home Essay

    Crisis Situations at Home Essay

    Introduction If a child experiences stress at home and thinks that (s)he cannot cope with it any longer, (s)he needs to be treated with care, creating a feeling of safety and the knowledge that (s)he has someone to rely on. Similar feelings are experienced by adults in the domestic environment, which is reflected in their…

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  • Sample About The American Sexual Revolution

    Sample About The American Sexual Revolution

    The Coming-Out of the Century: The American Sexual Revolution of the 60s Introduction It’s hard to imagine what the Western world would look like today without several of the shifts in social consciousness which took place in the mid-20th century, most notably the rise of counterculture and the liberalization of Western society’s views on romantic…

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  • Sample Essay On How to Choose A Perfect Pet

    Sample Essay On How to Choose A Perfect Pet

    Introduction Choosing a pet can be a challenging endeavor, considering that different pets possess different characteristics and offer various dynamic advantages to a family. However, most people assume that pet selection merely involves liking a particular animal breed and welcoming it into a home. By failing to assess the pros and cons of having a…

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  • Cell Phone Essay Sample

    Cell Phone Essay Sample

    Writing about technology is always exciting because you get to explore the development of scientific discoveries and analyze the impact they have had on modern civilization. The emergence of cell phones changed the way we communicate and live. It’s impossible to imagine today that there were times when you could not call someone or send…

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  • History Essay Examples

    History Essay Examples

    Words: 3270 Pages: 4  Sample of History Research Paper: The Battle of Jerusalem 1917 World War I was one of the deadliest conflicts of all times. The number of casualties is estimated to be from 14 to 17 million. The war began between 8 countries in 1914, and shortly after, more than 38 countries were…

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  • Women Rights Free Essay Samples

    Women Rights Free Essay Samples

    Words: 3807 Pages: 3  Women’s Rights Research Paper Example (2092 words) In this women’s rights research paper our writer has disclosed the role of women at the beginning of the 20th century in Europe. We can hardly imagine that just a few centuries ago, women were limited in their rights and freedoms. Initially, the role…

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  • Essay about Bible Sample

    Essay about Bible Sample

    Why the Bible Is the Most Sold Book in the World Introduction The Bible is the highest-selling book in the world, every year. This essay will look at the sacred status of the Bible in the Christian faith, which is the most practiced faith in the world with 2.382 billion adherents – one-third of the world’s…

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  • Chemical Essay Sample

    Chemical Essay Sample

    The Symmetry in Molecules Introduction Symmetry refers to the proportionate similarity in the sides or halves of an object. If an object is symmetrical, then a part of it must mirror the other part or half and vice versa. Symmetry can be easily observed at the macro level in objects such as leaves but it…

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  • Why Should Plastic Be Banned Essay

    Why Should Plastic Be Banned Essay

    It has become commonplace to walk into a grocery store, pick up produce wrapped in plastic, unwrap it at home, and throw away the plastic wrapping which is often labeled as non-recyclable. Consumers don’t usually think twice about the lasting impact of this routine activity, but in reality, our oceans and soil are in dire…

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  • Sample Essay on Personal Values

    Sample Essay on Personal Values

    What Do I Value? Introduction                  Values are what guides a person’s behavior by setting standards based on what is important in life. A person’s behavior standards, or ethics, are not set for life. Beliefs may change from one season of life to another. A person’s moral code affects and reflects their self-concept. The code…

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  • Sample of Essay about Taxes

    Sample of Essay about Taxes

    What Are Tax Treaties and How Does This Affect Me as a Middle Class Married Working American Introduction Tax treaties are bilateral or multilateral agreements made with the participation of more than one state and are valid within the sovereignty of the states that are parties to the tax treaties. Tax agreements increase trade between…

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  • Essay on Slavery

    Essay on Slavery

    Slavery and Bullying –  How Are They the Same? When you hear the word bullying, what is the first thing that comes to mind? You may picture a big kid kicking a smaller one or forcefully taking food from a child. These scenarios are forms of bullying often depicted in shows and movies. However, the effects of bullying…

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  • Television Advertisement Essay

    Television Advertisement Essay

    Here you will find an essay on television commercials that contains all the necessary information on the given topic – one that is often assigned as homework. We have provided the essay example below to help students complete their homework and get good grades. If you need to get inspiration for your writing, this sample…

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  • Advertisement Essay Sample

    Advertisement Essay Sample

    The Effect of Dolce & Gabbana’s China Video Ad on Their Company and Branding Introduction Dolce and Gabbana, famously known as the powerhouse of Italian fashion, uploaded a very controversial ad in November 2018 in which Asian models were struggling to eat Italian dishes with chopsticks. When this ad was released, there was a lot…

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  • Essay on Child Poverty

    Essay on Child Poverty

    Child poverty is a serious economic problem, affecting some countries more severely than others. Children’s physical health is adversely affected as well as their future prospects. Poverty in childhood also tends to become poverty in adulthood as it can  . The global community must make every effort to minimize the problem of child poverty in…

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  • American Revolution Essay Example

    American Revolution Essay Example

    Have you been assigned to write an essay on the American Revolution but don’t know how to start? There’s no need to despair! The American Revolution is a rich, complex, and multi-layered topic that can be revealed from dozens of angles and in hundreds of contexts. In this article, we will discuss how to overcome…

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  • Perspectives of Telemarketing Essay Sample

    Perspectives of Telemarketing Essay Sample

    Telemarketing Perspectives in Current Business Models Introduction  Modern corporations continually adopt customer-focused approaches in research and development, marketing, and other essential business operations to enhance customer experience and acquire new markets. The development of information technology today is an integral part of business corporations as it aids in the integration of different operational paradigms that…

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  • Student Loans Essay Example

    Student Loans Essay Example

    Writing a paper where you apply for student loan forgiveness might be one of the most important papers you compose. You’ll want to focus your energy and attention on creating solid arguments and presenting them correctly. It will be much easier to write a paper like this if you have a reference in front of…

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  • Essay on Population Control

    Essay on Population Control

    Population Control Is Unethical An English writer named Thomas Multher in 1798 warned that the growing population might lead to negative consequences since the rate at which population is growing results in the extinguishing of the planet’s limited resources. Since then, the warning has ignited alarm and some countries have begun embracing population control measures. Population…

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  • Child Labor Essay Sample

    Child Labor Essay Sample

    A great way to prepare for your college essay is to purchase a professional sample from one of our experts and to study it closely in order to write your own masterpiece. Regardless of whether you need child labor essay examples or expert samples on any other topic today, you can find them somewhere on…

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  • Essay on the Fashion Industry

    Essay on the Fashion Industry

    Attitude Behavior Gap in Sustainable Product in the Fashion Industry Introduction The fashion industry has made numerous strides in the advancement of sustainable measures in production lines, in resources used, and in general market practices. Among the issues that have developed within the fashion sector is the increased misalignment within the customer attitude towards the…

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  • Plagiarism Essay Examples

    Plagiarism Essay Examples

    These are examples of essays about plagiarism written by our writers as a part of a writing contest called “Is easy access to information encouraging plagiarism?” Here are the papers of its winners from the first place to the third one. The Plagiarism Paradox: Is Ease of Information Access to Blame? They claim “imitation is…

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  • Essay on the Consumerism in Modern Society

    Essay on the Consumerism in Modern Society

    Consumerism as an Economic Prerequisite and a Plague of Modern Society Introduction The definition of consumerism is broad and varied, with different meanings based on the contexts used. Consumer rights and consumption of goods are central to the idea of consumerism (Day and Aaker). After the Industrial Revolution, the rise in productivity due to the…

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  • Cancel Culture Essay

    Cancel Culture Essay

    Introduction Cancel culture is a term that commonly came into use in the late 2010s and early 2020s. The central idea behind “cancel culture” is the idea of “canceling” someone. In other words, blocking an individual from a prominent career or public platform. Cancel culture also brings about a chilling effect, where some vocal members…

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  • Essay on Loyalty Cards and Sales

    Essay on Loyalty Cards and Sales

    Do Loyalty Cards Increase Customer Loyalty and Boost Sales? Introduction Customer loyalty is one of the most researched topics in the marketing field. It is a critical measure of brand building and a testimony of a buyer’s journey from being a product consumer to a brand advocate. Several surveys confirm that customer loyalty is directly…

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