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Essay samples

  • Holocaust Essay Sample

    Holocaust Essay Sample

    How Do People Seriously Deny the Holocaust? The Holocaust is a systematic, state-supported destruction of nearly 6 million Jews and many other victims of the Germans and their collaborators during World War II. However, it seems to have appeared an indisputably terrifying historical period, nowadays it becomes easier to meet such a term as “Holocaust…

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  • Essay Sample About Myself: Challenges

    Essay Sample About Myself: Challenges

    The Biggest Challenges I Faced While Growing Up Abstract There were many challenges to children who were born in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s; many were the changes of roles in the household since most housewives stayed at home and raised children. Back then, children were very seldom left alone to tend to their younger siblings.…

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  • Argumentative Essay on Zinnsser’s Simplicity

    Argumentative Essay on Zinnsser’s Simplicity

    William Zinnsser’s Simplicity is a straightforward criticism of the American style of writing for its tendency to be filled with unnecessary words. Zinnsser explains how clutter can make it difficult for the reader to understand the key points that the writer is trying to make. He also points out that not everyone knows how to write…

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  • Tesla Essay Sample

    Tesla Essay Sample

    Tesla’s Current Strategies in the Electric Vehicle Market Introduction There are over 1.3 billion cars on the road, of which 60 million are electric cars. The portion of electric vehicles (EV) to internal combustion vehicles is still comparatively small (Patton). However, with the introduction of new EV models, individuals’ interest in buying electric cars has…

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  • Napoleon Essay: Hero or a Villain?

    Napoleon Essay: Hero or a Villain?

    Why Is Napoleon Seen as a Villain Historically?  Napoleon is the most mysterious and contradicting figure in world history. He has been spoken about for centuries. Thousands of scientists argue about him, and artists still draw his portraits. What role did he play in the development of humanity? Is he really a villain? Millions of…

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  • Success Essay Sample about Michael Phelps

    Success Essay Sample about Michael Phelps

    What Is the Secret of Success of Michael Phelps? Michael Fred Phelps II, known as “the Baltimore Bullet,” is the most decorated Olympian of all time. His international titles and record-breaking performances made him the most successful swimmer in the history of this kind of sport. But was it easy for him to get started…

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  • Analysis Paper Sample: Beauty Standards

    Analysis Paper Sample: Beauty Standards

    Who Is to Blame for Today’s Insane Beauty Standards? Social and cultural trends, as well as beauty myths about the “perfect figure” and “perfect woman,” are all partially to blame for today’s heinous beauty standards. The factors which contribute to socially acceptable presentations of beauty and femininity are wide-ranging. For example, according to author Melissa…

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  • Advertising Essay Sample on People’s Psychology Manipulation

    Advertising Essay Sample on People’s Psychology Manipulation

    What Are the Best Advertisements That Manipulate People’s Psychology Effectively? Most sources tell advertisers that all they need is a catchy strapline and a call to action. However, as consumers become more jaded by constant advertising and more sophisticated in their tastes, these tried and trusted techniques are no longer enough. More recent studies show…

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  • Should Prisoners Be Allowed to Vote Argumentative Essay

    Should Prisoners Be Allowed to Vote Argumentative Essay

    The history of our nation is fraught with battles over people’s rights, and the right to vote is foremost among them. The right to vote is linked to many other significant rights and principles, such as that of equality and justice. It should not be denied to eligible citizens, including those who have infringed on…

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  • Rip Van Winkle Analysis Samples

    Rip Van Winkle Analysis Samples

    “Rip Van Winkle” Characters Essay: Historical Events and Personalities as a Background for Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle,” written in 1819, is mostly concerned with the formation of the United States of America leading up to the Revolutionary War. Irving’s story follows Rip Van Winkle, a lazy and shiftless man who hikes…

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  • Example of an Essay on Photoshop Usage by Models

    Example of an Essay on Photoshop Usage by Models

    If athletes cannot use steroids, is it fair for models to use Photoshop? The answer to the question “If athletes cannot use steroids, is it fair for models to use Photoshop?” has to be looked at in context. Can the computer software Photoshop be considered performance enhancing? The very reason that drugs are banned in…

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  • Essay on Culture: Western vs Islamic

    Essay on Culture: Western vs Islamic

    In what ways is Western culture superior to Islamic culture? There has always been a clash between Eastern and Western culture. It would not be fair to argue that one culture is superior to another. This paper will compare these cultures from different perspectives. Western culture is defined as “a heritage of social norms, ethical…

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  • Swiss Neutrality in WWII History Essay Sample

    Swiss Neutrality in WWII History Essay Sample

    Swiss Neutrality in WWII: A Hard-Fought, Hard-Won Privilege The neutrality of Switzerland is a truly well-earned position. It has taken centuries of invasive war and political maneuvering to help develop the solid foundation of national fortitude that defines the present character of the land-locked country. From its earliest origins, back during the Gallic wars, Switzerland…

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  • World War II Essay Sample About Germany

    World War II Essay Sample About Germany

    Why Did Germany Lose WWII? The World War II is verily an interesting topic that causes much debate to this day. So why did the Germans, with the most avalanchine purposeful army in the world came to ought to win the war? Opinions differ, but the majority of people still inclined to believe that other…

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  • Shakespeare Essay Sample on His True Identity

    Shakespeare Essay Sample on His True Identity

    What Is the Real Identity of William Shakespeare? Since the time of the Renaissance, the identity of one of the greatest playwrights of all time, William Shakespeare, have been constantly questioned. There is still an on-going controversy between Shakespeare’s devoted admirers and anti-Stratfordians, who claim that this illustrious person is nothing more but just a…

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  • 5 Paragraph Essay Example: The Little Prince

    5 Paragraph Essay Example: The Little Prince

    What Differentiates Adults from Children in The Little Prince? How often adults notice, that their perception of the world around is totally different from the children’s one? Sometimes, such a mindset seems to become dull, boring and trivial with age, leaving no space for miracles. Fortunately, not all adults are the same: famous French author…

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  • Problem Solution Essay Sample on Aeroplanes

    Problem Solution Essay Sample on Aeroplanes

    If the aeroplanes which crossed the Atlantic Ocean back in 1930s and 1940s were built in such a way that they could float on the water in an emergency, why aren’t today’s aeroplanes being designed that way? Numerous questions have been posed time and again as to why today’s aeroplanes are not designed in the…

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  • Macbeth Essay Examples about Ambitions

    Macbeth Essay Examples about Ambitions

    Whose Ambition Is the Driving Force of the Play—Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or Both? One could justifiably describe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as catalysts for one another, particularly concerning ambition. For example, in Act I, Scene V, Lady Macbeth asserts that Macbeth is “too full o’ the milk of human kindness” to ascend to the throne…

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  • Example of Cause and Effect Essay on Stendhal Syndrome

    Example of Cause and Effect Essay on Stendhal Syndrome

    What Is a Stendhal Syndrome? “The task of art – to excite the heart” – Claude Adrien Helvetius. It should be admitted that this statement is not simple words. The art is so impressive sight that sometimes people stop being themselves and fall into a state of affect. The first one, who described this feature of human…

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  • Hamlet Essay Sample: The Role of Comic Scenes

    Hamlet Essay Sample: The Role of Comic Scenes

    Does comedy serve merely to relieve the tension of the tragedy, or do the comic scenes serve serious thematic aim as well? In my opinion, comedy serves to relieve tension within the words spoke to each other along with facial expressions and body language.  An example would be when Hamlet’s mother told him he “Speaks…

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  • Example of a Narrative Essay: Veteran’s Day Meaning

    Example of a Narrative Essay: Veteran’s Day Meaning

    What Veteran’s Day Means to Me Veteran’s Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of the First World War to honour veterans and victims of all wars. From generation to generation the perception of this holiday had been changing. As far as I know, the young generation has a different…

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  • Sample Expository Essay: Widowhood Practice in Nigeria

    Sample Expository Essay: Widowhood Practice in Nigeria

    What Are the Features of Widowhood Practice in Nigeria? Widowhood practices in Nigeria include customs which require women to engage in a number of rituals that many consider evidence of a double standard between the way men and women are treated after a spouse passes away. Losing a husband places a woman in a place of extreme vulnerability…

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  • Paris Syndrome Essay Sample

    Paris Syndrome Essay Sample

    The Cultural and Social Reasons Behind Paris Syndrome Paris Syndrome, a temporary disorder afflicting some visitors to Paris, is mostly attributed to culture shock. Patients exhibit various psychotic symptoms, anxiety, and psychosomatic dizziness and it effects Japanese citizens more readily than people from other parts of the world (Wyatt, 2009).

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Essay Sample: Prisoner’s Dilemma

    Rhetorical Analysis Essay Sample: Prisoner’s Dilemma

    Prisoner’s dilemma is a fundamental problem as a part of game theory. According to it, rational individuals won’t always cooperate with each other even if they all will benefit from such cooperation. A player (prisoner) will try to maximize his own advantage without any regard to the benefits of others.

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  • History Essay Example: Indian Economy Reforms

    History Essay Example: Indian Economy Reforms

    Major Reforms in the Indian Economy After 1990 Greater globalization dominated the world economic and human development in the 1990s urging nations and governments to make unprecedented all-encompassing changes. Could India, as a sizable part of the global economy, act as a holdout? The richest country since ancient times with its distinguished history, India by…

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  • Israel Conflict Essay Sample

    Israel Conflict Essay Sample

    Can the recent wave of intense mutual violence in Israel, cause another Gaza war or the third Intifada? Since the inception of the State of Israel, the Arab-Israeli relations always were on the brink of the war. During the last 40 years Israel and Arab countries, like partially-recognized state of Palestine, had a number of…

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  • Feminism and Religion Essay

    Feminism and Religion Essay

    Is Feminism a Religion? Feminism and religion are not exactly natural allies. According to feminist author Kristin Aune compared to women generally, feminists were much less likely to identify with a world religion.

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  • The Count of Monte Cristo Literary Analysis Essay Samples

    The Count of Monte Cristo Literary Analysis Essay Samples

    Our literary analysis of The Count of Monte Cristo is a deep dive into the text meant to identify its main ideas, its themes, its literary techniques, and their interaction. If you want to learn how to write an opinion essay about this book, it is necessary to take many factors into account, such as…

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  • Essays about Mars

    Essays about Mars

    Should Humans Really Go to Mars? Astronaut Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon, is hurled through outer space to land, improbably, on Mars in this fall’s latest box office hit. This makes for great cinema and ties in with the ongoing debate concerning whether or not human beings should really be trying to reach and…

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  • AP Psychology Paper Sample: Albert Bandura

    AP Psychology Paper Sample: Albert Bandura

    Albert Bandura is one of the most influential and talented psychologists in the world. His contribution to social psychology is so important that modern research still cannot be compared to it. This person worked a lot to explain different thoughts and emotions that control people’s brains and make them act in some special way. This…

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