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Marketing Writing Samples: Non-Profit Marketing

While profit-oriented marketing seeks to convince customers to possess something through purchase, non-profit marketing encourages the audience to give. As a result, calculations regarding the return on investment and interpretation of the results are different for these two types of marketing. Profit-oriented marketing relates to a product that a company manufactures, and then sells the product to customers in exchange for money. On the other hand, non-profit marketing is when a company announces its work, or the cause it supports, and then asks people to donate money for this project. Usually, it’s various social causes (SmallBusiness).

Although there are many examples of non-profit marketing, where organizations engage a large number of people in helping them, one of the most successful non-profit marketing campaigns was held by 38 Degrees; it was aimed on saving the National Health Service (NHS). The purpose of any non-profit marketing campaign is to create awareness about an issue, and gain financial support to solve this issue. The campaign held by 38 Degrees did exactly that (Charlton, n.d). For instance, the mission statement of 38 Degrees sounded like, “helping to bring people together to create an avalanche for positive change” (The Guardian, 2011). 38 Degrees was inspired by Moveon.org, which campaigned in favour of Barack Obama to make him the first black person to become the President of the United States.

The goal of the campaign designed by 38 Degrees was to raise 60000 pounds from a high-profile poster campaign, with a budget of only 5000 pounds. The time period for the campaign to achieve its objectives was three days. The idea was to raise concerns regarding the government proposed changes in the NHS during London Mayor elections (Puckett, 2011).

Basically, the main concern of the general public was that the government allowed force hospital closures. Besides, publicity had no real say with regards to changes in the NHS (“NHS Hospital Closure Clause Campaign”).

There are several factors that lie in the basis of strategies proposed by 38 Degrees for non-profit marketing. Firstly, 38 Degrees made sure that the idea they proposed was simple for perception and comprehension. The simplicity of ideas guarantees that people would be aware of what exactly the problem was, instead of making additional effort to understand what the issue was. This ensures that people would take small tangible actions to solve the matter. Secondly, 38 Degrees, as a member-led company, made sure that marketing communication channels were customized according to their target audience’s preferences. For instance, some people prefer to use Facebook, while others prefer using their emails. Besides, 38 Degrees gave a “call to action” in a way that made people feel comfortable receiving it. Furthermore, since it is vital for organizations to demonstrate the impact of their target audiences’ participation in the campaigns these organizations held, 38 Degrees established a system of informing their audiences about the outcomes of effort they made.

“Save the NHS” campaign held by 38 Degrees raised 60000 pounds in just a couple of hours. The campaign did a very good job in highlighting the issue for general public. 38 Degrees, with their principle “People, power, change” raised people’s funds in order to save NHS. As a result, it was one of the most successful non-profit marketing campaigns.

Works Cited

“Difference Between for Profit & Not for Profit Marketing.” Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/difference-between-profit-not-profit-marketing-20804.html.
Puckett, Warren. “What Makes 38 Degrees a Powerful Voice for Change?” The Guardian. N.p., 08 Apr. 2011. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.
“NHS Hospital Closure Clause Campaign (38 Degrees).” Glenda Jackson MP. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014. http://www.glenda-jackson.co.uk/nhs-hospital-closure-clause-campaign-38-degrees.

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