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Television Advertisement Essay

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Television Advertisement Essay

Here you will find an essay on television commercials that contains all the necessary information on the given topic – one that is often assigned as homework. We have provided the essay example below to help students complete their homework and get good grades. If you need to get inspiration for your writing, this sample might be of assistance to you.

Should TV Commercials for Alcohol and Fast Foods Be Banned?


Both alcohol and fast foods are commonly recognized as unhealthy, yet still widely consumed products. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to harmful effects that affect one’s physical and mental health – both short-term and long-term. Alcohol consumption can lead to addiction, increased risk of diabetes and weight gain, impotence, cancer, brain damage, liver failure and heart issues (“What Are the Effects of Alcohol?”). Fast foods such as hamburgers and french fries are processed foods with high calories, fat, salt and low nutrient content. Eating fast foods has a negative impact on digestive and cardiovascular systems and can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, dementia and cancer (Fuhrman 375). Clearly, the effect of both alcohol and fast foods is detrimental to human health. The question is whether the negative impact of alcohol and fast foods on health could justify their ban on TV commercials. I argue here that advertising on TV has a positive effect on the sales of alcohol and fast foods, and therefore, a ban on the TV commercials for alcohol and fast foods should be introduced in order to achieve the desired outcome – lower sales of alcohol and fast foods and thus positive effect on public health.

Regulation of the marketing activities in the past

The regulation of the marketing activities for unhealthy products has already taken place. The advertising of cigarettes was banned from radio and TV commercials in the U.S. by the 1970s. Combined with other measures such as prohibiting smoking indoors in public places and adding warning signs on the packaging, the number of cigarette smokers has steadily declined from 42.6 percent in 1965 to 13.7 percent in 2018 (“Overall Tobacco Trends”). This shows that the regulation of marketing activities for unhealthy products can indeed be an effective measure for public health. The decision to ban TV commercials for alcohol and fast foods is further supported by the fact that there is no controversy about positive versus negative impact of these products on human health. Similarly, as nicotine products, alcohol and fast foods have so far only been reported to be detrimental to our health.

Discrimination of the producers and sellers 

A counterargument to the reasoning supporting the bans on TV commercials for alcohol and fast foods would be that the ban would lead to the discrimination of the producers and sellers of alcohol and fast foods. In other words, we need to solve a dilemma, whether the positive effect of the ban for public health justifies the discrimination of the alcohol and fast foods producers and sellers. As the alcohol and fast foods harm public health, their consumption causes a strain on the public health system as the consumers of these products often suffer from various medical conditions. Therefore, it appears unfair that the burden of costs for the treatment of consumers of unhealthy foods is on the whole society while the companies selling the alcohol and fast foods benefit from this situation financially. 


To summarize, the ban on TV commercials for alcohol and fast foods should be implemented as alcohol and fast foods harm public health. Previous experience with banning the advertising of tobacco products shows that this strategy can be successful. Restricting the advertising for alcohol and fast foods should take place even though it would result in a financial disadvantage for the producers and sellers of these products. The damage done by alcohol and fast foods to public health in my opinion fully justifies their ban from TV commercials.

Works Cited

Fuhrman, Joel. ” The Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Food.” American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, vol. 12, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2018, pp. 375-81, doi: 10.1177/1559827618766483.

“Overall Tobacco Trends.” American Lung Association, www.lung.org/research/trends-in-lung-disease/tobacco-trends-brief/overall-tobacco-trends. Accessed 31 August 2021.

“What Are the Effects of Alcohol?” Australian Government Department of Health, Commonwealth of Australia | Department of Health, 9 Dec. 2020, www.health.gov.au/health-topics/alcohol/about-alcohol/what-are-the-effects-of-alcohol.

How to Write a Television Commercials Essay

An essay on advertisement on television is written to evaluate the student’s ability to talk about modern television and use special vocabulary.

As an alternative to the example above, when starting your essay, you might say that TV is a popular entertainment device. Mention that when television first began broadcasting, it was known as the “Idiot Box” because at that time the only purpose of TV was entertainment. Today there are many educational and information channels on television that serve as a source of knowledge. Thenr, you could start to talk about commercials and their influence on different groups of people.

When you are writing an essay example of television advertising, you should first learn about the different words or expressions that people use when talking about that topic. Then you should try to use them in your essay. If you are not sure what terms to use, check out our sample once again and note expressions you could use in your paper.

Writing an essay about advertising on TV is an interesting task for students. The presented example of television commercials essay can be used for writing a paper on the similar topic, as a basis and sample. Some people rely on inspiration while writing such papers, while others go to EssayShark and leave their assignments to professional writers. Our customers are the lucky ones because they can forget about their writing problems as our experts solve them quickly and efficiently.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash

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