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The Best Literature Essay Samples

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

The sample reveals the book’s core message, which is very important. Neither children nor adults should ever forget the horrors of the Holocaust. The story displays the events during World War II, as seen by an 8-year-old boy named Bruno, a son of a concentration camp commandant. One day he meets a Jewish boy, his agemate, Shmuel, and they start a friendship on different sides of the camp.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

By discovering one of the most famous literary works in the world’s history, War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy, you can find many significant symbols. In the literary analysis essay sample, we discuss the two primary signs. The first one, The Old Oak Tree, is a form of hope, life, and death. The second one, the rebuilding of Bald Hills, is a symbol of happiness and quiet family life.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The story of an Afghan boy whose uneasy life path leads him from surviving a war to becoming a famous writer in America. This analysis essay discovers the role of religion in the lives of the novel’s main characters, Baba, Amir, and Assef. The readers can see the different views towards religion and their prerequisites depending on a person’s background.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This sample discovers the role of first impressions in the world-known novel ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ As known, the first name of the story was ‘First impressions.’ Thus, the first interaction’s role in the piece is significant. One of the novel’s primary ideas is that judging a person according to the first impression is not right and unfair. This literary essay example would be an excellent reference for a student who wishes to dig deeper into the main topic of the novel.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

The sample helps to see the revelation of one of the main questions that stand before the readers of this novel. So, how do you think whose ambitions are the driving force here: Macbeth’s? Lady Macbeth’s, or both characters? Through the dynamic interactions of the couple, you can reveal the main idea of the play, and you will easily do it by reading this impeccable sample that will help writing a literature essay perfectly.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey

‘Sane,’ ‘insane,’ ‘sick,’ and ‘healthy’: could these definitions be taken differently, and why? By reading this sample, you will reveal how an author makes readers doubt the standard views and think outside the box. You will reveal how a reader can discover some hidden elements of the novel and what impact these findings could make concerning the characters.


Read this text if you are looking for compelling literary essay examples about Doctor Faustus, a famous English dramatist written by Christopher Marlowe. Many readers consider the story of Faustus a Christian tragedy as the protagonist acts through the negative Christian pattern. However, is it so? If you want answers to this question, go through our sample.

Japanese poetry

Japanese literature is full of exciting pieces that can help to understand poetry much better. It is not a secret that many people think of love when they think of poetry. Full of beauty metaphors, Japanese poetry discovers love from each angle, picturing the beauty of true feelings. Find the most exciting examples of how one can understand the portrayal of love in poetry.

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

Destroying the impact of war on soldiers’ humanity is one of the main ethical concerns related to the army. The magnificence of the Remark’s talent helps readers discover the correlation between the power of patriotism and the condition of people facing the reality of being attacked. One of the novel’s central ideas is the older generation’s betrayal by the younger and other impacts of war. This literature essay example reveals the concept of enemies in war.

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

The objectifying of intangibles through the scope of the plot of ‘The Things They Carried’ is the core topic of this sample. How can telling the story helps you separate yourself from your experience? The collection of short stories of men during the Vietnam War’s Alpha Company talks mostly about the emotional baggage they carried. The sample explains how each soldier’s personal experience can help discover the overall emotional state of war.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Why is the count so compelling? Read this one of the most compelling examples of literary essays about ‘The Count Of Monte Cristo’ to find out the answer to essential questions regarding this outstanding novel by Alexander Duma. In the sample, you will find the analysis of the count’s personality and the secrets of publishing the novel.

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Holden’s character changes through the novel, and thanks to our sample, you will reveal the core milestones of his transformation. J.D. Salinger perfectly portrays the struggle of a teenager with adolescence. The sample helps to find inspiration for a paper that reveals the answer to a question, ‘If Holden is a great rescuer, why does he fail to save himself?’

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

In this great sample, you will find inspiration for a perfect essay about ‘A Doll’s House.’ The volume paper provides a thoughtful analysis of Nora’s behavior, answering many essential questions. The main idea of the sample is to look for notions of social justice and injustice in the deeds of different characters in the book.

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

One of the world’s bestsellers by Anthony Burgess provides readers with an exciting story of a boy who grew up in a deviant family. Alex’s struggles with finding a real home and the consequences of facing many difficult situations are in the scope of this sample. You will understand the nature of the relationships between Alex and his parents to get many ideas for your essay.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A sample of a basic 5-paragraph essay concentrates on one of the main questions raised in The Little Prince. This world-known story always reminds adults to stay open to everything life brings. By reading this essay, you will get an idea of what differentiates children from adults, as seen by an author, a former pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is considered one of the best pieces of American literature. Such timeless terms as love, freedom, and dedication are arising on the canvas of a post-war reality of America. The sample concentrates on the figure of Jay Gatsby, as seen by Nick Carraway. You will track the shaping of Gatsby’s character and find an answer to what makes him so great.

William Shakespeare writing

Look at this sample about the writing art of the legendary William Shakespeare. This paper is one of the most meaningful Shakespeare literature essay examples as it provides a deep analysis of the supernatural elements in his writing. The interaction between humans and society as a central element of Shakespeare’s works is in the scope of the sample that gives loads of inspiration.

Personification tool

Why do writers use personification, and is this literary tool ultimately effective for all genres? The sample discovers the main purpose of personification: drawing the readers’ interest and catching their attention. You will realize how personification helps visualize any story’s plot, leaving some space for the reader’s imagination.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

‘Good things come to those who wait’ and ‘Good things come in small packages’ are the two main phrases on which we concentrate in the sample about the legendary ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’ world created by the talented writer Roald Dahl. The author of this sample objects that to get something, one should wait for it, declaring that instead, one should deserve good things.

Hemingway’s ‘Iceberg’ principle

‘The Old Man And The Sea’ is one of Hemingway’s most famous novels. The sample will explain the ‘Iceberg’ principle of writing about this novel. You will realize how the fact that Hemingway specialized in short stories impacted his approach to creating this masterpiece. Short semantics, concise language, and other instruments of a famous author are discovered in the review.

Life of Pi by David Magee

Spending 227 days alone in the sea: is it possible to stay alive and sane simultaneously? If you are preparing to write a literature essay about ‘Life Of Pi’ consider this sample as a source of inspiration. The author of this review is looking for an answer to a vital question: ‘What is the level of one’s need in communication?’ Through the scope of Pi’s survival process, the author proves that even written communication is still a way to keep up.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

A great sample of the well-known novel ‘Flowers For Algernon’ tells us more about the questions raised by the author, Daniel Keyes. The review discovers the role of intelligence in people’s lives and provides an analysis of instruments used by Keyes to explain his points. Readers of the novel develop a deep understanding of people considered ‘different’ by society.

Victorian poetry

Most Victorian poetry is about death and sorrow. ‘Break, break, break’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson is a poem in the scope of this great review. The author of the sample analyses the poem about the sorrow and pain of a person who cannot share the pain. The struggle of living the unspeakable emotions alone is in the scope of the paper.

Pushkin and the Russian literature

Alexander Pushkin is one of the world’s most famous poets. He was and still stays one of the significant figures of Russian literature. Encouraging other authors to discover the history of Russia and put the findings into novels is one of the examples of Pushkin’s impact on the literature of his native country. The sample discovers the life of Pushkin as a protector of the Russian language and culture.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury started to generate the idea of ‘Fahrenheit 451’ in the 1950s. The narrative of a post-modern society where reading and keeping books are prohibited is at the center of the novel’s plot. The sample discovers the relationship between Montag and Mildred, picturing that all genuine feelings and emotions, appreciation, and more are no longer part of society’s life. As a result, relationships between people become a burden.

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner

William Faulkner, the author of ‘A Rose For Emily,’ created a wonderful country that never existed, situated on the Mississippi river. The life of a small but well-developed society of the country is a metaphor for the society of the modern USA. A society where marriage is considered the biggest value impacts people. The sample explains how and why the life of Emily becomes different in the end.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Read this review to get one of the best ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ literature essay samples. Thanks to the talent of Harper Lee, who published her novel in 1960, modern readers can dive into the world of childhood as seen by the characters. The sample discovers the world of Jem, Dill, and Scout in the scope of their relationships with Boo in part one of the novel.

Edgar Allan Poe writings

One of the most mystique authors, Edgar Allan Poe, is still surrounded by unrevealed secrets. The sample raises the question about the fear, insanity, and depression in the literature of an author. You will see how difficult it is to find where the writing ends, and an author’s real life begins. Read the sample to learn more about the horror and mysteries of Poe’s life.

Common pitfalls to avoid in writing a literature essay

Our team knows a lot about how to write a literary essay. We will gladly share with you several widespread mistakes of students who will master an effective paper.

Avoiding the main thesis

Some students looking for effective literature essay samples think that analyzing a novel or a poem does not assume generating the main thesis. Only by finding the paper’s core idea can one make the essay readable and meaningful. The reader will be interested in continuing to read the story after getting the snippet of the topic and what it entails.

Complicated sentence structure

Writing an essay on literature means using precise formulation and avoiding word overload. Your paper must be precise to impress readers and let them easily get your points. Remember that simple sentences impress the reader and glue them to the story. Simple vocabulary is recommended, as not all readers will understand the jargon.

Using unchecked facts

One of the main characteristics explaining what a literature essay is is its relevance to the subject. Students who avoid deep research on a topic, in most cases, fail by using unchecked data. One should always ensure that the information is verified. Therefore, credible sources like books and articles are essential to derive your research and are easy to reference.

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