Writing about technology is always exciting because you get to explore the development of scientific discoveries and analyze the impact they have had on modern civilization. The emergence of cell phones changed the way we communicate and live. It’s impossible to imagine today that there were times when you could not call someone or send them a selfie whenever you wanted.
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Nowadays, technologies are developing at a fast pace, and therefore, more new devices are appearing and being utilized in everyday life. However, some of them are used more often compared to the others. The leader of technological development, which was created during the last half of the 20th century, is undoubtedly the cell phone. One can hardly find a person who is not familiar with this device. Therefore, cell phones have become an inalienable part of every modern person’s life.
The Evolution and Impact of Cell Phones: From 1973 to the Present
In order to understand the importance of cell phones and their advancement, it is necessary to go back to the beginning of their history, which started 50 years ago. The very first cell phone appeared in April of 1973. Martin Cooper, who was a Senior Manager of Motorola, presented the first mobile phone, which weighed 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg). It took 10 hours to charge and the battery life was only 30 minutes. Later on, new brands appeared on the mobile phone market with mild improvements in the weight and functionality of the device. Some of the companies responsible for these brands have since become legends in the technological sphere, such as Nokia and Samsung. It is hard to underestimate the importance of Apple in the history of cell phones. According to the Washington Post, “On Jan. 9, 2007, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco” (Washington Post, 2014). Apple products are the most popular amongst the youth worldwide.
The Ubiquity and Necessity of Cell Phones in Modern Life
Moreover, one can hardly find a person who does not have a cell phone nowadays. This technological step forward has become prevalent among a great majority of the world’s population. A cell phone is no longer a luxurious item, as it was 40 years ago. Today, it is a very casual item. In modern times, having a cell phone is necessary in order to be able to connect with other people at any time. For instance, the device helps parents to get ahold of their children and allows people to warn their friends that they cannot make it on time for meetings. Cell phones have simplified our lives, which is another advantage of the technological process.
Cell Phones as Information Hubs and Technological Powerhouses
Also, it is necessary to state that cell phones have become transmitters of information and technological development in general worldwide. The Internet is also available on cell phones; therefore, users have 24/7 access to their social network accounts and the World Wide Web. In the modern era of information, this is a very useful feature that has made communication easier. Also, people can access any kind of information, such as news, films, social networks, e-mails etc. According to Julia Fornaris, “Many cell phones today have the capability of performing many tasks that your computer can” (Fornaris, 2015). Moreover, cell phones are equipped with cameras, music players, e-money, and many other modern features that are extremely popular today.
To top it all off, it is necessary to state that technology develops every day. However, some of the advancements, such as cell phones, do not look as unique as they were even 40 years ago. Today, they have become more casual, since people are getting used to the devices. Researchers are still working on adding new features to cell phones, and therefore, more advancement is to come in the near future, aimed at making people’s lives easier. Technology helps to make life more comfortable.
Forneris, Julia. (2015). The Advantages of Cellular Phones in Business. Small Business, Demand Media. Retrieved from: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages- cellular-phones-business-4016.html.Washington Post. (September 9, 2014). The History of the Mobile Phone. The Washington Post. Retrieved from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/09/09/the- history-of-the-mobile-phone/.
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