Research paper samples

  • Research Paper on Design: Retro Design and Nostalgic Marketing

    Research Paper on Design: Retro Design and Nostalgic Marketing

    This research paper on design illustrates the modern tendencies of marketing, namely retro design and nostalgic marketing. Nostalgic marketing is a new advertising method with great potential. Nowadays the representatives of Generation Y are at the peak of their purchasing power. That is why the millennials are the target consumer group of the world’s biggest…

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  • Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Research Paper Example

    Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Research Paper Example

    The main point of this homeschooling research paper is that the public schools and homeschooling both have pros and cons. Parents should properly think over their decision when they chose the method of their children’s study. They should take into account the personal qualities of their child, psychological and physical abilities, and his or her…

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  • The Research Paper about Drugs Example

    The Research Paper about Drugs Example

    This research paper about drugs describes the general principles of drug abuse treatment. A drug addiction is tightly connected with the criminal world. Addicted persons might commit a crime because they usually lose the sense of reality, especially in a state of drug intoxication. Long-term consumption causes brain illnesses, transforms behavioral manner, and increases the…

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  • Marketing Strategies and Market Analysis in the Video Game Industry

    Marketing Strategies and Market Analysis in the Video Game Industry

    This video games research paper describes the most crucial factors that influence the marketing strategies in the computer game industry. The modern entertainment field provides the population with a wide range of various amusements. The video game industry occupies an important place in this field and constantly increases its significance.

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  • The Informational Safety Research Paper Example

    The Informational Safety Research Paper Example

    This informational safety research paper touches on a delicate question of internet security. Modern internet users are often ignorant of informational crimes. A government has to protect the right to privacy of its citizens. However, it is not always possible to ensure security of personal data. What is peculiar about violations of the right to…

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  • Renaissance Human Body Research Paper Example

    Renaissance Human Body Research Paper Example

    This human body research paper describes the peculiarities of Renaissance art in regard to representation of male and female bodies. The epoch of the Renaissance is connected with a sudden change of human values. The society got off its moral high horse and started looking for new ideals besides the virtuous life and the gates…

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  • The Picture of Dorian Gray Research Paper Sample

    The Picture of Dorian Gray Research Paper Sample

    The beauty of the soul is eternal. Appearance is changeable, and no one should estimate another person only by his or her looks. Oscar Wilde created a whole novel to prove this statement. At the beginning of his book the author shows the hero of Dorian Gray as a handsome and innocent young man. He…

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  • All Quiet on the Western Front Research Paper: The Theme of Animal Instinct

    All Quiet on the Western Front Research Paper: The Theme of Animal Instinct

    This “All Quiet on the Western Front” research paper presents an analysis of the book from a specific point of view. The author examines how Erich Maria Remarque touched on the topic of the animal instinct in his novel. Erich Maria Remarque was a German novelist whose books are mostly dedicated to the First World…

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  • The Tax Research Paper about US Corporations

    The Tax Research Paper about US Corporations

    Tax evasion in the United States is an acute countrywide economic problem. Big and wealthy corporations such as Microsoft, Apple, and Johnson & Johnson ignore their duty to the country and hide their revenues in order to avoid taxation. This tax research paper describes the most widespread methods of tax evasion that US companies use:…

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  • Impressionism Research Paper Sample: The Hierarchy of Subject Matter in Art

    Impressionism Research Paper Sample: The Hierarchy of Subject Matter in Art

    Impressionism has cardinally changed the basic ideas of art in the nineteenth century. The artists of the new generation declared that feelings and impressions are much more important than objects and realism. They had made the inner world top priority. At first, Impressionism was gravely criticized by viewers and adherents of canon and traditions, but…

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  • Women’s Rights Research Paper: The Influence of American Revolution

    Women’s Rights Research Paper: The Influence of American Revolution

    The issue of women’s rights is the key problem of social networking even today. Some radical feminists are not satisfied with gender inequality, especially in Muslim countries. Modern sociologists suggest that the revolution in the USA has become a landmark in the history of equality between men and women in the USA. This women’s rights…

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  • Organ Donation Research Paper: Commercialization of Organ Transplants

    Organ Donation Research Paper: Commercialization of Organ Transplants

    This organ donation research paper begins with a catchy introduction and ends with a logical conclusion. The main body includes three parts. The first part presents general facts about organ transplantation and its current problems. The next part provides the information about the positive effect of the commercialization of this medical service. The last part,…

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  • Pride and Prejudice Research Paper: Women’s Views on Marriage

    Pride and Prejudice Research Paper: Women’s Views on Marriage

    The first wave of feminism overflew Europe in the nineteenth century. However, in the novel “Pride and Prejudice” we can see the first seedlings of vindication of women’s rights. Jane Austen was not a regular writer. She paid attention to problems and the ideas in society that are essential even today. The “Pride and Prejudice”…

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  • Ethereum Research Paper Sample

    Ethereum Research Paper Sample

    No doubt, cryptocurrency is the future of the world economic system. Despite a great number of opponents, the idea of blockchain platforms is gaining the interests of the wider audience every day. This Ethereum research paper talks about origin, peculiarities, and possible benefits for the business process offered by the founders of this platform. Ethereum…

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  • Cheerleading and Sexualization Research Paper Sample

    Cheerleading and Sexualization Research Paper Sample

    The role of women in society has changed a lot since 20th century. Surprisingly, there is still one delicate problem in the world of sport. Some people are worried about excessive sexualization of cheerleading. The cheerleading research paper below presents general facts about this kind of sport, its history, and its specific character. The author…

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  • Nuclear Families Research Paper Sample

    Nuclear Families Research Paper Sample

    This nuclear families research paper is dedicated to the benefits of nuclear families in comparison to other types of families. A nuclear family is a social unit represented by a maximum of two generations: the parents and their children. In those families the relationship between husband and wife is more important than between parent and…

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  • Islamophobia Paper Sample

    Islamophobia Paper Sample

    “Can Islamophobia Be Considered as Religious Discrimination?” is a high-quality Islamophobia paper sample that can help you with providing of your own text. This paper is based on trustworthy sources such as sociology, religion, and psychology studies. After a catchy introduction an author presents two parts of the main body. The first one informs about…

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  • Research Paper on Privacy of Backup Cameras

    Research Paper on Privacy of Backup Cameras

    A right to privacy is one of the basic human rights, but there is still one difficult question: is privacy or safety more important? The author of the research paper on privacy below clearly declares: safety is above all things. If you disagree with this point of view you can place an order on our…

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  • Research Paper on Movies and People Values

    Research Paper on Movies and People Values

    Cinema is an indispensable part of modern culture. This sphere of art is comparably new which is why a research paper on movies is a frequent task for university or school students. The sample below tells about the influence of movies on society and value systems of people. The author introduces four different examples of…

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  • Workplace Gender Inequality Research Paper Sample

    Workplace Gender Inequality Research Paper Sample

    The issue of gender inequality is one of the most often-raised issues nowadays. One of the factors that can affect this social phenomenon is parenthood. Our gender inequality research paper presented below reveals this topic. If you are writing a similar paper, it will be profitable for you to read the sample below. It was…

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  • Literary Research Paper Sample: The Great Gatsby and American Dream Concept

    Literary Research Paper Sample: The Great Gatsby and American Dream Concept

    How Is the Concept of “American Dream” Presented in “The Great Gatsby”? Introduction With its depiction of a man rising from poverty to a luxurious life, The Great Gatsby of F. Scott Fitzgerald is a truly American novel. In this book, Fitzgerald seems to glorify the Jazz Age and splendid life of the upper classes,…

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  • Depression and Its Causes Research Paper

    Depression and Its Causes Research Paper

    The Key Factor Which Causes Depression: Genetic or Environment Introduction Depression is a quite widespread disease of nowadays. Scientific sources and mass media already have some success in conveying to society the thought that depression is something more than a negative mood that can be changed by itself. It is the disease, and like any…

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  • Germany Essay Sample: Shaping Back after World War

    Germany Essay Sample: Shaping Back after World War

    How did Germany manage, in a span of 80 years (1918-2000s), lose a World War, get back in shape and begin the second one, lose it again and then become one of the richest countries? Introduction When President Barack Obama delivered his latest State of the Union Address in 2013, he directly spoke about Germany…

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  • Research Paper Sample on Waste

    Research Paper Sample on Waste

    Environmental Pollution Introduction High levels of environmental pollution are one of the visible impacts of population increase in different regions of the world. Pollutants in the air, water bodies, and land surfaces affect the world’s ecosystem. This environmental problem also has an effect on the health of the inhabitants of these areas. For example, environmental…

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  • Research Report Sample: How to Increase Women Membership in a Fitness Club

    Research Report Sample: How to Increase Women Membership in a Fitness Club

    Abstract Sporting and physical activity provides a means for combating diseases such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease among women. This report explains the reasons for lack of participation and the benefits of participating in sporting activities among women. The study revealed that engaging in sporting activity offered an opportunity for women to improve…

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  • Death Penalty Research Paper

    Death Penalty Research Paper

    Introduction The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal process through which an individual is sentenced to death by the state justice as punishment for a crime committed (Dieter). Capital punishment has been practiced and accepted in some countries while in others it is a matter of debate. The debate on whether…

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  • Sociology Research Paper on Deviance

    Sociology Research Paper on Deviance

    Introduction The approval of a certain behaviors depends on the societal culture, which essentially gives approval, or otherwise, to certain behavior. Consequently, it is obligatory to delineate deviance as behavior that violates some of the social norms, including some of the rules that follow formal enactments. To consider a behavior as a deviant behavior, it…

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  • Research Paper Sample: The Effects of Corporations on American People

    Research Paper Sample: The Effects of Corporations on American People

    Introduction A corporation is a legal entity, incorporated through a registration process established through legislation. The incorporated units have liabilities and legal rights that are separate from their shareholders and employees. Through the given rights, a corporation may conduct its business either as a profit-oriented business or a non-profit business. In recent years, many countries…

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  • History Research Paper Sample about The Britain-American Relationship

    History Research Paper Sample about The Britain-American Relationship

    The Britain-American Relationship Weakened Between 1945 and 1946 Introduction United States and United Kingdom have had historical relationships in diverse aspects of life. These include: diplomatic, political, economic, cultural and military. They have cooperated in economic issues, military planning, nuclear weapons and intelligence exchange in times of war. The United Kingdom and America have worked…

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  • Holocaust Research Paper on Kindertransport

    Holocaust Research Paper on Kindertransport

    Refugee Children Movement Introduction The film Into the Arms of Strangers by Harris is a documentary featuring the emotional lives and the journey of the survivors of Nazism rescued by Kindertransport. It is a true revelation of the events that caused thousands of innocent children to be given away by their parents. The event was…

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