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The current need for degrees in the job market cannot be gainsaid. With the millennial generation more institutionalized and thus driven to attain college and university degrees, it presents a challenge for skills-on-based employees in the market. Due to the growing level of competition in virtually all sectors, the scramble for the best graduates has inflated the pressure being placed on the quality of the degrees needed in the hiring process (Brooks, 2017). While some industries may still harbor room for unqualified employees, this trend is rapidly diminishing, presenting a challenge in that all future employees may be required to part with a degree. Based on the revolutionized industrial sector, one’s workforce status and position in a corporate entity is always determined by the quality of the degree held, which not only dents calls for equality in society but also defines the current job market.
Workforce Status
The current employment population in America owns a college degree. It is from the statistical background that there is increasing demand from employers that candidates present qualifications. Fadulu (2017) notes that 39% of the urban population has a degree, compared to 30% of the people living in the countryside. Such figures compel hiring agencies to forego skill checks and focus on the level of qualification being demanded for any given job. In her article, Hus notes that over 45% of job listings for mechanic supervisors and installers require applicants to have a college degree (2017). However, she goes further in noting that the underlying factor for such postings is the fact that Americans only account for 14% of the people with the needed criteria (Hus, 2017). Therefore, the alarming increase in the number of graduates echoes the notion that degrees serve as a significant element in the hiring of suitable candidates for employment positions.
High Positions Demand Higher Education
The growth of companies has ushered in the trend of pursuing a higher-value end for each department, with a focus on stability. A few decades ago, the hierarchy of school degrees was minimal, as less education valuation was attached. However, with the new education systems, companies have restructured positions in accordance with qualifications. According to Elejalde-Ruiz (2016), 37% of enterprises are keen on hiring degree holders for jobs that previously required high school qualifications. Primarily, such a facet arises due to the competitiveness of the industrial spheres. In the end, it is the employees’ outputs that determine whether a firm posts profits or losses at the end of every fiscal year. As a result, employers have no other option than to consider degree holders as the prime sources of continuity and development in an entity.
Revolutionized Sector
The extent of the changes that have taken place in the business world has left a dent in the qualification rates for current job postings. As more organizations have embraced technologized mechanisms to perform daily callings, many have sought to up the level of qualification. In her publication, Fadulu (2017) notes that companies at the middle-skill level, which previously only called for high school diplomas, now demand candidates with degrees for the same positions, like bookkeeping and secretarial work. Hence, this has closed the door to adults who had apprenticeships in different fields. Unfortunately, many job seekers have to live with the fact that despite the enormous need for less skilled employees in firms, degrees dictate one’s position in a company.
It can conclusively be said that the question on the certainty of low-qualified people lies in the bespoke of more companies remaining traditional rather than in a technologically induced status. Given that this state is not helped by the returning number of adults seeking to improve their qualifications, only the hiring agencies and roles for the low-qualified can address the challenge. Thus, with the growing demand for productivity, many employers may turn to the population with the ability to provide them with the resources needed to realize their goal.
Brooks, C. (2017). Hit the Books: Employers Increasing Educational Requirements. Retrieved from
Elejalde-Ruiz, A. (2016). No college degree? That’s a growing hurdle to getting hired. Retrieved from
Fadulu, L. (2017). Employers Are Looking for Job Candidates in the Wrong Places. Retrieved from
Hsu, T. (2014). More employers demand college degrees, study finds? LA Times. Retrieved from
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