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Essay samples

  • Example of Symbol in Literature: Curly Hair

    Example of Symbol in Literature: Curly Hair

    Does Curly Hair in Literature Symbolize Anything? Symbolism in literature gives levels of meanings to the characters and encourages readers to gain insight in the themes or characters. Writers use many symbols to convey their message to the readers, and one such symbol seen widespread throughout literature is the use of characters with curly hair.

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  • The Trip of My Dreams Narrative Essay Samples

    The Trip of My Dreams Narrative Essay Samples

    My Dream Place Essay Sample For many people, it is a hard choice to pick the most beautiful and exciting country of a dream. For my own part, as far back as I can remember, it has always been Japan, a mysterious country with centuries-old history, culture and traditions, the land of samurais and geishas,…

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  • Economics Essay Sample about the Obesity

    Economics Essay Sample about the Obesity

    What Are the Effects of Obesity on the Global Economy? Obesity is a global epidemic that has both health-related and economic implications (Flegal, Carroll, Kit, & Ogden, 2012). As obesity rates have trended upwards over the past several decades, the costs of treating this condition and its related co-morbidities (e.g., diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease)…

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  • Sample History Paper about English Pirates

    Sample History Paper about English Pirates

    How Hazardous Was the Life of an English Pirate at the Beginning of 1700s? Life of a pirate of the golden age of piracy (1690-1730), as it described in pop-culture, seems to be serene and full of breathtaking adventures and battles. However, as always, picture we are used to could be very different in real…

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  • Psychology Essay: The Rorschach Test

    Psychology Essay: The Rorschach Test

    How Is the Rorschach Test Administered and Evaluated?  The Rorschach test is a projective technique of ink spots, which was proposed by the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921. The stimulus material of the Rorschach test consists of 10 standard tables with black-and-white and color symmetric amorphous (semi-structured) images. Initially, this test was designed to…

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  • Japanese Poetry Analysis Essay Sample on Love

    Japanese Poetry Analysis Essay Sample on Love

    How Is Love Portrayed in Japanese Literature? When we think poetry, we think love. When we think Japanese, we think nature. How about when we think Japanese poetry, then? Both love and the four seasons are interrelated topics in Japanese poetry. One of the earliest collections of Japanese poetry is the Man’yōshū, which dates back…

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  • Literary Analysis Essay Example: Huckleberry Finn

    Literary Analysis Essay Example: Huckleberry Finn

    Essays on literature are one of the most commonly assigned papers among college and university students. We posted this literary analysis essay example analysing one of the most morally complex heroes. Our writer selected Huckleberry Finn to speak about in the following moral criticism essay example.

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  • Comparison Essay Example: Tesla and Apple

    Comparison Essay Example: Tesla and Apple

    What Tesla and Apple Both Know About Entering New Markets? At the heart of this issue is the question of strategy, and in-part both contradictions and similarities (Johnson et al.). Tesla and Apple operate to totally separate industries (cars and hardware/software products) yet if you define industries from the point of view customer demand there…

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  • The Ku Klux Klan History Essay Sample

    The Ku Klux Klan History Essay Sample

    How Are the KKK Supposedly the “Ghosts of the Confederate Soldiers”? The American Civil War was a war that took place from 1861 to 1865. Its origin was the issue of abolishing slavery. This war was between the member states of the Union and the Confederacy, also known as the “slave states”. After the war was…

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  • Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example

    Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example

    Discuss Montag’s Relationship with Mildred Fahrenheit 451 is a book about a society which depends on technology to a great extent. In the early 1950s, Ray Bradbury, who was only generating the idea for Fahrenheit 451, remarked of his anxiety about the role radio and television played in causing short attention spans. This is a…

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  • Sample Essay: Is WikiLeaks Doing More Harm Than Good?

    Sample Essay: Is WikiLeaks Doing More Harm Than Good?

    With the advent of mechanized ways of communication, human society thrived into an era where information is considered a valuable commodity – arguably the most valuable one. The notion of co-creation has a new meaning associated to it; a concept advocating human conscience as a whole [1]. The concept of emergence aided with freely available information,…

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  • Historical Essay: After The Thaw

    Historical Essay: After The Thaw

    The “Khrushchev Thaw” is the period from the early 1950s to the mid 1960s when restraint and restriction in the Soviet Union were reversed, and many Soviet political detainees were discharged from Gulag labor camps because of Nikita Khrushchev’s arrangements of de-Stalinization and tranquil coexistence with other countries. The period of “thaw” did not last…

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  • Dracula Essay: The Appearances Count Makes Throughout the Novel

    Dracula Essay: The Appearances Count Makes Throughout the Novel

    What Effect Does Stoker Reach by Keeping the Main Character in the Shadows for So Much Time in the Novel? The novel Dracula was written by Irish author Bram Stoker in 1897. It started the new epoch of horror novels and was the first representative of the vampire literature genre. Even now, after a century…

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  • Literary Essay Example: Hemingway’s ‘Iceberg’ Principle of Writing

    Literary Essay Example: Hemingway’s ‘Iceberg’ Principle of Writing

    Hemingway’s “Iceberg” Principle of Writing in Relation to The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American writers widely known for his unique style and writing techniques. His novel The Old Man and the Sea reflects his genius via the language which seems to be simple, but bears many…

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  • Marketing Strategy Essay Sample on WhatsApp

    Marketing Strategy Essay Sample on WhatsApp

    WhatsApp Tricks for Marketing Social media has become one of the main forms of communication in the world today. With communication being the most vital aspect when it comes to marketing, the need to utilize social media to reach clients becomes obvious. Within recent years WhatsApp has become increasingly popular with regards to social media…

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  • Harry Potter Essays: The Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter Essays: The Chamber of Secrets

    What do the origins and parts of the names reveal about their characters? Consider the names of Lucius Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, and Voldemort. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling. This book is immensely popular amongst not only children and teenagers…

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  • History Essay Example: Hitler’s Positive Changes for His Country

    History Essay Example: Hitler’s Positive Changes for His Country

    Hitler: Fascist or Reformer? There can be different attitudes to the person of Hitler, and, sure, it is hard to find at least one reason for non-German people for loving him, but still he was a great leader and during the first years of his governing did much good for his nation indeed: liquidated unemployment, brought back to life…

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  • Sociology Essay Sample on Being a Perfectionist

    Sociology Essay Sample on Being a Perfectionist

    Is Being a Perfectionist a Strength or a Weakness? Everyone would be happy to hear that the surgeon who will be operating on them is a perfectionist. Likewise, we would be glad to recommend to our friends the tile setter who made repairs in our bathroom, which now looks just perfect. His perfectionism serves him…

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  • WWII History Essay Sample – T-34

    WWII History Essay Sample – T-34

    If the T-34 was so capable, why did the Germans not copy it and mass produce it on their own? The T-34 is a legendary USSR tank that served during WWII and numerous campaigns afterwards. Designed by engineer Mikhail Koshkin, it was fast-moving, economical, well-protected, and easy to build and maintain. So, if the T-34…

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  • Are Spain and Portugal the Most Evil Nations on Earth?

    Are Spain and Portugal the Most Evil Nations on Earth?

    To say a certain nation is more evil than another is a subjective statement. All nations, all of the world’s great empires, have had their day when they’ve fallen on evil times. Other great empires, like the Romans, the British and others had their rise, usually through conquest and domination of other nations, only to…

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  • Using Instagram for Business Essay Sample

    Using Instagram for Business Essay Sample

    What Types of Brands Are Using Instagram for Marketing Purposes? Instagram is one of the most famous social platforms for business promotion. First, the popularity of this network is growing steadily. Herewith, users of Instagram show high involvement in interaction with each other and with brands. Secondly, Instagram allows you to publish and consume the…

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  • Enigma Role for Military Purposes Essay

    Enigma Role for Military Purposes Essay

    What kind of methods (after breaking the Enigma) and data were applied to estimate the extent to which the information got in a such a manner could be used in direct military purposes? Germany’s Enigma in World War II proved to be quite the menace for the Allied forces. Ironically, after the British managed to…

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  • Introvert Essay Sample

    Introvert Essay Sample

    Why Are Introverts More Social at Home? The central discrepancy between extraversion and introversion is the perception of the external world. For introverts, the inner world of imagination and reflection is closer, while extraverts prefer the outer world more. Introverts are more distant from strangers, and they spend most of their time in their comfort…

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  • Sample Persuasive Essay: SEO in a Local Business

    Sample Persuasive Essay: SEO in a Local Business

    Why Does a Local Business Need SEO? Nowadays SEO is a powerful tool of making business more profitable. In last years SEO became one of the most popular ways of business effectivization. “SEO involves creating or modifying a Web site in a way that makes it ‘easier for search engines to both crawl and index…

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  • Inventions of Nikola Tesla Essay Example

    Inventions of Nikola Tesla Essay Example

    How Did Nikola Tesla Impact the World? Nikola Tesla greatly contributed to the development of commercial electricity. Tesla was born on July 10th, 1856 to Serbian parents in the modern-day Croatia. Tesla as a child was so curious about the world around him and experienced a strange childhood. Once he attempted to produce electrical power…

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  • Edgar Allan Poe Essay Sample: Fear, Insanity, Depression

    Edgar Allan Poe Essay Sample: Fear, Insanity, Depression

    Fear, Insanity, Depression: Is It All About Poe’s Writing, or About the Author Himself? The biography of Edgar Allan Poe is as full of mysteries and horror, exactly the same with his short stories. Are the words “fear,” “depression,” and “mystery” more applicable to Poe’s writing, or Poe’s personality? Was Poe’s life any different from his…

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  • Psychology Behind Love for the Black Friday Essay

    Psychology Behind Love for the Black Friday Essay

    Shopping is nowadays a very popular activity in our modern society. A growing development of various stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets turns it into entertainment and pleasure. The marketing policy makes the goods more attractive and available which any customer can not stand buying. Depending on the area of their interests people spend money on clothes, IT-gadgets, food,…

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  • The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Samples

    The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Samples

    Sample 1. The fence is a physical separation between Bruno and Shmuel. What else does the fence represent in this story? The Boy In The Striped Pajamas is a book about Bruno, the son of a World War II commandant and his friendship with Shmuel, a Jewish captive in a concentration camp. Bruno and his…

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  • Sample Essay Writing: Change of Perception Based on Attractiveness

    Sample Essay Writing: Change of Perception Based on Attractiveness

    Are the Attractive People Treated Differently? “Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them” (Hume, 1975). This statement suggests that what we consider to be beautiful depends on our perception. Moreover, we tend to make assumptions about other people based on whether we consider them to be beautiful or attractive, or not. For…

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  • The Catcher in the Rye Essay Sample

    The Catcher in the Rye Essay Sample

    Explain the idea “Holden is a great rescuer, but fails to rescue himself.”  How does Holden’s character change during the course of the novel? In The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger perfectly captures a teenage boy’s struggle with adolescence. The story is told from the perspective of Holden Caulfield, who is widely regarded as…

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