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Essay samples

  • Pride and Prejudice Essay Examples

    Pride and Prejudice Essay Examples

    What Role Do First Impressions Play in Pride and Prejudice? Pride and Prejudice is the story of human souls which is easily and gracefully told by the famous English writer Jane Austen. Having stood the test of several epochs, the novel remains one of the best in the world literature. The original title of the novel…

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  • Summer Reading Essay: A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

    Summer Reading Essay: A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

    Analyze Jorah’s motives, and if his loyalty changes at some point in the novel, explain when and why. Does he serve the Targaryen children, or himself? The knight Jorah Mormont is one of the most fascinating characters in A Game of Thrones, in part because readers must piece together their opinions about him without the benefit…

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  • Gender Essay: Myths

    Gender Essay: Myths

    A myth, aside from being a traditional story explaining a natural or social phenomenon, is also oftentimes a widely held but false belief or idea. Gender myths manifest themselves within modern society in ways that often confuse sex, the biological makeup that classifies a species as male or female, to that of gender, which is…

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  • Sample Literary Analysis Essay: Personification

    Sample Literary Analysis Essay: Personification

    The Purpose of the Literary Tool of Personification As it is generally known, “personification (impersonation or incarnation) is the act of attributing human qualities to an animal, object or abstraction; the act of personifying” (“Personification”). The gist of personification finds its description in the fact that inanimate objects and phenomena acquire human characteristics, properties, and…

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  • Example of Essay on Photography

    Example of Essay on Photography

    Is Photography a Reflection of Reality or an Escape from It? Photography, meaning “drawing with lights” in Greek, is an art as well as a science of capturing light and storing it in some medium. Photographs have been used for over a century now for capturing moments of mankind and the environment, even though photography…

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  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay Sample

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay Sample

    How does Kesey make the reader question the accepted definitions of “sane,” “insane,” “sick,” and “healthy?” One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is the most famous novel of an American writer Ken Kesey. It was written in 1959 and published in 1963 (“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” n.d.). The idea of the book has…

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  • Travelling Essay

    Travelling Essay

    Traveling can be carefree or action filled, it can be budget friendly or lavish, but either way, I believe that domestic and international travel are the best investments you can make in yourself. Getting immersed in a new place can be a culture shock at first, but it forces a person out of their comfort…

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  • Example of Persuasive Essay about Traveling

    Example of Persuasive Essay about Traveling

    How Does Social Media Impact on Tourism and Travel? After the wheel, the industrial revolution and Apollo missions that changed the frontiers of human possibilities, the internet is probably the most important invention in our history. The Internet changed everything.

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  • Book Essay: Dracula by Bram Stoker

    Book Essay: Dracula by Bram Stoker

    Explain Van Helsing’s role as Dracula’s antagonist. Why is the old Dutch professor the most threatening adversary to the count? Van Helsing has been portrayed as a very knowledgeable person who is well versed with modern and ancient medicine, folk remedies and superstitions, and an expert of obscure diseases. He is old, and his physical characteristics…

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  • Shakespeare Essay: The Supernatural Elements in His Writing

    Shakespeare Essay: The Supernatural Elements in His Writing

    William Shakespeare is an English poet and playwright, often regarded as the greatest English-language writer and one of the best playwrights of the world. He is also considered to be the national poet of England. His works are imbued with comprehensive coverage of the phenomena of life and characters; this is the completeness of Shakespeare’s…

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  • Hobbit Theme Essay: The Two Towers

    Hobbit Theme Essay: The Two Towers

    Which of the Main Characters in the Two Towers Changes the Most Throughout the Course of the Story? Does Frodo Change by the End in Any Way? “The Two Towers” is the second part of the trilogy The Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins, the protagonist, with the help of the Fellowship of the Ring,…

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  • All Quiet on the Western Front Essay

    All Quiet on the Western Front Essay

    Think About the Concept of Enemies in War. Whom Do Paul and His Friends Regard as Their Enemies? Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front is an abstruse proclamation against war, which focuses especially on the destroying effects of war on soldiers’ humanity. Romantic ideals of warfare are under attack throughout Paul’s narration.…

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  • Addiction Essay Sample – Types of Internet Addictions

    Addiction Essay Sample – Types of Internet Addictions

    The Internet is considered as one of the most important foundations of the modern society. Its creation and introduction to the world during the late 19th century has brought about a large heap of development as to how humans perceive the importance of communication, connection and information. Ever since the time it has been released…

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  • The Great Gatsby Essay: What Makes Jay Gatsby So Great?

    The Great Gatsby Essay: What Makes Jay Gatsby So Great?

    The Great Gatsby is an outstanding piece of classic American literature. F. Scott Fitzgerald discussed in it issues of post-war society, American dream, love, and wealth which draw the attention of the reading audience until today. Especially interesting is the question of whether the protagonist is even deserving of being called great or is the…

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  • Essay on Advertisement: What Were Advertisements Focusing In The 70’s?

    Essay on Advertisement: What Were Advertisements Focusing In The 70’s?

    The advertisements made in the 70’s are very interesting by the structure. There were no common principles, standards or concrete knowledge of what the advertisements should be focused on to increase the sales of the companies and therefore, every country had its own special manners of the advertising process (Laird, 1998). In the 70’s the…

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  • What Was the Historical Role of Feminism? Essay Sample

    What Was the Historical Role of Feminism? Essay Sample

    Before understanding what feminism means and what kind of role it has in world history it is important to clarify definite aspects of its development and find out its influence on today’s society. “Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women”…

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  • Evaluation Essay Sample: The Writing Style of J.K.Rowling

    Evaluation Essay Sample: The Writing Style of J.K.Rowling

    Having tens of writing assignments per month, students may not be able to keep all the writing requirements in mind. Anytime you get a college task, you are likely to search for writing guides on how to write an opinion essay, for example, or how to write critical thinking essay. No matter whether you’re unclear…

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  • Personal Experience Essay: How Great It Was to Visit the Opera for the First Time!

    Personal Experience Essay: How Great It Was to Visit the Opera for the First Time!

    “The opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings.” (Anonymous) An opera house is a theatre where musicians take the stage to perform their craft. In my early age, I had only read about the Opera House. And when I had the opportunity to visit an Opera House to see “In the Heaven”, it was…

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  • Economics Paper: Why Capitalism Is the Best Economical System?

    Economics Paper: Why Capitalism Is the Best Economical System?

    The collapse of Feudalism in the late 16th century ushered about a world crossroads. The economic microcosm characterized by the family farm was expanding beyond known borders and rapidly crossing into unknown economic territory. The methods in which individuals acquired and sold goods shifted to mercantilism, which in turn formed the root basis of the…

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  • Beauty Essay Sample: Are Beauty Contests a Good Thing For Young Girls?

    Beauty Essay Sample: Are Beauty Contests a Good Thing For Young Girls?

    One of the most controversial issues surrounding beauty pageants is engaging children, especially young girls to take part in such activities. America, alone has, around, 3 million children, maximum young girls aged between 6 months to 16 years taking part in beauty pageants. An aggressive debate ensues with some supporting children to be a part…

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  • Business Essay on Apple Marketing

    Business Essay on Apple Marketing

    Evaluate the Role of Social Media Marketing in Regards to Apple’s Products Introduction The story of social media marketing started a long time ago when the markets were conversational places for people. Almost everyone is aware of the importance of social media marketing, networking sites, and blogs. Social media marketing techniques have been adopted by businesses…

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  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Essay Sample

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Essay Sample

    How Does Charlie and Chocolate Factory Speak to the Phrase “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait”? What about “Good Things Come in Small Packages”? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a magical world created for children. It is a world of sweets, chocolates, candies, miracles, little creatures, and magical inventions. This story takes you…

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  • To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Sample

    To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Sample

    Writing a review for a book that touches controversial moral topics can be a hard task to accomplish. If you are struggling with your academic paper, we have provided an excellent To Kill a Mockingbird essay for you to make the process easier. We wish to remind you that you are not allowed to use…

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  • Sample Essay on Leadership

    Sample Essay on Leadership

    I. Introduction No matter how leader carries out his duty, because it is not possible to determine which actions and relationships will be needed for achievement of objectives of an enterprise, which pushes forward. People cannot successfully complete their tasks, when they don’t interact with another people from which their career depends. Therefore it is…

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  • Argumentative Essay Sample on Mother Tongue

    Argumentative Essay Sample on Mother Tongue

    The main aim of the study is to point out of cultural racism that is present all over the world. Amy Tan, the author of the book Mother Tongue, wanted to use her writing skills and opportunity through this book to make readers realize how not being a native American, as she and her mother…

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  • Sample Persuasive Essay on Gender: Birth Control, Abortion and Reproductive Rights

    Sample Persuasive Essay on Gender: Birth Control, Abortion and Reproductive Rights

    Introduction Birth control, reproductive rights and abortion fall under social issues that many people fail to connect with economic security. Women undergo a myriad of challenges in a bid to access and manage their use of birth control and family planning services. For instance, poor knowledge often leads to unwanted pregnancies and backstreet abortions, which…

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  • Essay about Martin Luther King Jr.: Contribution to Liberalism

    Essay about Martin Luther King Jr.: Contribution to Liberalism

    Introduction Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known public figure in the social and political spheres of the United States. Through his brilliant philosophical ideas, studies argue that he greatly influenced the American society and the world at large in terms of politics and human rights. It is with no doubt that he was…

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  • Globalization Essay

    Globalization Essay

    Over the last century, efforts have been made to bring various countries together. All these efforts have been applied in enabling human beings on the earth’s surface to come together in all aspects of life. These aspects of human life include social, political and economical aspects. Integration effort has been seen to bear fruits. In…

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  • History Essay Sample: America’s History after 1877

    History Essay Sample: America’s History after 1877

    My initial American history essay as compared to what I know now and what I am going to write I think was narrow and shoddy. After delving much into the history and learning new things of the nation’s history after the Civil War and how it led to reconstruction and how the country has developed…

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  • The Great Depression Essay

    The Great Depression Essay

    The Great Depression background The great depression is an immense tragedy that took millions of people in the United States from work. It marked the beginning of involvement from the government to the country’s economy and also the society as a whole. After almost a decade of prosperity and optimism, the US was now exposed…

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