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Essay samples

  • Religion Essay Example: Does Religion Bring Harm or Good?

    Religion Essay Example: Does Religion Bring Harm or Good?

    Does Religion Bring More Harm or Good for Modern Society? Introduction Modern society presents an image of the secular age. In fact, in modern society religion appears to be quite overrated, which is why more and more people seem to turn it down while they also keep looking for the substitutes of spiritual contentment. The…

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  • Claude Monet Essay: The Saint-Lazare Station

    Claude Monet Essay: The Saint-Lazare Station

    You will love the following Claude Monet essay, as it is interesting and helpful for those who don’t know how to write their papers. You will write your papers faster if you have a good template to use. All of our art essay examples are written by writers who are knowledgeable in this sphere. Perceive…

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  • Sex Education Essay: Argumentative Essay Sample

    Sex Education Essay: Argumentative Essay Sample

    At What Age Should Sex Education Be Introduced at Schools? Introduction Sex education has vital importance for preventing teen pregnancy and sex-related risks, and providing kids with the knowledge of the proper sexual behavior. While sex education should be introduced in schools, it is also critical that parents educate their children about sex before school…

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  • Relationship Essay: Long-Term Relationships

    Relationship Essay: Long-Term Relationships

    Do Long-Term Relationships Make People Happier? Introduction The basis for the majority of normal relationships is love. This feeling is one of the most studied in psychology. Still, it is the least understood. The reason for this is probably the fact that the studies are carried out not in real life but in the labs.…

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  • Prevention of Smoking Essay

    Prevention of Smoking Essay

    Can Smoking Be Prevented by Making Tobacco Illegal? Introduction The problem of smoking plays an important role in modern society. The issue is that cigarette smoking is a mass phenomenon around the world and has raised the degree of epidemics due to the number of smokers. It is noteworthy to claim that the prevalence of…

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  • Essay on Privacy Rights: Cameras in Public Places

    Essay on Privacy Rights: Cameras in Public Places

    Do Cameras Placed in Public Places Infringe on People’s Privacy? Introduction True freedom is impossible without reasonable limits, and true democracy is impossible without democratic laws and regulations. This is the reason why governments should use every possible opportunity to protect citizens from terrorist attacks, murderers, shooting, kidnapping, robbery, and uprisings. Otherwise, very soon democracy…

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  • Friendship Essay: Are Girls Too Mean in Their Friendship?

    Friendship Essay: Are Girls Too Mean in Their Friendship?

    Introduction Friendship is an essential part of individuals’ lives, without which almost no one can get around. It has both positive and negative features, with its consequences. The behavior of girls in friendships deserves special attention, as sometimes this may imply adverse actions. The theme of female friendship is so popular that it is presented…

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  • Social Media Essay: Social Media vs. Real-Life Communication

    Social Media Essay: Social Media vs. Real-Life Communication

    Can Social Media Destroy Real-Life Communication? Introduction As humanity progresses, the way people communicate changes as well, with every year becoming easier and more effective. First, there was post-crossing, then phones were invented, and now, when almost all people have access to the internet, social media is used in order to not only communicate internationally,…

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  • Cross Culture Marriage Essay Example

    Cross Culture Marriage Essay Example

    We offer you the chance to read the following sample – a critical thinking paper. If it is not easy for you to start writing your paper, an essay template can help you. All of our critical thinking samples are written by professional writers, and they can provide you with great ideas. Examples will help…

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  • Philosophy Essay Example: Causal Determinism

    Philosophy Essay Example: Causal Determinism

    Is our life predetermined? What do you think about that? The author of the philosophy essay example below suggests that it is not possible. Human beings are too complex to always behave according to a particular plan. Free will, free feelings, and free thoughts – that is what we live for! If you disagree with…

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  • Taking Care of Aging Parents: Essay About Family Relationships

    Taking Care of Aging Parents: Essay About Family Relationships

    Should Adults Be Responsible for Their Elderly Parents? Should They Be Obliged to Help Them Financially? Introduction The idea of children becoming responsible for the well-being of their elderly parents is not new. As parents grow older and find it hard to care for themselves financially and personally, a popular view suggests that their children…

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  • Essay on Education and Its Preparation to Real Life

    Essay on Education and Its Preparation to Real Life

    Does Education Prepare Students for an Independent Life? It is true to say that education is generally perceived as the stage preceding independent adult life. On the one hand, education is the element of learning for getting theoretical and practical knowledge that allows to get a good job and be a conscious member of society.…

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  • Life in Prison Essay: Prisoners’ Rights

    Life in Prison Essay: Prisoners’ Rights

    We all are prisoners to some extent. We’re prisoners of our desires, expectations, and of our imperfect bodies. Yet, some of us are prisoners in the strict sense of the term. Why do people get into prisons? The answer would be for wrong illegal actions. Still, misbehavior doesn’t make them monsters, and they retain their…

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  • Essay About Immigration

    Essay About Immigration

    Every human being has a right to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence. On the other hand, immigration processes cause a wide range of social, economic, and ethical issues that have to be resolved. The author of the essay about immigration below has tried to answer the question, “Should there be stronger…

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  • Animal Farm Essay Example: How Is Power Maintained in the Book

    Animal Farm Essay Example: How Is Power Maintained in the Book

    Introduction Power is the ability or capacity to be dominant over other individuals as well have enormous influence on them. It grants one superiority and may be obtained, maintained, and lost. In George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm,” Napoleon is depicted as a pig for a reason. The author chooses peculiar animals in order to show…

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  • Civil War Essay: Spying in America

    Civil War Essay: Spying in America

    Spies become heroes of Hollywood movies so frequently that we begin to believe them to be unreal. We perceive them as superheroes with a special power of being cool. Yet, they’re actually real people. Spying is an ancient and time-tested method of information theft. The most powerful spies could change the course of history and…

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  • Relationship Essay on Rights and Responsibilities

    Relationship Essay on Rights and Responsibilities

    Should Women and Men Have Different Rights and Responsibilities in Spousal Relationships? Introduction Gender equality has been an issue on the agendas of social activists throughout many centuries. People have been putting under question the similarity between male and female rights and responsibilities, especially for married people. A spousal relationship determines the rights and obligations…

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  • Dostoevsky Essay Sample: The Brothers Karamazov

    Dostoevsky Essay Sample: The Brothers Karamazov

    Have troubles with reading classic Russian literature? Characters are too complex, the plot is twisted, and names are hard to memorize. Below, we have a good decision for at least one novel. Our talented writer has created this The Brothers Karamazov essay to make your life easier. He analyzes the behavior and personal qualities of…

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  • Craft Essay Sample: The Craft Industry in Fez

    Craft Essay Sample: The Craft Industry in Fez

    Have you ever heard about tarboosh caps, djellaba, or garagab? No? All these things are indispensable elements of the incredible Moroccan culture. Morocco is considered to be one of the most interesting tourist destinations among other Arab countries. A unique mix of European and Eastern traditions makes Morocco a must-visit state. In the craft essay…

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  • The Kite Runner Analysis: Divisions of Afghan Society

    The Kite Runner Analysis: Divisions of Afghan Society

    The novel The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini became a bestseller and for good reason. The author develops a wide range of social themes and analyzes painful issues in his book. Although Khaled Hosseini has called his novel “a love story,” it is not only about romance. One of the themes developed in the…

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  • Essay on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

    Essay on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing

    The bombings of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a wide range of negative consequences. They had a destructive impact on health, as well as social, ecological, economic, and other aspects of life in Japan. Yet, the effect of this tragedy on the political state is rarely analyzed. The essay on the Hiroshima and…

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  • Consumer Culture Essay: The Specificity of Generation Z Consumers

    Consumer Culture Essay: The Specificity of Generation Z Consumers

    Every generation of people faces its own challenges and has its own benefits. Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials followed one another changing principles and rules. Today, the era of Generation Z has begun. A young generation armed with the newest technologies and a thirst for knowledge is ready to replace their predecessors. They learn,…

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  • To Kill a Mockingbird Essay: Influence of KKK on Local Governments

    To Kill a Mockingbird Essay: Influence of KKK on Local Governments

    Racism remains an extremely painful issue even today. When Harper Lee wrote her brilliant novel To Kill A Mockingbird, the memories of Ku Klux Klan atrocities were still vivid. The members of the KKK influenced local governments. They were trying to enforce the standards of their community as legal guidance. Luckily, they failed. Below, you’ll…

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  • Essay About Teenagers: Computer Games, Internet, and Parental Control

    Essay About Teenagers: Computer Games, Internet, and Parental Control

    Is It Fair to Control the Time a Teenager Dedicates to Playing Computer Games or Using the Internet? Introduction Modern teenagers have access to technologies that would be previously unfathomable. They have round-the-clock access to the internet through their gadgets, computers, and mobile devices. Playing video games has been another staple of adolescence, with countless…

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  • Social Media Essay: The Impact of Social Media on Real Life

    Social Media Essay: The Impact of Social Media on Real Life

    Does Social Media Fame Impact a Person’s Life? Introduction Social media, which represents the phenomenon of the modern era, has been proven to have a major influence on a person’s way of life. Be that as it may, one of the main functions of social media alongside communication is making the private become public. People…

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  • Business Essay: The Main Business Cycles

    Business Essay: The Main Business Cycles

    The business world is not stable. The situation in world economics is changing all the time. These changes are unpredictable for the general public. Yet, economists who study macroeconomics have learned to make predictions thanks to the theory of business cycles. There are four business cycles: expansion, peak, contraction, and recovery. Each cycle has its…

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  • Leadership Essay Example: Strategies for Teacher’s Leadership

    Leadership Essay Example: Strategies for Teacher’s Leadership

    The social attitude towards teaching career is not stable. Since ancient Greece, teachers have changed many roles: mentors, instructors, guides, and curators. One thing remains constant: teachers should be leaders who are worthy of respect and trust. In our days, teachers and students are considered to be equal colleagues. However, the teacher should be a…

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  • Argumentative Essay Sample About The Ugly Duckling

    Argumentative Essay Sample About The Ugly Duckling

    Childhood is an amazing time when you discover this world and learn new things every day. Fairy tales are a favorite way to spend time for kids. Princesses, dragons, magic, and adventures – fairy tales have everything to be attractive to children. We bet that you also had a favorite story when you were little,…

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  • Renaissance Essay: Costumes of the Italian Early Renaissance

    Renaissance Essay: Costumes of the Italian Early Renaissance

    Italy was the cradle of the Renaissance. This country gave the world an entire galaxy of talented artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Botticelli, Raphael, and many others. Their legacy has changed the concepts of beauty and art forever. Their talents still shine in the sky and bring aesthetics into our souls. What was so…

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  • The Odyssey Essay Sample About the Role of Temptation

    The Odyssey Essay Sample About the Role of Temptation

    Why Is Temptation Crucial for the Life Journey of Odysseus? Introduction It took Odysseus ten years to make it back to Ithaca. During this long-term journey, the hero and his crew face many challenges: the murderous cyclops Polyphemus, the deadly Scylla and Charybdis, Circe’s magic, etc. Homer describes these adventures to highlight different qualities of…

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