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Essay samples

  • Argumentative Essay on Competition’s Pros and Cons

    Argumentative Essay on Competition’s Pros and Cons

    Is Competition Really Good? Introduction Almost every day, people have to compete at work, in family, or in society. It may be the signing of a contract, or the winning or losing of a race, but this causes people to experience different emotions. In addition to the opportunity to feel joy, or to find new…

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  • Argumentative Essay on Torture Being Acceptable

    Argumentative Essay on Torture Being Acceptable

    Should Torture Be Acceptable? Introduction The issue of torture is one of the most complicated ethical issues in the modern social context. It is useless to reply to the question of whether torture is right or wrong because the answer would always be too subjective. However, it makes sense to define whether torture is acceptable…

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  • Crime and Punishment Essay: The Theme of Alienation From Society

    Crime and Punishment Essay: The Theme of Alienation From Society

    The genius of Fyodor Dostoevsky is internationally acclaimed by literary critics of all generations. “Crime and Punishment” is considered as the most significant part of his legacy. For years, this psychological and philosophical novel has been analyzed from cover to cover by thousands of critics, professors, and students. This “Crime and Punishment” essay is dedicated…

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  • Artificial Intelligence Essay: Threat of Extinction of the Human Race

    Artificial Intelligence Essay: Threat of Extinction of the Human Race

    Will the Advancement of Self-Regulating Artificial Intelligence Lead to Human Extinction? Introduction With the development of computer science, the technologies which by their abilities and intelligence approach the level of the human brain have become an inherent part of contemporary society. The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed topics in…

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  • Education Essay about Teachers and Students Socializing

    Education Essay about Teachers and Students Socializing

    Should School Teachers and Staff Members Be Allowed to Socialize with Students after School? Introduction The primary goal of teachers is giving knowledge to their students, teaching them subjects, and preparing them for adult life in the long term. However, sometimes teacher-student interaction is not limited to the classroom setting. Hence, social media or face-to-face…

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  • Falcon Heavy Essay Samples

    Falcon Heavy Essay Samples

    Even if you are far removed from science and technologies, you’ve probably heard about the well-known businessman and inventor Elon Musk. His name is closely associated with the range of globally known companies such as PayPal, Tesla, SolarCity, and SpaceX. His recent project is Falcon Heavy, a heavy-lift launch vehicle. The Falcon Heavy was designed…

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  • Video Game Addiction Essay

    Video Game Addiction Essay

    Does Computer Gaming Addiction Lead to More Dangerous Consequences Among Children or Adults? The contemporary world develops extremely fast and becomes more globalized and digital in comparison to previous times. Advanced technologies resulted in the creation of a new lifestyle in society, which has somewhat different features. Within the digital world, people gained an opportunity…

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  • Sample Essay on India

    Sample Essay on India

    India is a big country with a deep history and interesting culture. Therefore, when you are assigned with an essay on India, you have a wide choice of aspects that you can reveal. Read our example below to get inspiration. Also, you are welcome to use certain facts from this piece of writing. Some well-written…

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  • Personal Experience Essay Sample about Poetry

    Personal Experience Essay Sample about Poetry

    Though a personal experience essay should be really personal, this doesn’t mean that it’s useless to see how other people write such papers, especially if these people have more experience in writing than you. As a result, we have prepared the example below to help you to cope with your work. You should examine the…

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  • Child Development Essay Sample

    Child Development Essay Sample

    When you are having troubles with writing a child development essay, you might need to read more information on how such papers should be written. Theoretical recommendations are good but it’s better to see how they are applied in practice. Therefore, you also need to get acquainted with samples on this topic. What is beneficial…

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  • Perception Essay Sample: How We Perceive Other People’s Personalities

    Perception Essay Sample: How We Perceive Other People’s Personalities

    If you get stuck with your perception essay, you might need to get help from us. On our blog, you’ll find many guides on how to cope with certain types of papers. Also, there are many samples that you can use for free. Below, we’ve posted a sample perception essay that hopefully will help you…

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  • Problem Solution Essay – How to Reduce Prejudice

    Problem Solution Essay – How to Reduce Prejudice

    In adult life, you constantly need to solve various problems — career, family, money, and others. Therefore, it’s better to boost your problem solving skills now, when you are still studying. Such skills will definitely ease your life. One of the stages of settling the issue is analyzing it thoroughly. Every now and then teachers…

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  • Cause and Effect of Bullying Essay Sample

    Cause and Effect of Bullying Essay Sample

    If you’re about to check out our bullying essay, you must be into teenage psychology. We bet you’d find it incredibly useful to take a good look at this ‘Cause and Effect of Bullying’ essay and gain deep insight into this social vice.

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  • Essay about Concentration Camps

    Essay about Concentration Camps

    Why Did So Many Concentration Camp Prisoners in WW2 Die Immediately After Being Liberated? Concentration camps were a prevalent feature of the Nazi regime in the 1930s. Prisoners in these camps were detained under punitive conditions, such as forced labor, slavery, and most significantly, inadequate nutrition and starvation. According to Eitinger, mortality rate rose continuously…

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  • Creating a Business Card People Won’t Throw Away Design Essay

    Creating a Business Card People Won’t Throw Away Design Essay

    Abstract A unique business card that people want to keep rather than discard implies there is something about the card that either fascinates them or makes it useful and worth keeping. This paper discusses some ways to make a business card that stands out from the bunch, prompting people to take a longer or even…

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  • Essay about Programming: Complicated Sorting Algorithms

    Essay about Programming: Complicated Sorting Algorithms

    Has the Increase in Processing Power Diminished the Need for Complicated Sorting Algorithms? Today, we live in an era with great technological advantages, abundant resources and infinity of data. We can learn about anything, from anywhere at any time at a reasonable costs. The devices we use every day are getting more powerful and cheaper…

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  • British Invasion and Rule of India Essay Example

    British Invasion and Rule of India Essay Example

    How Did the British Invasion and Rule of India Affect India and Its Citizens? British invasion and rule had affected India and its citizens very deeply. Several embassies reserved their rights in India but only this cultural collapse influenced both Indian and British cultures. Other countries were involved thoroghly through this historic assembly that remains…

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  • Novel Analysis: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Novel Analysis: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Is the Novel a Pretty Clear Case of Split Personality? The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde wears its Christian morality very prominently on its shoulders. Its message is blatant and clear: humankind has two very distinct sides to its personality, one of God-fearing goodness and one of temptation and evil. A true…

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  • Bob Dylan Essay: The Major Themes in Songs

    Bob Dylan Essay: The Major Themes in Songs

    What Are the Major Themes in Bob Dylan’s Songs? Why Did He Write on These Themes? Bob Dylan is one of the most successful musicians of all time, judging by the popularity and the amounts of records that have been sold. Of course, it is impossible to ascribe one’s name in history without having something…

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  • Baseball Essay Sample

    Baseball Essay Sample

    What Is Baseball’s Influence on American Culture? Each of us knows the USA as a country with a huge number of national customs and traditions, including related to sports ones. Many of them have their roots deep in history, got over many changes and were influenced by different factors and aspects, so they become those…

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  • Essay about Israel and Yom-Kippur War

    Essay about Israel and Yom-Kippur War

    Would the collapse of Israel in the Yom-Kippur War really have led to another genocide of the Jewish people? But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the one to be ruler in Israel” (Micah 5:2, New King James Version). According…

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  • Marketing Strategy Essay: Quality of the Product

    Marketing Strategy Essay: Quality of the Product

    The Role of a Quality of the Product in the Marketing Strategy If the product is of low quality, all marketing efforts will fail. A nice packaging, attractive promotion or even a lower price of competitors cannot replace quality. The successful marketing strategy is the one that has all elements balanced. This is the only…

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  • Sample Narrative Essay about a Recently Read Book

    Sample Narrative Essay about a Recently Read Book

    Don’t know how to start an essay? Struggling with brainstorming ideas? Having a well-written essay example in front of you, regardless of whether you are dealing with qualitative research topics or Disney topics, is always a great idea. This way, you’ll figure out how to write a narrative essay that impresses your teacher and doesn’t…

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  • Comparison Essay Sample: Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union

    Comparison Essay Sample: Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union

    Which Was Morally Worse, Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Soviet Union? Introduction Early to mid-20th century was marked by the rise of many ruthless dictators who have brought much violence and terror to both their own citizens and many people abroad. The most notorious of these dictators are surely Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany and Joseph…

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  • Islamic Culture and Sufi Poetry Essay

    Islamic Culture and Sufi Poetry Essay

    Have you already written an essay in Islamic culture? If not, we’re sure that our example will be helpful and inspiring. Don’t procrastinate until the last moment to scramble something together in the last two hours before the deadline. There is a better alternative. Check out this Islamic culture essay and other samples from our…

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  • Elizabethan Theater Essay

    Elizabethan Theater Essay

    Why Didn’t Women Perform on the Stage in Shakespeare’s Time? Introduction The spread of Christianity did not improve the social condition of women, and theatre was condemned by notable Church Fathers such as Augustine and Tertullian, the latter of which did not even mention the presence of women performers, stating that “what then must be…

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  • Essay about Colonialism: China

    Essay about Colonialism: China

    Why Didn’t China Colonise the World Like the Europeans? China’s Central Reasons to Ignore Colonialism China, though it exerted great influence over the nations on its borders, made no real attempt at colonization for three main reasons: in the years of European imperialism – lack of a consistently strong central government, a modern industrial economy…

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  • Social Media Essay: Connection or Isolation?

    Social Media Essay: Connection or Isolation?

    At first sight, it seems like writing a social media essay is the easiest assignment a student can get, since most students use up to five different social media services on a daily basis. It’s important to remember that the topic of an essay is important, but it doesn’t define the whole writing process. What…

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  • Essay on Feminism and Its Influence on Society

    Essay on Feminism and Its Influence on Society

    Feminism is becoming a heated topic of discussion recently, and it definitely will make a great topic for an academic paper. However, the very point of academic writing is to stay objective and emotionless, and sometimes it can be hard with topics like this. If you feel like you are being dragged into emotional turmoil…

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  • Religion Comparison Essay Sample: Christianity and Mormonism

    Religion Comparison Essay Sample: Christianity and Mormonism

    Are you struggling with your academic writing? If so, you can relax from now on, because we are here to help. Close all the tabs with instructions on writing and check this comparison essay sample. We bet that you’ve already read enough information to write your own guide on writing comparison essays, and all you…

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