EssayShark Samples

  • Education Essay about Teachers and Students Socializing

    Education Essay about Teachers and Students Socializing

    Should School Teachers and Staff Members Be Allowed to Socialize with Students after School? Introduction The primary goal of teachers is giving knowledge to their students, teaching them subjects, and preparing them for adult life in the long term. However, sometimes teacher-student interaction is not limited to the classroom setting. Hence, social media or face-to-face…

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  • The Picture of Dorian Gray Research Paper Sample

    The Picture of Dorian Gray Research Paper Sample

    The beauty of the soul is eternal. Appearance is changeable, and no one should estimate another person only by his or her looks. Oscar Wilde created a whole novel to prove this statement. At the beginning of his book the author shows the hero of Dorian Gray as a handsome and innocent young man. He…

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  • All Quiet on the Western Front Research Paper: The Theme of Animal Instinct

    All Quiet on the Western Front Research Paper: The Theme of Animal Instinct

    This “All Quiet on the Western Front” research paper presents an analysis of the book from a specific point of view. The author examines how Erich Maria Remarque touched on the topic of the animal instinct in his novel. Erich Maria Remarque was a German novelist whose books are mostly dedicated to the First World…

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  • Falcon Heavy Essay Samples

    Falcon Heavy Essay Samples

    Even if you are far removed from science and technologies, you’ve probably heard about the well-known businessman and inventor Elon Musk. His name is closely associated with the range of globally known companies such as PayPal, Tesla, SolarCity, and SpaceX. His recent project is Falcon Heavy, a heavy-lift launch vehicle. The Falcon Heavy was designed…

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  • The Tax Research Paper about US Corporations

    The Tax Research Paper about US Corporations

    Tax evasion in the United States is an acute countrywide economic problem. Big and wealthy corporations such as Microsoft, Apple, and Johnson & Johnson ignore their duty to the country and hide their revenues in order to avoid taxation. This tax research paper describes the most widespread methods of tax evasion that US companies use:…

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  • Impressionism Research Paper Sample: The Hierarchy of Subject Matter in Art

    Impressionism Research Paper Sample: The Hierarchy of Subject Matter in Art

    Impressionism has cardinally changed the basic ideas of art in the nineteenth century. The artists of the new generation declared that feelings and impressions are much more important than objects and realism. They had made the inner world top priority. At first, Impressionism was gravely criticized by viewers and adherents of canon and traditions, but…

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  • Women’s Rights Research Paper: The Influence of American Revolution

    Women’s Rights Research Paper: The Influence of American Revolution

    The issue of women’s rights is the key problem of social networking even today. Some radical feminists are not satisfied with gender inequality, especially in Muslim countries. Modern sociologists suggest that the revolution in the USA has become a landmark in the history of equality between men and women in the USA. This women’s rights…

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  • Organ Donation Research Paper: Commercialization of Organ Transplants

    Organ Donation Research Paper: Commercialization of Organ Transplants

    This organ donation research paper begins with a catchy introduction and ends with a logical conclusion. The main body includes three parts. The first part presents general facts about organ transplantation and its current problems. The next part provides the information about the positive effect of the commercialization of this medical service. The last part,…

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  • Pride and Prejudice Research Paper: Women’s Views on Marriage

    Pride and Prejudice Research Paper: Women’s Views on Marriage

    The first wave of feminism overflew Europe in the nineteenth century. However, in the novel “Pride and Prejudice” we can see the first seedlings of vindication of women’s rights. Jane Austen was not a regular writer. She paid attention to problems and the ideas in society that are essential even today. The “Pride and Prejudice”…

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  • Ethereum Research Paper Sample

    Ethereum Research Paper Sample

    No doubt, cryptocurrency is the future of the world economic system. Despite a great number of opponents, the idea of blockchain platforms is gaining the interests of the wider audience every day. This Ethereum research paper talks about origin, peculiarities, and possible benefits for the business process offered by the founders of this platform. Ethereum…

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  • Cheerleading and Sexualization Research Paper Sample

    Cheerleading and Sexualization Research Paper Sample

    The role of women in society has changed a lot since 20th century. Surprisingly, there is still one delicate problem in the world of sport. Some people are worried about excessive sexualization of cheerleading. The cheerleading research paper below presents general facts about this kind of sport, its history, and its specific character. The author…

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  • Nuclear Families Research Paper Sample

    Nuclear Families Research Paper Sample

    This nuclear families research paper is dedicated to the benefits of nuclear families in comparison to other types of families. A nuclear family is a social unit represented by a maximum of two generations: the parents and their children. In those families the relationship between husband and wife is more important than between parent and…

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  • Islamophobia Paper Sample

    Islamophobia Paper Sample

    “Can Islamophobia Be Considered as Religious Discrimination?” is a high-quality Islamophobia paper sample that can help you with providing of your own text. This paper is based on trustworthy sources such as sociology, religion, and psychology studies. After a catchy introduction an author presents two parts of the main body. The first one informs about…

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  • Research Paper on Privacy of Backup Cameras

    Research Paper on Privacy of Backup Cameras

    A right to privacy is one of the basic human rights, but there is still one difficult question: is privacy or safety more important? The author of the research paper on privacy below clearly declares: safety is above all things. If you disagree with this point of view you can place an order on our…

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  • Research Paper on Movies and People Values

    Research Paper on Movies and People Values

    Cinema is an indispensable part of modern culture. This sphere of art is comparably new which is why a research paper on movies is a frequent task for university or school students. The sample below tells about the influence of movies on society and value systems of people. The author introduces four different examples of…

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  • Video Game Addiction Essay

    Video Game Addiction Essay

    Does Computer Gaming Addiction Lead to More Dangerous Consequences Among Children or Adults? The contemporary world develops extremely fast and becomes more globalized and digital in comparison to previous times. Advanced technologies resulted in the creation of a new lifestyle in society, which has somewhat different features. Within the digital world, people gained an opportunity…

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  • Sample Essay on India

    Sample Essay on India

    India is a big country with a deep history and interesting culture. Therefore, when you are assigned with an essay on India, you have a wide choice of aspects that you can reveal. Read our example below to get inspiration. Also, you are welcome to use certain facts from this piece of writing. Some well-written…

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  • Personal Experience Essay Sample about Poetry

    Personal Experience Essay Sample about Poetry

    Though a personal experience essay should be really personal, this doesn’t mean that it’s useless to see how other people write such papers, especially if these people have more experience in writing than you. As a result, we have prepared the example below to help you to cope with your work. You should examine the…

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  • Child Development Essay Sample

    Child Development Essay Sample

    When you are having troubles with writing a child development essay, you might need to read more information on how such papers should be written. Theoretical recommendations are good but it’s better to see how they are applied in practice. Therefore, you also need to get acquainted with samples on this topic. What is beneficial…

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  • Iliad Analysis Sample on the Heroic Code of Its Characters

    Iliad Analysis Sample on the Heroic Code of Its Characters

    The Iliad is one of the oldest epic poems that people know. Despite this, people still read and analyze this work. A writer from also made an attempt to explore it and you can see the result of his or her work below. This sample was completed with the aim to help students write…

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  • Perception Essay Sample: How We Perceive Other People’s Personalities

    Perception Essay Sample: How We Perceive Other People’s Personalities

    If you get stuck with your perception essay, you might need to get help from us. On our blog, you’ll find many guides on how to cope with certain types of papers. Also, there are many samples that you can use for free. Below, we’ve posted a sample perception essay that hopefully will help you…

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  • The Most Messed Up Fairy Tale Essay

    The Most Messed Up Fairy Tale Essay

    Fairy tales only seem to be children’s literature. If you explore fairy tales more attentively, however, you’ll find out that they convey some adult ideas. Also, tales are often filled with symbols and allegories that are not that easy to comprehend. Below, you’ll find a fairy tale analysis presented as an example that you can…

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  • Problem Solution Essay – How to Reduce Prejudice

    Problem Solution Essay – How to Reduce Prejudice

    In adult life, you constantly need to solve various problems — career, family, money, and others. Therefore, it’s better to boost your problem solving skills now, when you are still studying. Such skills will definitely ease your life. One of the stages of settling the issue is analyzing it thoroughly. Every now and then teachers…

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  • Workplace Gender Inequality Research Paper Sample

    Workplace Gender Inequality Research Paper Sample

    The issue of gender inequality is one of the most often-raised issues nowadays. One of the factors that can affect this social phenomenon is parenthood. Our gender inequality research paper presented below reveals this topic. If you are writing a similar paper, it will be profitable for you to read the sample below. It was…

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  • Dante’s Inferno Circles of Hell Analysis

    Dante’s Inferno Circles of Hell Analysis

    Though studying at school can seem a real hell, Dante’s Inferno is much more frightful. When you are assigned with a Dante’s Inferno analysis you might need to put in great effort to complete that task. Below, you’ll find our sample that will help you to cope with your assignment. All of our examples are…

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  • Cause and Effect of Bullying Essay Sample

    Cause and Effect of Bullying Essay Sample

    If you’re about to check out our bullying essay, you must be into teenage psychology. We bet you’d find it incredibly useful to take a good look at this ‘Cause and Effect of Bullying’ essay and gain deep insight into this social vice.

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  • Essay about Concentration Camps

    Essay about Concentration Camps

    Why Did So Many Concentration Camp Prisoners in WW2 Die Immediately After Being Liberated? Concentration camps were a prevalent feature of the Nazi regime in the 1930s. Prisoners in these camps were detained under punitive conditions, such as forced labor, slavery, and most significantly, inadequate nutrition and starvation. According to Eitinger, mortality rate rose continuously…

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  • Beowulf Analysis Sample: Structure and Function

    Beowulf Analysis Sample: Structure and Function

    Beowulf is an epic poem that was written between “700 and 1,000 A.D. in England” (The British Library). Beowulf tells the story of a terrifying demon named Grendel and his ultimate defeat by a young Geatish warrior named Beowulf. Beowulf is written perhaps with a great emphasis on morality and the strength of a man.…

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  • Creating a Business Card People Won’t Throw Away Design Essay

    Creating a Business Card People Won’t Throw Away Design Essay

    Abstract A unique business card that people want to keep rather than discard implies there is something about the card that either fascinates them or makes it useful and worth keeping. This paper discusses some ways to make a business card that stands out from the bunch, prompting people to take a longer or even…

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  • Essay about Programming: Complicated Sorting Algorithms

    Essay about Programming: Complicated Sorting Algorithms

    Has the Increase in Processing Power Diminished the Need for Complicated Sorting Algorithms? Today, we live in an era with great technological advantages, abundant resources and infinity of data. We can learn about anything, from anywhere at any time at a reasonable costs. The devices we use every day are getting more powerful and cheaper…

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