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Student Essay Examples Pokemon Go

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Student Essay Examples: Pokemon Go

Writing essays on technology research topics is both interesting and challenging. There’s a lot to cover, so you need to allocate enough time to study the issue in question. The best piece of advice for students who struggle with paper writing is to find a well-written sample and use it as an example to adhere to, regardless of whether they are dealing with urbanization essay topics or finance research topics. Here’s a perfect sample that will hopefully inspire you and help you understand how to write your own paper.

Can Pokémon Go be used as a marketing tool and if yes, how?

Pokemon Go is a new mobile phone app game which became one of the most frequently downloaded games within Apple App Store and Android Google Play store. In the USA alone, two days after the game was launched there were more than 65 million downloads. Game players are walking around the real-life neighborhoods while hunting Pokemons. The game opens up new marketing opportunities for businesses.

Firstly, Pokemon game is beneficial for local businesses. For example, Linizio Pizza Bar, in Long Island, sales jumped by 75% since the owner of a restaurant paid $10 for a “lure module” feature which attracted fellow players to his restaurant (Rogalski, 2016). Other physical shops, bars, and restaurants are advertising themselves as “Poke stops” or “Gyms,” which attracts new customer flow. It is an opportunity for local businesses to draw player’s attention to promotions, discounts, and campaigns which company has to offers via flyers, signs or hanging banners (Bloem, 2016). Additionally, companies can promote their business via social media websites by giving discounts to customers who “check-in” in their store or restaurant, while hunting Pokemons.

A growing number of Pokemon game users and players walking around the physical places sets a challenging competition for companies such as Foursquare, which offers discount coupons for users who “check-in” in the location (Moon, 2016). In the future, businesses can be promoted and advertised via “check-ins” made by Pokemon players in social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter.

At the moment, Pokemon is incorporated in a marketing plan by small businesses by renaming products, creating events and making their places as a “Poke stops” and “Poke Gyms” (Lovasz, 2016). However, it is a matter of time before big companies will that to execute Pokemon marketing opportunities. Big corporations are already taking a look into this (Moon,2016).


Bloem, C. (2016). Inc. Retrieved 4 September, 2016, from http://www.inc.com/craig-bloem/how-to-market-yourself-on-pokemon-go-if-your-business-is-not-on-a-pokestop.html

Moon, A. (2016). Reuters. Retrieved 4 September, 2016, from http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nintendo-pokemon-disruptor-idUSKCN0ZT2U2

Lovasz, A. (2016). Tech. Retrieved 5 September, 2016 from http://tech.co/incorporate-pokemon-go-local-marketing-strategy-2016-07

Rogalski, K. (2016). Quora. Retrieved 4 September, 2016, from https://www.quora.com/How-can-Pok%C3%A9mon-be-used-as-a-new-marketing-tool

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