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Essay samples

  • Essay on the Russia-Ukraine War

    Essay on the Russia-Ukraine War

    It is not always necessary to write an essay on topics that are easy to understand, but everything needs to be say about them, and there are without too much fragments in the story.

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  • Afghanistan War Essay Sample

    Afghanistan War Essay Sample

    Hubris or Failed Strategy? United States troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan following an agreement reached between the Taliban and the US government. The US is seen to have lost the war. However, this was not because of America’s excessive confidence or pride but a sheer failure in strategy and planning and a host of bad…

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  • Role of Greed in Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Role of Greed in Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Introduction Animal Farm, by George Orwell, represents a very interesting and complex satire on communism and the Russian Revolution. It tackles various themes, such as greed, leaders and followers, betrayal, propaganda, appearances, and reality. Greed itself is a predominant theme in Animal Farm and one that needs further research and study.

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  • Essay About Fast Food Advertising to Children and Childhood Obesity

    Essay About Fast Food Advertising to Children and Childhood Obesity

    How Fast Food Advertising Influences Children: Does It Affect Obesity Rates among Children? Childhood obesity is a cause of major concern in modern times. When it comes to this problem, diet and lifestyle issues are key factors, such as excessive intake of fast food. Hence, it’s not surprising that the consumption of fast food advertisements…

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  • Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay: The Role of Conflict

    Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay: The Role of Conflict

    Introduction The main conflicts in this novel are human versus society, and to a lesser extent, human versus themselves. The conflict is revealed through the main character’s narration and what other characters say about her. The human versus society angle is one worth digging deeper into, and the majority of the conflict that swirls around…

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  • Essay about Kpop and Its Popularity

    Essay about Kpop and Its Popularity

    Introduction Korean Pop, commonly known as K-pop, became a global phenomenon with many teenagers across cultures. It is known for its vibrant and entertaining music, which demands long and arduous voice and dance training to hone these talents to perfection. From the slick choreography and synchronized dance moves, K-pop makes it appealing for the global…

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  • Sea Transportation Essay Sample

    Sea Transportation Essay Sample

    The Security of the Maritime Transportation System Introduction Despite robust development in air and land transport, the movement of goods by sea remains integral to sustaining global economic growth. With approximately 10% of the world’s produce moving in and out of countries by maritime transportation, securing the routes and ensuring freedom of navigation will always…

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  • Essay About Fashion Industry

    Essay About Fashion Industry

    This essay about fashion industry is a great example of how this type of paper should be written. Spend a few minutes on reading it through – you will get some valuable ideas for your own writing.

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  • Disney Essay: Do Disney Princesses Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Young Girls?

    Disney Essay: Do Disney Princesses Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Young Girls?

    Introduction I think that childhood should be one of the most splendid periods in a person’s life. This is a time when the world is first being experienced in all its beauty, and a time when one starts to distinguish themselves from their surroundings. Even though both these important points are still preserved in the…

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  • Why Is Romeo and Juliet Not a Love Story, but a Tragedy?

    Why Is Romeo and Juliet Not a Love Story, but a Tragedy?

    Introduction It is impossible to disagree that love and romance are the central elements of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Nevertheless, the author shows how blind devotion can destroy young people lives, which turns this common love story into a real tragedy.

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  • Can Money Buy Happiness Essay Example

    Can Money Buy Happiness Essay Example

    Our ‘Can money buy happiness?’ essay can help you gain some profound insight into this fundamental question of money and wellness. The blurred parallel between these two things has sparked controversy ever since money was created.

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  • Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Example

    Napoleon Bonaparte Essay Example

    If writing a paper becomes difficult for you, then a sample can help you like the essay on Napoleon Bonaparte presented below. If you look at it, you will see that it was written by a writer who has knowledge in the topic. It is important to understand that any paper can be written easily…

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  • Essay About Education in the USA

    Essay About Education in the USA

    Using the following essay about education can lead to great results in your own writing. It presents ideas that can help you to come up with your own ideas for your writing. In the case when you don’t know how to start your paper, an education essay sample can help you. But don’t copy it,…

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  • Labor Union Essay You Shouldn’t Miss

    Labor Union Essay You Shouldn’t Miss

    If you look from the perspective of the harsh language of jurisprudence, a labor union is a union of workers on a voluntary basis, related to each other by professional interests. The ultimate goal of the labor union, as an organization, is to protect the rights and interests of its members, both at the labor…

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  • Essay Example About Filmmaking: America Through the Eyes of Europeans

    Essay Example About Filmmaking: America Through the Eyes of Europeans

    We have lots of samples with opinions on many issues on our site. One of them is the essay example about filmmaking presented below. Keep in mind that you can’t copy this text, as it is considered plagiarism. The reason to use the sample is that it can help you to write your own paper.…

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  • Scholarship Essay Sample: Why I Deserve the Scholarship

    Scholarship Essay Sample: Why I Deserve the Scholarship

    Introduction Most people have choices. My mother always said she had none. When she was 23 years old, she immigrated to the United States from China with about fifty dollars in cash and no connections. Thanks to my mother, I have more choices than she had, and I have done everything possible to take advantage…

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  • Chernobyl Essay on the Consequences of the Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Essay on the Consequences of the Nuclear Disaster

    Introduction We cannot prevent all disasters, but we can do everything possible to keep them from happening again. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 was one of the events that the human race should have prevented at all cost. But we failed. Today, we can only study the reasons for the tragedy, and the consequences…

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  • Essay Sample: Do Students Need Career Orientation Tests?

    Essay Sample: Do Students Need Career Orientation Tests?

    Introduction: The Difficulties of Choosing a Career Path Deciding upon a career path can be complicated, especially at a younger age, when opportunities and possibilities are so numerous that choosing just one may become difficult. One way of solving this is a career guidance test, which is supposed to help choose a future profession. It…

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  • Gun Control Essay: Media Bias and Propaganda on Gun Control

    Gun Control Essay: Media Bias and Propaganda on Gun Control

    Introduction: Gun Control as a Worldwide Issue Gun violence is and has been an unavoidable occurrence over the past few years in many parts of the world. The public has witnessed massive attacks that have left everyone grief-stricken, leading to the outpouring of debates about gun control. However, this debate has been hindered by bias…

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  • The Iliad and The Odyssey Analysis Essay

    The Iliad and The Odyssey Analysis Essay

    Examine the Similarities and the Differences Between Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey” Introduction The Iliad and The Odyssey are ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer. The Iliad describes the events of the Trojan War, namely a few weeks of the last year of the war. The Odyssey focuses on Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and…

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  • A Doll’s House Essay on Nora’s Behavior

    A Doll’s House Essay on Nora’s Behavior

    Is Nora’s Behavior More Probable for a Modern Woman than for One from the 19th Century? Introduction The society of the 19th century was far from providing optimal gender equality. Although the activists of first-wave feminism came forward in 1848, the traditional worldview and principles still prevailed. Thus, in 1879, “when Henrik Ibsen’s Nora Helmer…

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  • Crime and Punishment Essay on Raskolnikov’s Sides

    Crime and Punishment Essay on Raskolnikov’s Sides

    In “Crime and Punishment,” Sonya, Svidrigailov, and Lebezyatnikov represent the three sides of Raskolnikov. How? Which sides? Explain. Introduction The novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky explores the dualism of human nature and the complexity of the consciousness caused by this dualism. The protagonist of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a multifaceted hero. Every…

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  • Advertising to Children Essay Sample: Argumentative Marketing Essay

    Advertising to Children Essay Sample: Argumentative Marketing Essay

    Why Should the Government Forbid Advertising to Children? Introduction In the modern world, children from the earliest years have access to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and a large number of other modern technologies. Despite the fact that some people believe that access to modern technologies and the internet can be extremely harmful to children, the main…

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  • Housekeeping Essay Example

    Housekeeping Essay Example

    Should Children Be Taught Housekeeping at School? Introduction Primary education is one of the most important parts of the education process. It is the school where people learn basic skills required for normal functioning in society: reading, writing, counting, and communicating and connecting with other people. On the other hand, there is a constant discussion…

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  • Religion Essay About the Existence of God

    Religion Essay About the Existence of God

    If your task is to write a religion essay, then the following sample will help you. But how will an example help you? First, you need to understand how to write an essay on religion, and a sample is what you need for this purpose. It will help you to write a meaningful paper on…

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  • Role of Parents in Children’s Life: Essay About Divorce

    Role of Parents in Children’s Life: Essay About Divorce

    Should Children Be Asked by the Court Who They Want to Stay With After Their Parents’ Divorce? Introduction Divorce is a tricky challenge for a child whose parents decide to end the relationship. There are situations when parents manage to quickly and peacefully sort things out, divide property, and discuss a custody plan. Usually, in…

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  • Example of a Descriptive Essay About Changes in Life

    Example of a Descriptive Essay About Changes in Life

    Are you going to write a descriptive essay? It is hardly worth immediately taking up a pen and putting your thoughts on paper. We advise you to read descriptive essay examples first. At the first stage, it is important to understand how your paper should be written. Our example of a descriptive essay will help…

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  • Racism Essay Sample: How Can Religion Stimulate Racism?

    Racism Essay Sample: How Can Religion Stimulate Racism?

    You will write a much better paper if you use the racism essay presented below as a template. It illustrates the actual topic of racism. The author in this essay on racism emphasizes the influence of religion on racism. So, if you are assigned a task to write a paper on a similar topic, the…

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  • Computer Addiction Essay Sample

    Computer Addiction Essay Sample

    Are We Too Dependent on Computers? Introduction There are many claims against the utilization of computers because of their inefficiency or their adverse influence on human mental and physical health. On the one hand, people may think that they are too dependent on computers. On the other hand, they should ask themselves whether they can…

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  • Death Penalty Essay: Argumentative Essay Sample

    Death Penalty Essay: Argumentative Essay Sample

    Can the Death Penalty Be Effective? Introduction There are numerous debates about the death penalty, as the opinions on this topic differ in different countries of the world. Most countries have abolished the death penalty, but there are still countries where it is used. The effectiveness of the death penalty can be measured by the…

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