EssayShark Samples

  • Essay About Education in the USA

    Essay About Education in the USA

    Using the following essay about education can lead to great results in your own writing. It presents ideas that can help you to come up with your own ideas for your writing. In the case when you don’t know how to start your paper, an education essay sample can help you. But don’t copy it,…

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  • Labor Union Essay You Shouldn’t Miss

    Labor Union Essay You Shouldn’t Miss

    If you look from the perspective of the harsh language of jurisprudence, a labor union is a union of workers on a voluntary basis, related to each other by professional interests. The ultimate goal of the labor union, as an organization, is to protect the rights and interests of its members, both at the labor…

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  • Essay Example About Filmmaking: America Through the Eyes of Europeans

    Essay Example About Filmmaking: America Through the Eyes of Europeans

    We have lots of samples with opinions on many issues on our site. One of them is the essay example about filmmaking presented below. Keep in mind that you can’t copy this text, as it is considered plagiarism. The reason to use the sample is that it can help you to write your own paper.…

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  • Fathers and Sons Review: The Role of Sceneries in the Play

    Fathers and Sons Review: The Role of Sceneries in the Play

    You don’t need to struggle with your writing anymore, as this “Fathers and Sons” summary will help you. You will learn how to focus on information that relates to the issues of the essay. Our “Fathers and Sons” analysis sample will be useful for you. Reading it through is what you need to do before…

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  • Scholarship Essay Sample: Why I Deserve the Scholarship

    Scholarship Essay Sample: Why I Deserve the Scholarship

    Introduction Most people have choices. My mother always said she had none. When she was 23 years old, she immigrated to the United States from China with about fifty dollars in cash and no connections. Thanks to my mother, I have more choices than she had, and I have done everything possible to take advantage…

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  • Geography Research Paper Example on World Cuisines

    Geography Research Paper Example on World Cuisines

    The customs of cuisines are an important part of human life, as they reflect the experience of people who lived before us, who came from antiquity. These customs were formed under the influence of natural, historical, and social conditions, from cultural exchange with neighbors. The historical events occurring in different countries, as well as their…

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  • Chernobyl Essay on the Consequences of the Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Essay on the Consequences of the Nuclear Disaster

    Introduction We cannot prevent all disasters, but we can do everything possible to keep them from happening again. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 was one of the events that the human race should have prevented at all cost. But we failed. Today, we can only study the reasons for the tragedy, and the consequences…

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  • Literature PPT Presentations: ‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Kurt Vonnegut

    Literature PPT Presentations: ‘Cat’s Cradle’ by Kurt Vonnegut

    Read the speaker’s notes and find the presentation at the end of the post. The Representation of Science and Religion in Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Cat’s Cradle is a science fiction novel written by American writer Kurt Vonnegut. From first sight, the book is based upon the description of an imagined society with its…

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  • Management Presentation: Importance of Risk Management

    Management Presentation: Importance of Risk Management

    There are many topics that you may discuss during your management course. Risk management is among them. In the following management presentation our author has decided to highlight the importance of risk management for big corporations.

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  • Murder on the Orient Express Review Sample

    Murder on the Orient Express Review Sample

    In the most severe cases, when you don’t know how to start a literature essay, read through a sample like our “Murder on the Orient Express” summary. Quite often, students find good ideas in such samples for writing their own papers. If it is difficult for you to start writing immediately, a “Murder on the…

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  • 3D Printing Presentation: The Recent Advancement in 3D Printing

    3D Printing Presentation: The Recent Advancement in 3D Printing

    In the following 3D printing presentation we want to share with you the main principles and the history of the development of 3D printing. But before that, we want to share with you basic information about 3D printing. This technology evolved in 1984. At the very beginning, it was suggested to be used in cinematography…

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  • Presentation About Education: Advantages of the US Education System

    Presentation About Education: Advantages of the US Education System

    The current US education system has many distinctive features formed under the influence of the country’s development. One of the most significant features is that any of the states have the opportunity to pursue an independent policy in the educational area. The US educational system is unique and has many benefits in comparison to other…

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  • Journalism PowerPoint Presentation: Bloggers vs Journalists

    Journalism PowerPoint Presentation: Bloggers vs Journalists

    The issues surrounding journalism and blogging is one of the main conflicts in the communication sphere. In fact, bloggers and journalists have different roles. Bloggers are essentially eyewitnesses and are not required to have good writing skills. For example, in the first half of the twentieth century, an eyewitness would comment on an event to…

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  • Essay Sample: Do Students Need Career Orientation Tests?

    Essay Sample: Do Students Need Career Orientation Tests?

    Introduction: The Difficulties of Choosing a Career Path Deciding upon a career path can be complicated, especially at a younger age, when opportunities and possibilities are so numerous that choosing just one may become difficult. One way of solving this is a career guidance test, which is supposed to help choose a future profession. It…

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  • Gun Control Essay: Media Bias and Propaganda on Gun Control

    Gun Control Essay: Media Bias and Propaganda on Gun Control

    Introduction: Gun Control as a Worldwide Issue Gun violence is and has been an unavoidable occurrence over the past few years in many parts of the world. The public has witnessed massive attacks that have left everyone grief-stricken, leading to the outpouring of debates about gun control. However, this debate has been hindered by bias…

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  • Bullying Presentation: Preschool and Early Childhood Bullying

    Bullying Presentation: Preschool and Early Childhood Bullying

    All children sooner or later face bulling: either as a victim, an offender, or as a witness. All of these roles have a devastating effect on a child’s personality. Bulling is not just anger and meanness. It can also be social isolation, which injures as much as verbal aggression. For example, a certain child may…

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  • Business PowerPoint Presentation: Retaining Millennials at the Workplace

    Business PowerPoint Presentation: Retaining Millennials at the Workplace

    So, who are millennials? The term “millennials” (also known as Generation Y) includes a whole generation of people born in the period from 1980 to 2000. People born in this period of time have certain qualities that unite them in a unique group. This generation ignores authority, values freedom, seeks meaning in what they are…

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  • Nuclear Power Science Presentation: Nuclear vs. Solar Power

    Nuclear Power Science Presentation: Nuclear vs. Solar Power

    The sun, wind, and other sources of renewable energy are rapidly growing, and catching up to nuclear power plants in terms of the amount of produced electricity. At the moment, nuclear power stations produce two times more energy than renewable sources. However, many countries have reduced the number of nuclear power stations because of Fukushima…

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  • Literature PPT Presentations: Ancient Greek Heroes in Modern Literature

    Literature PPT Presentations: Ancient Greek Heroes in Modern Literature

    The ancient culture of the Mediterranean is considered the greatest creation of mankind. Ancient Greek heroes and myths are still relevant today. While in ancient times authors used mythology to explain the world and its existence, modern authors use it in their own interest. If you explore the literature of the last few centuries, you…

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  • Female Representation in Disney Princess Films

    Female Representation in Disney Princess Films

    The role of women simply as mothers and housekeepers has been obsolete for many years. Disney is frequently accused of sexism, as the company’s women characters are usually dependent, sensitive, and humble. While the princess characters have changed throughout the years, they still have fewer dialogues than men. Princesses in modern Disney cartoons are quite…

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  • The Iliad and The Odyssey Analysis Essay

    The Iliad and The Odyssey Analysis Essay

    Examine the Similarities and the Differences Between Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey” Introduction The Iliad and The Odyssey are ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer. The Iliad describes the events of the Trojan War, namely a few weeks of the last year of the war. The Odyssey focuses on Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and…

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  • A Doll’s House Essay on Nora’s Behavior

    A Doll’s House Essay on Nora’s Behavior

    Is Nora’s Behavior More Probable for a Modern Woman than for One from the 19th Century? Introduction The society of the 19th century was far from providing optimal gender equality. Although the activists of first-wave feminism came forward in 1848, the traditional worldview and principles still prevailed. Thus, in 1879, “when Henrik Ibsen’s Nora Helmer…

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  • Crime and Punishment Essay on Raskolnikov’s Sides

    Crime and Punishment Essay on Raskolnikov’s Sides

    In “Crime and Punishment,” Sonya, Svidrigailov, and Lebezyatnikov represent the three sides of Raskolnikov. How? Which sides? Explain. Introduction The novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky explores the dualism of human nature and the complexity of the consciousness caused by this dualism. The protagonist of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is a multifaceted hero. Every…

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  • Persuasive Speech Example on Love

    Persuasive Speech Example on Love

    Why Is Love Not a Gift but a Challenge? Introduction When we think about love, we imagine lovely pictures of romantic kisses, exciting adventures, and living happily ever after. Why do we always forget about the other things that stand behind these nice images? Why don’t we remember fights, tears, and broken hearts? The answer…

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  • Sociology Presentation: The Power of a Smile

    Sociology Presentation: The Power of a Smile

    Smiling is an effective tool to build a bridge between two people. A smiling person attracts positive people and creates a relaxing atmosphere. People use smiles for certain social aims, as it sends certain signals to people. A sincere smile shows that other people can trust you and make a favorable impression. At the same…

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  • Physician-Assisted Suicide Speech Sample

    Physician-Assisted Suicide Speech Sample

    Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized? Introduction Before answering the question, “Why would anyone in the right mind terminate their life?” we should think over another one: What do we live for? What is the point of life? Many philosophers, scientists, and writers have been trying for hundreds of years to find the right answer. But…

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  • Presentation on High School Uniform: Importance for Students

    Presentation on High School Uniform: Importance for Students

    A uniform is a type of clothing used to identify a particular group of people. A uniform can perform one interesting function. It creates a feeling of participation, and as a result, it disciplines the staff and helps them correlate their own actions with the rules. Wearing a uniform is essential for military personnel, stewards,…

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  • Advertising to Children Essay Sample: Argumentative Marketing Essay

    Advertising to Children Essay Sample: Argumentative Marketing Essay

    Why Should the Government Forbid Advertising to Children? Introduction In the modern world, children from the earliest years have access to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and a large number of other modern technologies. Despite the fact that some people believe that access to modern technologies and the internet can be extremely harmful to children, the main…

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  • Censorship Presentation: The Most Iconic Examples in History

    Censorship Presentation: The Most Iconic Examples in History

    It must be said that censorship has existed nearly for all of humankind. Censorship refers to the actions of authorities aimed at the restriction of information that may be considered as inappropriate and harmful. It’s neither good nor bad, since it is just a tool that is used to achieve specific goals. Mostly, censors motivated…

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  • Housekeeping Essay Example

    Housekeeping Essay Example

    Should Children Be Taught Housekeeping at School? Introduction Primary education is one of the most important parts of the education process. It is the school where people learn basic skills required for normal functioning in society: reading, writing, counting, and communicating and connecting with other people. On the other hand, there is a constant discussion…

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