You can rely on our money-back guarantee to get a full or partial refund if you want to cancel your order or if something goes wrong during the process. Also, you will get your order in parts after depositing the necessary funds into your account.
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Your funds are 100% refundable
All payments PCI DSS protected
There can be rare cases when there are no writers available at the moment. If that happens, you can get a full refund. Just click “Request a refund of your balance” when visiting your personal page.
If a writer has not yet been assigned to your order, you will get a 100% refund. If your writer has already started working on the assignment, the refund amount will vary from 20-100%, depending on their progress.
Our team does everything possible to deliver orders on time. However, there can be cases of late delivery, and we are ready to give a partial refund if that happens and we are the ones at fault.
You get to review every part of your assignment before releasing funds. If you want to change something, you can ask your writer for free revisions. Make sure your assignment looks the way you need before releasing the funds.
Money-back guarantee is covered with our Refund Policy
What’s SafePayments? It’s a secure payment flow designed with you in mind.
You reserve funds and release them only when you are happy with result. In case of any bad experience, your money are 100% refundable at any point of the order.
Years on the market
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Returning customers
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