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EssayShark Ratings & Rewards System

Our EssayShark student team has some of the best paper writers. Their experience is multifaceted and very extensive, but sometimes, a student needs to know more than the author's specialization. Therefore, to simplify your choice, we have created a system of ratings and rewards.


Rating system

The rating for a given writer is on a scale from 1 to 10 and is considered the average rating collected from all clients helped by them. We ask each student to give the author a rating and comment after completing the order. To get to know the author better, you can read the comments about their skills on their profile.

Ratings and Rewards

Our reward system was designed to reward authors who can deliver the best results for their articles. Although writers receive awards regularly, they can sometimes be received again. You can see the number of awards on the author's profile.

Triple Ten

Triple Ten

An author who has received this mark has completed 10 orders within 10 days and received the maximum rating of 10 for his work

There are currently 217 writers with Triple Ten awards.

Nine Plus

Nine Plus

This is awarded to authors who have completed more than 5 orders and rated 9.0 or higher.

There are currently 245 writers with Nine Plus awards.

Proven Punctuality

Proven Punctuality

This is awarded to writers who have written over 15 papers within 30 days and received a rating of 8.0. At the same time, their indicator of timely delivery is 80%.

There are currently 48 writers with Proven Punctuality awards.

Proven Reliability

Proven Reliability

This is awarded to writers who have completed 15+ orders with a rating of 8.0 or higher within 30 days. The index of orders canceled by the author or the client is at most 3%.

Currently, 54 writers have Proven Reliability awards.

Writer of the Month

Writer of the Month

Authors receive this individually for high results, depending on customer comments, the number of regular customers, meeting deadlines, and other factors.

Newcomer of the Month

Newcomer of the Month

This is issued case-by-case to new writers based on customer feedback and the number of orders completed during the first month of employment. This award is given temporarily for one month.

Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty

This is received by authors for whom regular returning customers make up more than 20% of their client base (starting from 10 regular customers).

There are currently 2 writers with Customer Loyalty awards.

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