EssayShark Books Review: 6 Books for Academic Writing
This article is a review sharing six books to read from EssayShark. All books refer to a certain category of academic writing and can be useful for a wide range of readers. Our writers have decided that it’s a crime to keep in secret their knowledge about essay writing, and as a result, a series of books have appeared on Amazon in electronic and print versions.
If the thought of reading a book just to start writing an essay makes you depressed, our authors have great news: If your essay is clear, well-structured, and accurate, you don’t need a book for academic writing. In other cases, just start with one.
Whenever it comes to writing an essay or another paper, students frequently are wondering: “How should I start?” “What words should I choose?” and so on. Mastering the art of academic writing requires a particularly careful approach and deep understanding of paper structure, tone of voice, formatting styles, and many other nuances.
Table of contents
These books are for people who wish to find detailed guidance for bettering writing skills at schools, colleges, and universities. Also, we have two books about letter writing that will be helpful not only for students but also for other people who strive to write letters more effectively. Want to keep things simple? Check out the reviews of the books without feeling overwhelmed by all the options.
“Essay Becomes Easy. Part I”
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If you are only making your first steps in academic writing, let this book be your first. Why? It covers the basic types of essays that are frequently assigned at schools and universities: analysis, persuasive, classification, evaluation, reflective, narrative, and compare and contrast essays. The helpful tips and advice make so much sense and are easy to follow. This book teaches you how to pick reliable sources, define your thesis statement, choose arguments to support your claims, and write engaging introductions and conclusions.
You will find well-crafted step-by-step guides that will walk you through all stages of creating an essay. Start with following the steps listed for the particular essay type, look through suggested topics, and end up with reading samples to get an idea of what a completed paper looks like.
It works well both for timed exam conditions and coursework essays. We recommend to set it at hand on the right corner of your desk and use it daily.
Recommended for: Novice academic writers that need to know the basics of academic writing.
Why you’ll love it: You will learn from the best tips, top-notch essay samples in MLA format, and 100+ essay topics that will inspire you with new ideas for your own essay.
“Essay Becomes Easy. Part II”
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“Essay Becomes Easy. Part II” is a straightforward guide to essay writing composed with accessible language and is endlessly instructive. If you have troubles with writing essay types such as critical, cause and effect, deductive, definition, descriptive, expository, or informal essays, this book will get you unstuck.
Freshmen and novice writers would hardly be able to manage all their ideas if they were left with a piece of paper and asked to write an essay right away. The writing process would be much easier if you had detailed instructions and advice at hand.
This one is great because it is written in a simple language. Its aim is to take on the complex aspects of essay writing to support students at all stages of academic writing. Stay focused and be more productive with “Essay Becomes Easy.”
While this book is aimed to cover academic writing, it can also be applicable to non-fiction writing in general. The simple instructions and various samples will help novice writers that have troubles with writing academic papers.
Recommended for: Novice academic writers or those who are interested in the mechanics of writing.
Why you’ll love it: You can’t go wrong with these step-by-step guides. An added benefit: you’ll learn a lot from essay samples in APA format that you can apply to your own essay.
Note. These two parts accompany each other and it is a good option to keep them both if you want to cover all essay types. Also, you will be able to study samples both in APA and MLA styles of writing.
“Essay Writing Police: On Guard of Your Literacy”
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Want to get rid of mistakes? This one’s for you. “Essay Writing Police: On Guard of Your Literacy” provides immediately useful craft advice for academic writers that strive to know their enemy. The authors have analyzed more than a hundred essays from different students and have created a list of mistakes students usually make while writing. Unfortunately, nobody is above making a mistake. However, you can reduce their quantity and improve your writing with this book.
In this book, you will find good, practical ideas for students who make many mistakes in their writing assignments. When it will come time to proofread your first draft, you won’t need to strain your eyes, as the list of typical mistakes will be at hand! This book includes typical mistakes in structure, format, grammar, style, plagiarism, and other mistakes that are frequently found in students’ essays. Now it will be easy to avoid mistakes when you know where to look.
Consider the fact that this book is more about mastering proofreading the text, rather than writing it. You won’t learn how to write an essay (or other academic papers), but how to fix your writing. Skills that you will acquire may help you even after graduation.
Recommended for: Perfectionists that strive to eliminate mistakes in essay writing or pessimists that can’t believe that a book with academic advice can be fun.
Why you’ll love it: With helpful tips and real essays that are supported with detailed explanations, you will master the science of proofreading your academic texts with ease.
“Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part I”
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It is simple to write an e-mail to a friend, but do you get confused writing official letters? If you wish to master writing emails and letters, look at this book. We could argue that letter writing is a special beast, but today people write more emails, and it would be sad to limit your writing skills only to ordinary letters. The authors cover academic recommendation, acknowledgment, adjustment, application, complaint, cover, and follow-up letters that will be useful both for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Each chapter contains basic information about a certain type of letter, step-by-step guidelines, and a list of things the writer should avoid, which then is demonstrated in samples at the end of the chapter.
Having troubles with writing effective letters? This book will help.
Recommended for: Anyone who strives to write great letters for all occasions, including business and academic letters.
Why you’ll love it: Working tips and letter samples will turn your ordinary application or follow-up letter into an effective one. Just try it out!
“Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II”
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In the digital era, it has become less common to write letters. But still, some letters can significantly affect your life. Want to stop suffering from writing letters? Check out this book and ease your life!
The second part, in addition to the first part, provides comprehensive guides for more types of letters that are usually written for everyday personal and business occasions. If you want your letter of intent to sound more convincing or just want to know how to start and finish your messages properly, “Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II” can help you.
Letters are written to cause a desired effect on the reader, and this book explains how to plan, organize, and write a letter using traditional and non-traditional methods. Whether you need to write a letter to your supply manager, university, or large government institution, you’ll find a sample that can be easily adapted for your case.
Recommended for: Anyone who strives to write great letters for all occasions, including business and academic letters.
Why you’ll love it: Writing tips and letter samples will lend confidence whether one needs to invite guests to a party or to write a recommendation.
Note. By owning “Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part I” and “Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II” you will be able to rock all types of letters and be more effective in your everyday correspondence. These guides will be useful not only during college years but also in your everyday and professional life.
“Move the Rock of Academic Writing”
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This book is more academic than most of the list, so if you’re truly serious about learning how to improve your academic writing skills, this one will be helpful; just be mindful that it demands you study hard. The book is so easy to read that it will make you enjoy writing and learning grammar.
If you haven’t figured out by now, knowing academic style is a critical skill necessary to succeed in academic writing. The more you can learn about purpose, structure, formatting style, and commonly used words, the more tools you have in your writer’s toolbox.
This craft book is essential for academic writers. It covers in detail the list of words and phrases, general structure of academic papers, and principles of major documentation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard).
Every single page contains specific and helpful information about how to write academic papers. “Move the Rock of Academic Writing” packs lots of tips on how to improve your writing, from punctuating a sentence the right way and using structure to your advantage to constructing a scholarly text. You can open this book at a random page for inspiration and instruction. Complete with examples, this book is one of the best academic writing guides you will read.
Writing academic papers? Get this book – simple as that.
Recommended for: Novice and intermediate academic writers who wish to polish their writing skills, and those who want to learn academic writing from scratch.
Why you’ll love it: If you need to write an academic paper and lack confidence in your skills, with this book you will learn about how to find an academic voice, and use phrases to get started and keep writing awesome papers.
Read your way to becoming a better writer
Books have a great power to teach us and fill us with information that moves us beyond our ordinary lives. If you are seeking the right books, the tried-and-true books that are filled with essential advice for academic writing – check out the books from the trusted EssayShark masters.
- We recommend our readers to buy a series of books, as they accompany each other. For example, two parts of “Business and Academic Letters and Emails” will help you cover more types of letter writing that will be practical in a number of everyday personal, consumer, business, and legal problems.
- However, please be aware that these books generalize academic writing and may differ from writing requirements in your program, so always go to your professors with assignment related questions.
- All of our books are available in print and electronic formats. Please note that the book can appear differently on various devices, so keep this in mind while reading.
- Every electronic book has an option for navigation between chapters, so you can easily find the needed information throughout the book.
Once you find a book on academic writing that will speak to your heart, it will remove the pain of writing. It will change your writing. It will change your academic life.
To improve your academic writing skills, you should understand what you need to grow as an academic writer and choose the appropriate book. The more books you read, the more knowledgeable you become. Pick only those books that will get to the core of what you’re struggling with right now. If you’re interested in enhancing your academic writing skills, you may find reading useful, but don’t forget to combine it with practice!