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Greetings to Winners of Christmas Contest for Writers

A Christmas story from Dr-Ares writer

My Perfect Christmas (My Christmas story for Essayshark for 2022)

It’s a frigid winter day on Christmas Eve. I don’t usually enjoy the cold, but at this time of year, it contrasts so perfectly with the warmth in people’s hearts that I joyfully tolerate it. Everyone knows that I anticipate this holiday like a child does. How could I not? Christmas is like a fairytale that feels more real than the numb routine of everyday life. The air’s full of heartwarming aromas, like butter cookies, gingerbread, and the ingenuous excitement that can even be scented with a congested nose. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s take it from the beginning.

Determined not to let a single moment of the perfect Christmas slip by, I rise with the sun. My eyes are drawn to my purposely blindless window. An involuntary smile forms on my lips as I recognize my favorite color, a pale, shimmering shade of blue, subtly caressing my curtain. “I can’t believe it,” I whisper to the empty room. “It snowed after all!” I teleport in front of the window and let my eyes feast on how the fresh snow gently reflects the discreet rays of the sun. Some of them make it through the glass, being filtered from the light curtain that waves between my eyes and nature’s show. I slide it aside and push the sashes wide to let it all, in its entirety, sink in into my aroused senses.

Suddenly, a synchronized laughter composed of multiple voices snaps me out of it. I rush out of the door to discover its source, but the cooking scents I inhale make me forget what I was after. I have no clue what I’m smelling, but I’m already convinced it’s delicious. I chase after my nose to the kitchen, where I find a table overflowing with delicacies that’s surrounded by my chewing family. “This has to be the most effective way of keeping everyone gathered within arm’s reach,” I laugh out loud while joining them. The next few hours are filled with the recalling of memories, the telling of jokes, and the savoring of some of the best flavors one may ever experience.

As the afternoon rolls around, we bundle up in our warmest coats and head out to get our Christmas tree for this year. I love how our dark-colored clothes highlight the snowflakes that decide to land on us. We hit every store and mall nearby until we found the perfect tree – a tall, majestic spruce with branches full of sparkling, warm lights. We carefully load it in our truck and carry it back to the house, where we set it up in the living room and decorate it with red and gold-shade ornaments, and a shiny star at the top – all in the sounds of classic Christmas songs that are covered by some established jazz band.

As the evening approaches, we gather in the living room around the fireplace to share stories, play games, and, of course, exchange gifts. Despite having received many thoughtful gifts from my loved ones in the past, seeing their happy faces after receiving mine always excited me more. So I can’t wait until I reveal their presents to them and see how effective I was this year. First, however, we are to enjoy a rich dinner of roast turkey, mashed potatoes, and all the traditional trimmings, like gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce.

My phone tells me it’s 2 after midnight. It’s time to settle in for the night. I hug my loved ones, repeat my wishes for them, and exchange goodnights. I return to my bedroom and crawl into my cozy bed. I find myself exhausted and happy – my favorite state of being. That involuntary smile appears again on my lips as I drift off to sleep. I really can’t help but feel grateful for the love and joy that filled my heart on yet another Christmas Eve.

I know, some people might consider all that too trivial and unimpressive. Others might find it too much, and that’s fine. For me, however, this is exactly how things should be. I desire nothing more and nothing less, because this is my perfect Christmas.

My Christmas wish for EssayShark

Dear Essayshark team,

As we approach the end of another year, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest appreciation and admiration for all that you do, students and writers alike. Your dedication to providing top-quality academic essays for students and motivation for writers is truly inspiring, and it is a pleasure to work alongside such a skilled and cooperative team.

I am both happy and proud of the way we all come together to collaborate and support one another, whether it’s meeting tight deadlines or tackling challenging issues. Your commitment to progress and excellence is truly impressive, and I am grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group.

I hope that this holiday season is filled with love, laughter, and all the joys of the season. Here’s to a bright and successful future for Essayshark, and to all of us who work together to make it possible.

Warm wishes,
Dr. Ares

A poem from feskywriter

My Perfect Holiday in Africa, Kenya

In the horn of Africa, a land of great beauty and diversity,
We spent our Christmas holiday traversing the land of Kenya,
Where the sun shines bright and the sky is always clear,
With the air being filled with the alluring sounds of nature.

Our journey began in the bustling city of Nairobi,
Where we tasted various spicy flavors of Kenyan cuisine,
And shopping for local crafts and souvenirs like Kiondos,
But it was the wildlife and nature that truly stole our hearts.

Into the outskirts of Nairobi, we ventured to the savannah,
Where we were greeted by majestic elephants and graceful giraffes,
Roaming free in their natural and serene habitat.
We also encountered a pride of lions,
Lazing in the shade of an acacia tree.

We spent our days exploring the great outdoors,
Hiking through the lush forests, the great rift valley and taking in the stunning views,
From the peaks of Mount Kenya to the shores of Lake Victoria.
We even had the chance to go on a hot air balloon ride,
Floating above the rolling hills and vast plains and plateaus

At night, we returned to our cozy lodge,
Where we sat around the campfire,
Listening to the stories of the local Maasai tribe,
And gazing up at the star-filled sky.

This was a holiday like no other,
Filled with adventure, beauty, and cultural experiences,
That we will always cherish and remember.
We can’t wait to come back and experience it all again.

Story from a Dr-Christina writer

My Christmas Miracle

Once upon a time, there was a woman (me) who believed in miracles. As a child, I was able to see miracles in everything, from shooting stars, a buzzing bee, a baby crying… I believed so much in them. Then twenty years later, after having suffered great losses of loved ones, being in an accident myself, and experiencing numerous tragedies, I decided that miracles are only for children and do not really exist. I did not believe in love either because I did not want to love someone only to lose them through death or by another means. This new philosophy made me unhappy, but at least I wouldn’t be disappointed again, right?

A couple of years later, I meet the man of my dreams. Literally. I remember as a young girl having dreamt of him, only to find him in a friend’s wedding in real life. And what a night it was. What a man he was. He took me completely by surprise, and I couldn’t believe how hard and fast we fell for each other. Being from other countries did not complicate matters at all. We both felt magic happen and did everything in our power to grow and cherish our relationship. Six years later, we are still together and happily married. My outlook on love changed completely, and though I am terrified of losing the love of my life, I am also grateful and find it more terrifying NOT to be with him.

This miracle, the miracle of finding love and not only that… the love of my life, made me believe in miracles again. However, I was in for yet another disappointment: we could not have children. After countless IVFs, negative pregnancy tests, tears, injections, hormones, and a broken heart, we decided to stop trying. I wanted so much to become a mother. I am a teacher by profession, and I love children, and my heart was broken. Not only that, after the last IVF, I got pregnant, but the baby died during the first trimester. Devastation cannot even begin to describe how I felt.

After the miscarriage, I stopped wanting to try. It wasn’t worth it. We decided to sell everything and just travel the world together. Five months later, I feel a huge pain in my stomach. It was familiar… I have felt this pain before when I was pregnant the first time. But it can’t be right? I mean… we stopped IVF, we stopped going to the doctor… it must be something else right? WRONG! I was pregnant!! Not only that, it happened naturally and now we have a beautiful rainbow baby girl. I have a daughter! Something I never thought would happen! You can say that after having stopped believing in miracles, this Christmas I get to celebrate not only with my wonderful husband, but also with my miracle baby. The broken pieces of my heart have merged back together and is bigger and fuller than it has ever been before. Thank you God and thank you life for making me believe in miracles again.

Thank you EssayShark Team for this lovely opportunity to share my story. It’s a true story and writing it was healing. Thank you for all that you do, and for trying to be supportive of writers and customers alike. You make EssayShark feel like family. God bless every Support member and Writer. Merry Christmas, and may you never stop believing in miracles.

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