How to Write a Domestic Violence Research Paper
Table of Contents
Domestic violence and divorce are very common social problems. More and more young couples are going through the process of divorce after a year or two of marriage. Thousands of woman and children are suffering from domestic violence every day. That is why students at colleges and universities are often assigned to write a domestic violence research paper or research paper on divorce.
In this article we want to share with you our insight on how to write a good essay on these important topics and give you some food for thought with topic ideas. You are also welcome to use our writing ideas generator to find more inspiration for writing.
Domestic Violence Research Paper Outline
The following outline can also be applied to other research papers. If you are writing a research paper on domestic violence or a research paper on divorce, outline may be modified depending on the topic and the type of research. Let’s look through the main parts of your future research paper.
1. The abstract. In your abstract, give a brief summary of your paper so that your readers can see whether this particular research is in line with their interests. Also, mention the following points:
- the purpose of the research
- the basic design of the research
- the main findings and trends
- brief conclusions
2. The introduction. This section links to the abstract and gives additional information about the topic you are going to discuss in the body paragraphs. Highlight how the issue is important and why the reader should pay attention to it. Also, you need to write a thesis statement.
3. The literature review. In this section you can highlight the most interesting findings from the recent publications and researches. Share statistics and other materials related to the topic. Mention research gaps in the literature and point out moments that need further investigation.
4. The methodology. Here you need to discuss the methods that you have used to investigate the chosen issue.
5. Results. Share your findings on the topic. For example, if you have conducted a survey, you will need to discuss the data you have received as a result. You can illustrate the major data in tables or diagrams, as people frequently perceive visual data better. Also, describe the received data.
6. Conclusion. Sum up the information that you have disclosed in all parts. Demonstrate how your findings are significant, and highlight the key findings from your research. If possible, show new or improved ways of thinking about the issue.
Please note: Your outline may take another form, especially when you have not conducted the field study. For example, instead of the methodology and results sections, you can discuss several sides of the issue.
How to Find the Right Topic for Your Paper
Divorce and domestic violence contain hundreds of issues. These topics can be viewed from various points: social, psychological, historical, economic, and more. This problem can influence all people of all races and ethnicities.
- Explore the topics you have discussed in the class. Also, it will be a good idea to look through the paragraphs in your textbooks. Highlight those topics or questions that interest you the most.
- Brainstorm. Take a blank sheet of paper or open a new document in a text editor. Turn off your phone and try to minimize distractions. Take several breaths, in and out. Start writing everything you have on your mind and try to concentrate on the topic for your paper. As a result, you will have a list of possible issues and ideas that you can take for your research.
- Look through previously written works. In your library or any database you have access to you can find various theses and dissertations written on issues connected to domestic violence or divorce. Make a list of interesting topics and generalize them, as you won’t be able to fully disclose a narrow topic in your research paper.
- Browse the internet. Make sure that you can find enough information for the most interesting topics. Look for facts and information you haven’t discussed in your class. Such information will make your paper more unique and intriguing to the teacher. Save the most helpful links and documents to a separate folder.
As a result of the above actions, you will get a list of topics. All you need to do is choose the most interesting to you. Make sure you have enough information to write about.
Domestic Violence Research Paper Topics
Explore the issues connected to domestic violence in the list below. You can take one of the domestic violence research paper topics as a basis for your own paper.
- Older adults and elderly. Domestic violence can occur among elderly couples. Also, elderly people can be abused by cohabitants or other family members. You can discuss how domestic violence affects their mental health, define the role of social services, and find out more information about violence against older women.
- Children and adolescents. Children and adolescents are extremely vulnerable to domestic violence. A tender psyche and high sensitivity make children actively react to violent behavior. Domestic violence can influence the formation of a child as an individual and lead to poor consequences in subsequent years. If a child grows in an atmosphere of violence, what kind of person will he or she become? What are the effects of shelter services on children?
- New technologies and domestic violence. Occurring technologies for mobile phones and other forms of communication can improve the level of response and prevention of domestic violence. Find recent information about how technologies can be used and discuss current practices. How can new technologies be used for a fast response to emergency situations of domestic violence?
- Prevention of domestic violence. Analyze the existing information about preventive programs in your country, state, or city. Explore the programs that already successfully run in other countries. How can domestic violence of children/elderly/women/etc. be prevented? What are the most effective approaches?
- People with disabilities. Men and women with disabilities are frequently suffering from domestic violence and sexual abuse. The abuser may be a partner, family member, health care provider, or caregiver. How does domestic violence affect people with disabilities? How can it be prevented?
- Psychology of domestic violence. In fact, domestic violence affects a person’s self-esteem, psychological well-being, emotions, identity, and more. Who are abusers? Who are the most vulnerable to domestic violence? What psychological approaches should be used while working with victims of domestic violence? Consider various genders and age groups.
- The cultural context of domestic violence. Have you heard about female genital mutilation? Femicide? Compulsory marriage? Cultural identity, strict gender roles, customs, and set values have a significant influence on society. These and other issues are typical for many cultures and even countries. Cultural groups are quite detached, which is why it’s hard to control them. What can be done to eliminate domestic violence from culture?
- Media representation of domestic violence. Mass media is a powerful tool of influence on public understanding of domestic violence. On the other hand, the media forms certain stereotypes and perceptions of social issues. How does mass media portray domestic violence and gender-based violence?
Topics for Research Paper on Divorce
If you were asked to write a paper about divorce, you can explore the following topics and find something interesting for you:
- Divorce in various countries. Examine the divorce law in various countries. What are the strangest laws? How do divorce rates differ in western and eastern countries? Why do people divorce? Define the perception of divorce in various regions.
- Religion and divorce. What role does religion play in marriage? Explore the main beliefs and traditions connected to divorce in various countries and cultures. Are religious couples more happy than non-religious couples?
- Influence of divorce on children. Children are highly sensitive to their parents’ relationships. The smoother the divorce will be, the better the child will go through this hard period of time. What should parents do to help their children? How can parents build or maintain healthy relationships with a child after a divorce? When is it time to ask a specialist to help you?
- Economics and divorce. What countries are the leaders of divorce? How does divorce influence the economic well-being of the country? How should the country make extra effort for saving marriages?
- Psychology of divorce. There are many reasons why people divorce. But most of the cases harm each side. What effects does divorce have on adults? How does divorce affect physical and mental health?
- Role of feminism in divorce. Thanks to feminist movements, women in many countries have gained more rights and freedoms. How do women’s and men’s positions on divorce differ? How does gender equality refer to the increased numbers of divorce?
- Importance of marriage. From year to year, the rates of marriages are constantly decreasing. Try to define what marriage means to yourself and your surroundings. Find out why marriage became unpopular. Is it good or bad? What has influenced this change?
Research Paper on Domestic Violence Sample
In the text below you can read an excerpt from a research paper written by one of our writers. You can use the information as a basis for your future paper. Also, look through the works cited list to find resources for the research.
The Origins and State of Domestic Violence in the US
Domestic violence has no country or race. It takes various forms and occurs in different countries around the world regardless of society and government type. Every third woman in the world becomes a victim of violence. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that needs unified methods of victim assistance and strong governmental support. Despite growing awareness of this social problem and regulatory actions, many aspects of domestic violence still have not yet been fully realized. (…)
Literature Review: The State of the Problem
Every minute, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 24 people in the US are exposed to threats, psychological pressure, or physical or sexual violence (Basile et al.). It is a paradox, but it happens in the living rooms and bedrooms and at family events, where people should actually feel completely safe. Nearly 35.6% of women in the US have experienced rape and physical violence from an intimate partner.
The number of known cases of domestic violence is not complete. Not all crimes become known, as less than 40% of women who have experienced violence seek for help (The World’s Women 2015). Such a situation occurs because many women are convinced that it is their own fault. Women are too embarrassed to seek help from the police or special support groups, especially when they have experienced violence committed by an intimate partner. (…)
The problem of domestic violence has existed for a long time in all countries, and reflects the disharmony and imbalance in society. People that experience domestic violence for a long period of time may experience physical, mental, and emotional problems; in the most extreme cases, domestic violence can lead to death. Social tolerance to domestic violence is a refusal of the creation of a civilized society. Experts agree that to tackle the problem of domestic violence, it is necessary to tighten up legislation, support organizations that take care of victims, and spread information through mass media. (…)
Works Cited
Basile, Kathleen C., et al. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2010 Summary Report. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention, 2011.
The World’s Women 2015: Trends and Statistics. United Nations Publications, 2015.
You may be also interested in the following paper – annotated bibliography on the impact of gender violence on women and children.
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