Exploratory Essay Topics You Shouldn’t Miss
An exploratory essay doesn’t try to present simply one answer to the question. It presents various positions that people have on the topic. This kind of writing can be found in news reports and textbooks. We have gathered exploratory essay topics for those who need to write this type of paper.
Table of contents
Topics for an exploratory essay on sports
- Why is Manchester United the biggest club in the world?
- Why is bullying in sports teams not stopped?
- Why do people think Esports are unacceptable as sports?
- Why is it better to get into sports from an early age?
- What are the challenges a kid faces when he or she plays football?
- How can you cope with an injury if you are an athlete?
- What is the easiest way to get the best results in a sport?
- How should an athlete maintain energy in the body?
- Are developed countries responsible for helping athletes?
- How do modern technologies affect sports?
In the course of the development of civilization, mankind has repeatedly faced complex problems, sometimes of a planetary nature. But still it was a distant prehistory, a kind of “incubation period” of modern global problems. Nowadays, we have a lot of world problems that have become interesting topics for consideration. We suggest you to check out these exploratory essay topics about world problems, which can be interesting for everyone.
Exploratory essay topics on world problems
- Why is the death penalty not forbidden in all countries?
- If murder is immoral, then is it ethical to have the death penalty?
- What are positive and negative effects of social media on society?
- Who should take responsibility for the obesity epidemic? The individual or the government?
- Should drug users be incarcerated?
- How can we lower rates of homelessness in the USA?
- Should casino gambling be outlawed in the USA?
- Should the drinking age in the US be lowered?
- How can the problem of police brutality be solved?
- Are smartphones making us anti-social?
- Why is smoking in public bad?
- What is the problem of women driving in Saudi Arabia?
- Why can China be considered the next global superpower?
- How can cloning humans be banned?
- How is Israel supported by the USA?
- How can all people be provided with water?
- What changes will occur in the EU in the future?
- Does the US have the responsibility of promoting human rights in the world?
- Why should American soldiers leave the Middle East?
- What is the role of the UN in the world?
- What are the benefits of organic produce?
- How can art help prisoners rehabilitate?
- How can organ donation be made mandatory?
- Who pays for political advertising?
- What limits on violence should be implemented?
- Why should professional women athletes be paid more money?
The following topics were gathered because students are often assigned essays about schooling. Read them through to come up with your own idea.
Exploratory essay topic ideas on schooling
- How can we best educate students?
- Should we pay students for good grades?
- Should standardized testing be abandoned?
- How can we lower school drop-out rates in Massachusetts?
- How effective is the core curriculum in shaping well-rounded, successful students?
- How to make colleges free for all students?
- How to make college more affordable for students?
- What can be done to help students do well in class?
- How can technologies in schools be limited?
- Should digital textbooks be used in all schools?
- How can school shootings be stopped?
- How can learning be improved with appropriate physical spaces in classrooms?
- How can opportunities of schooling be made more equal?
- How can students get prepared for a test in the best way?
- How can time be managed in the best way?
- Does coffee help students with learning?
- Why do more women that men go to college?
If you want to increase your chances to write a quality paper about children, check out our exploratory essay topics.
Topics on parents and children
- What is the effect of violence on children?
- Is monetary child support an effective way to promote the success of children of single parents?
- How effective is attachment parenting?
- Why should parents have equal authority over kids?
- How is parenting influenced by religion?
- Is conventional parenting more effective than same-sex parenting?
- Why is adoption not the best way to create a new family?
- Why should a single individual be allowed to adopt?
- Are behavior problems met more often in children from divorced families?
- Do two parents raise children better than a single parent?
- How is adoption encouraged in the USA?
- What features should good parents have?
- Why should surrogate parenting not be allowed?
- Why do some women become surrogate mothers?
- Why is it better to have biological children than children from surrogate mothers?
- What is the difference of the meaning of a “good family” in different countries?
- Should women continue their careers after giving birth to a child?
- Should parents be teachers to their children?
- How is family life influenced by modern technologies?
- Why should parents allow their children to have pets?
- What is better to elderly people: to get care from their relatives or to be sent to nursing homes?
If you have never before written an essay about marriages or divorces, then you should read through our topics.
List of exploratory essay topics on marriage and divorce
- What are the disadvantages of marrying someone of another faith?
- Why should young people not marry early?
- How are children affected by divorce?
- Why do children not recover from a divorce quickly?
- What are the benefits of marrying as teenagers?
- What are the benefits of interracial marriages?
- What are the benefits of marrying a person of another faith?
- What are the disadvantages of polygamy?
- Why do marriages of the same race work better?
- What are the disadvantages of arranged marriages?
- What is the main factor of choosing a mate?
- Is it a good choice to marry a best friend?
- Is it better to have sex after marriage or before?
- Is it better to live together before marriage or after?
- Is it important to get approval of a marriage from parents?
- Do different beliefs influence a marriage?
- What are advantages of staying single?
- What are the features of good marriages?
- Is it true that opposites attract?
- Is it true that women want a divorce more often than men?
- What is the main reason couples divorce?
- Are dating relationships harmed by distance?
- Is it true that women and men look for the same things in marriages?
- Why do people go into relationships?
- Can children save the marriages that have troubles?
- What makes marriages last longer?
- How are marriages influenced by religion?
- What are the consequences of marriages before finishing school?
- Is it better to get a divorce than to stay in marriage for the kids?
- Is it good for relationships to live together?
- Is it better to marry later in life?
- How does divorce influence the financial state?
- Would a couple work better to save relationships if they knew how difficult it is to live after a divorce?
- Is it true that second marriages will likely end in divorce?
- Is it better to stay friends after a divorce or never see each other again?
- How do adults from divorced families consider their own marriages?
- How does marriage security depend on financial security?
If you are required to write an exploratory essay about body image, consider getting an idea from our list of topics.
Topics on body image
- How to stop increasing obesity in the USA?
- How can the problem of poor body image be solved?
- How can a healthy weight be maintained?
- How can the standard of presenting thin models in advertisement be changed?
- How can better body images be developed with new Barbie dolls?
- Why do men have problems with body image?
- How can healthy body images be developed?
- Why is it important to have a good image of oneself?
- Will the body benefit from marathon running?
- What is the best way to complement the physical appearance of a woman?
How to choose a topic for an exploratory essay
- Make a list of your ideas. It will help you to get a wider view of things that you can consider in your exploratory essay. Choose the category that you are interested in the most and get the best ideas from it.
- Think of arguable statements. If you have troubles with this, you can ask your teacher to help you.
- Find material about the topic. Visit a library and search the internet.
- If you see that you can’t find material with clearly defined positions, choose another topic and conduct new research.
We hope that you have paid your full attention to our topics and find the best idea for your paper. If you have problems with writing, you can also check out our guides and samples for help. With such essay help, you will handle all possible difficulties with your writing. Good luck!