Original Essay Topics for Those Having No Idea what to Write About
Choosing good topics to write about can stall your writing process for a long time, because you simply do not know what you will write about. In addition to the case when your teacher formulates the exact topic of the essay, the choice of topic can be reduced to narrowing the direction given by the teacher, choosing from the proposed list of topics, or coming up with your own topic.
Table of contents
- Problem solution essay topics to write about
- Process essay topics
- Expository essay topics to write about
- Descriptive essay topics
- Admission essay topics to write about
- Argumentative essay topics
- Persuasive essay topics to write about
- Cause and effect essay topics
- Compare and contrast essay topics to write about
- Narrative essay topics
- College essay topics to write about
- Analytical essay topics to write about
- How to choose from the list of topics for essays
- Some essay writing tips
- Get writing support from our writers
Problem solution essay topics to write about
- Problems and solutions of water desalination.
- Does violence work? Assess the effectiveness of violent struggles for social change.
- Refine and pose a reasonably complex problem definition along with a set of objectives (elements that you want to exist in your solution). Do not go beyond the objectives stage.
- A more independent central bank can better control a country’s inflation. Thus we should give the central bank independence (in other words, autonomy) in making policies. However, isn’t policy independence anti-democratic?
- Arterial and venous insufficiency.
- Word processing and problem solving techniques.
- AIDS and HIV treatment.
- Describe the role a government should play in correcting market failure.
- LGBT discrimination and treatment in the workplace.
- What are some of the challenges that Russia faces? What are some of the ways you think they can overcome these challenges?
Process essay topics
- How do we “become” boys and girls?
- How does online dating use social media to affect the conception of love?
- How to remain as high-achieving students.
- How does SAS incorporate the P-O-L-C Framework?
- How does media and hip hop affect violence and crime?
- Explain the Yogacara idea of Alaya-Vijnana. Describe its characteristics and how it operates.
- How can a specific charity be more effective, or how has a specific charity improved?
- How is geology used in a dermatology major?
- How is soil moisture affected by tree size/abundance?
- How does a show of violence affect us?
Expository essay topics to write about
- What explains voter support for populist, radical right parties in Europe? In your answer, consider at least two relevant theories and empirical evidence.
- How far do the courts maintain an objective standard in order to determine whether a particular defendant is in breach of duty of care in negligence? Illustrate your answer with decided cases.
- Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics.
- How and why did the events of the late spring and summer of 1914 in Europe ultimately move beyond the ability of governmental leaders to control?
- If buying domestic goods can boost domestic economy, why do people in the US keep buying foreign goods, creating a huge US trade deficit?
- Explain and assess the reasons for the overall dominance of the LDP in the Japanese Government, since the end of the American Occupation in 1952 to the present time, and how this has affected both Japanese foreign policy and outside perceptions of Japan.
- Explain the relationship between organizational structure and corporate entrepreneurship.
- How are aesthetics relevant to the issue of the counterfeit fashion market, and how can aesthetics be used to help us address or understand the issue in a more productive way?
- How does career development affect the overall success of the organization?
- How do social media, texting, cell phones, and the internet make the world bigger or smaller?
Descriptive essay topics
- Describe some ways by which management can attract, select, and recruit diverse employees in an organization.
- Describe the five value dimensions of national culture as identified by Hofstede’s framework for assessing cultures.
- Describe the worst road you have ever traveled.
- Describe the argument that inequality constrains a consumer society.
- Describe how you would design a logistics network consisting of only one warehouse.
- Describe how your product will put pressure on a culture outside the US.
- Describe an unusual event or place.
- Describe the renaissance building.
- Describe moving to a new city.
- Describe a life-changing event.
Admission essay topics to write about
- Discuss any obstacles and/or hardships you have encountered and how you dealt with them.
- Discuss why it is time to take a systematic approach to social media marketing.
- Choose an issue of importance to you – it could be personal, school-related, local, political, or international in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.
- North Carolina State University is a community that is strong because of the diversity of our perspectives and experiences. Please describe how you could contribute to or benefit from campus diversity.
- What is important to you? And why?
- The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
- Tell us about who you are. How would your family, friends, and/or members of your community describe you? If possible, please include something about yourself that you are most proud of and why.
- The Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please upload a brief essay, either autobiographical or creative, which you feel best describes you and helps us understand your interest in international affairs.
- Please describe the most eventful experience of your life. What important thing did you learn from that experience?
- Why have you chosen to pursue a career as a licensed practical nurse, and at the completion of this program,what is your plan for the future?
Argumentative essay topics
- Why do some countries grow faster than others?
- How is power maintained in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell?
- Is TV advertising still the most powerful advertising medium or has it faded in importance?
- Do you think it is necessary for the international community to adopt English as a world language?
- How did the question of slavery emerge as a national issue? What drove it to continue to be debated by the federal government? Why did slavery re-emerge as a national political issue in the late 1840s? What compromises were brokered to deal with this issue?
- Which event from Book IX or X most effectively proves Odysseus’ heroism and excellent leadership skills?
- “We know with confidence only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases.” Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.
- Who was more powerful in the 15th century – Europe or China?
- Should schools have armed security?
- Culture and/or climate in the workplace – do they matter?
Persuasive essay topics to write about
- Do sustainability practices have an impact on retaining customer loyalty or not?
- How far should scientists go to modify humans through genetic engineering?
- What do toys teach us about masculinity and femininity?
- Discuss the significance of Ophelia to the character Hamlet and whether or not he was truly in love with her.
- Do you think the American Dream exists?
- Has the internet had an overall positive or negative effect on human relationships?
- Does free speech apply to social networking sites like Facebook?
- Shock and heart failure – are they related?
- Is it a good thing to replace provocation with loss of control?
- Does Act Utilitarianism provide a plausible theory of right conduct?
Cause and effect essay topics
- The effects associated with alcohol abuse.
- What caused the Civil War?
- Effects of dating at a young age.
- Air pollution in San Joaquin Valley – the causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies.
- The effects of new public management to employment relationship: take Sweden as an example.
- The effects of questioning techniques on confessions.
- The effects of gun control on law enforcement and crime.
- What are the causes behind poor productivity of newly hired employees?
- The effect of Botswana’s hunting ban in government conservancies on the elephant population.
- Does social media cause depression?

Compare and contrast essay topics to write about
- Nutrition: analyze and compare dietary regimes of two different cultures.
- Compare and contrast centralized and decentralized organizations.
- Capital punishment: retentionists vs. abolitionists.
- What role did the Orthodox religion play in Byzantine society and culture? Compare and contrast the Orthodox religion with the Roman Catholic faith. Be sure to express your personal opinion.
- Compare Julius Caesar with one of the following assassinated leaders: Yitzhak Rabin, Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, or Czar Nicholas II of Russia.
- Compare the key arguments made by neoclassical and radical economists, respectively. The essay should point out similarities and differences between these two approaches to economic analysis.
- Compare Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos.
- Euro vs. US dollar – compare and contrast.
- Ethics in computer science. (Compare and contrast the standards of professional ethics for the IEEE with theoretical standards.)
- Compare the development of South Korea and China.
If you want to see more compare and contrast topics for teenagers and more, check out the best list of compare and contrast essay topics.
Narrative essay topics
- Considering Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics, Stoicism, and Buddhism, make up your own philosophy of life to answer the question, “How and for what should I live?”
- How could you be an advocate for your profession as a healthcare administrator?
- My mother is fleeing the United States due to immigration problems.
- Share your thoughts on stakeholder commitment or ways to provide value in your organization.
- Write a one page paper about a particular technology or technologies that has been most influential in your life. Be creative!
- Discuss someone that you consider a bad leader.
- What is your definition of nursing excellence?
- Whether it’s your grandma making chocolate gravy or the cereal you ate on Saturday mornings while watching cartoons, use all of your senses to describe the experience. Help us see it, smell it, taste it, savor it, or hate it.
- Discuss the bearing of the title of “The Best Place on Earth” (by Ayelet Tsabari).
- “If I could change the world …”
We have more narrative essay topics for students here – Narrative Essay Topics for Writing a Killer Story.
College essay topics to write about
- What are the ingredients of happiness for you and why?
- “The future of the entertainment industry and my contribution within it.”
- Think of your own reactions to presentational speaking. What kind of anxiety reaction do you have? Do you feel it is rational or irrational?
- Create your own fairy tale.
- Discuss how you would assess a person who would approach you with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and significant life stress.
- “If I had known then what I know now, I never would have ______.”
- Describe a facet of your identity that is essential to who you are.
- Write about a time you failed at something. How did the failure affect you?
- Tell about a time when you challenged your pre-existing worldview. Why?
- Write about a problem you want to solve.
Analytical essay topics to write about
- Analysis and ratings of strength and influence potentials of countries and regions.
- Analyze the influence of indifference.
- Analyze the topic of war, which hasn’t disappeared from literature.
- Analyze the principles of the evolution of political systems (transition to the present).
- Analyze the fate of a person connected with the history of the people.
- Analyze productive and unproductive models of social inequalities.
- Analyze why understanding the soul of another person is important.
- Analyze why the older generation is so rarely satisfied with young people.
- Analyze what events and experiences in life help a person to grow up.
- Analyze what victories in life can be important for a person.
- Analyze how a person’s strength or weakness is manifested in admitting his or her mistakes.
- Analyze the idea that the path of life is a constant choice.
- Analyze what helps a person not to despair in a difficult life situation.
- Analyze how hope makes a person stronger.
- Analyze why not only victories but also defeats are important for a person.
How to choose from the list of topics for essays
When you choose from the list of topics for an essay, you need to analyze what you know best or what you would like to write about. Choosing a topic from the list given by us, evaluate what knowledge and experience you already have on this or that topic. What authorial position could you express on the chosen topic?
We have prepared lists of topics that are divided into categories in order to make the choosing process easier for you.
Some essay writing tips
The essay consists of several parts, say, of five. It is the basic structure for middle school and high school essays. The first part is an introduction. The fifth part is the conclusion. Parts two and three (paragraphs two and three) are the parts where you have to demonstrate to the reader that you understand what you are talking about.
Here it is necessary to show that everything is balanced. For example, in the argumentative essay, in the second part, there will be reasons for it, and in the third part – reasons against the following statement. This is only a conditional division. The main way to know how to write a good essay on any topic is to write according to plan.
The plan is the ability to leave your main, central idea for decoupling – for the fourth part! The decoupling is when you say, stating very clearly, something from part two or three. Add some information from yourself, information that is important for your essay, for your approval. Add information that will help you to get an excellent grade at the end.
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If you get an essay, but don’t know how to write it and how to solve this writing problem, you can get help from EssayShark. We have a good reputation among students and our customers come back to us to order again and again. If you don’t want to waste your time not knowing what to do with your paper, you need to place an order on our site with your requirements and deadline.
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Thanx for such detailed post
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You can choose one of descriptive essay topics from the list, or find a variant here – https://essayshark.com/blog/narrative-essay-topics/
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It’s so funny that I came across this post because I just wrote an essay on one of these topics
i just erased and restarted an essay i was half done with because i decided to change my topic after reading these topics.
I really love when I can choose an essay topic that I’m super passionate about. With this list I have picked several interesting topics.
“Should schools have armed security?” – taken
i’ve picked one of essay topics and got and A!
Have you any essay ideas to write about personal development? I need to write a 1000-word essay. Help please!
You can find some topics here – https://essayshark.com/blog/narrative-essay-topics/
I was so down with searching for topics for an essay and finally I’m here and you know – I’ve found one!!!
Choosing original topics is a pain for me!!! Thank you
I had to write a narrative essay in my English class and these original topics came at hand. Thnx.
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Hello. You are welcome to check out our post https://essayshark.com/blog/the-best-list-of-compare-and-contrast-essay-topics/
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Great essay topics, keep it up!
Some of these essay topics are actually quite useful!
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You can check the guide and a sample here – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-rogerian-essay-complete-guide-and-sample-essay/
I DO think that these options are very good to write about.
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Here is not just a hint, but a full guide – https://essayshark.com/blog/learn-how-to-write-a-college-movie-review-like-a-film-critic/
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I’m sure you have some more topics to write about somewhere here??
You may be interested in these – https://essayshark.com/blog/narrative-essay-topics/
So many topics to write about…My personal Christmas!
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