150+ Ideas For Term Paper Topics in 2024
Students need to complete a term paper on a topic they chose or are assigned at the end of the school or college course. A term paper is a work of research that a student writes over an academic term accounting for a large part of a grade. Indeed, it is a vast amount of work because students are to describe a unique concept. It also can be an event or arguing point.
Reading our term paper topic ideas on different popular disciplines will help you avoid getting lost in the endless information. Give yourself a boost to study better by choosing one of the most engaging topics and reading our guide on how to write a term paper.
Table of contents
- How to choose a topic for a term paper
- Beauty industry term paper topics list
- Copyright and internet term paper example topics
- Privacy and censorship topics for term paper
- History term paper example topics on the Holocaust during the Second World War
- Topics for term paper on Vietnam War
- Term paper topics on the education system
- Term paper topics on nursing and health care
- Term paper topics on marketing
- Term paper topics on civil law
- Term paper topics on programming
- Economics term paper topics
- Psychology term paper topics
- Sociology term paper topics
- FAQ about term paper topics
- Get reliable college help with term paper topics and more
How to choose a topic for a term paper
Beauty industry term paper topics list
- Are there any age limitations on cosmetic surgery?
- What causes plastic surgery addiction?
- The cause and effects of high beauty demand by society.
- Why could breast implants be dangerous?
- The cost of cosmetic surgery in the USA compared to European clinics.
- Plastic surgery: pros and cons.
- Is weight loss surgery really effective?
- Body image: over-idealized beauty standards.
- Are surgeons “scissor happy,” and are surgeries widely unnecessary?
- How the body-positive movement impacts the cosmetic surgery industry today.
- What are the most popular cosmetic surgeries among men and women?
- Why cosmetic surgeons are skeptical about changing their bodies.
- Does the cosmetic surgery decision depend on age?
- Rhinoplasty: yes or no?
- Naturality vs. plastic surgery today.
Copyright and internet term paper example topics
- Is downloading of media (music, images, videos, and software) breaking media producers’ rights and causing economic hardships for media creators?
- Should media creators prosecute students and individuals that they suspect of downloading copyrighted materials?
- Copyright at such programs as Spotify, Deezer, and other internet sources.
- Copyright law in Canada in 2020.
- Does the Internet contribute to smartness and socialization among children?
- Should the federal government have permission to regulate information online?
- How does digital downloading affect the music industry today?
- The working principles of a search engine.
Privacy and censorship topics for term paper
- Should the government be allowed to wiretap without permission?
- Should any limitations be applied to the paparazzi?
- Privacy rights in the modern UK.
- What medical information should be confidential? Who should have access to medical records?
- What limits should the public have on revealing a public figure’s private life secrets?
- What censorship is needed in a public school library?
- How should censorship be used in the entertainment industry?
- Should the Internet be censored, and why? The ways of censoring online content.
- Should parents censor literature for children in schools?
- Does censorship on the Internet, such as parental filters, actually increase curiosity and use of pornography?
- How is internet censorship used in the USA and around the world?
- How has China and Eastern countries’ censorship changed over the decades?
History term paper example topics on the Holocaust during the Second World War
- The Holocaust: causes and consequences of it.
- Can “Schindler’s List” be a representation of the Holocaust?
- “The Pianist” is one of the most representative Holocaust movies.
- The Holocaust in Hungary (or any other country to choose).
- Why is the small community of Jewish Romans significant in history?
- Documentation of the Holocaust through the arts.
- How did the Holocaust happen? The stories of survivors.
- The Holocaust from the perspective of a Nazi soldier.
- The stories of Holocaust twin experiments.
- The reasons modern students should learn the Holocaust more.
- To what extent is this statement about the Holocaust resulting from Hitler’s ideas about race true?
- How did the Holocaust change the course of Western cultures?
- Irena Sendler’s feat of saving 25,000 children during the Holocaust.
- Remembering and honoring the victims of the Holocaust: the literature examples.
- Is Israel a country of victims or heroes of the Holocaust?
Topics for term paper on Vietnam War
- What were the roots and causes of the Vietnam War?
- Explain the connection between civil rights movements and the Vietnam War.
- Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
- Difference between the Vietnam War and the Revolutionary War.
- Reveal if Operation Frequent Wind was a successful outcome in general at the end of the Vietnam War.
- Was the USA actually the winner of the Vietnam War?
- The significance of the Vietnam War’s impact on American culture.
- How does the movie “Hearts and Minds” reveal the Vietnam War?
- Explaining the negative effect of propaganda on the Vietnam War.
- Why did the USA get to take part in the Vietnam War?
- Technology and violence used in the Vietnam War.
- What military strategies were based on the Vietnam War?
- Media’s impact on society during the Vietnam War and its relation to media today.
- Media portrayal’s similarities and differences between the Vietnam War and the US War in Afghanistan.
- Explain the effects of the Vietnam War on American society.
Term paper topics on the education system
- Interaction with parents in the process of preparing a child for school.
- The influence of the family on the learning process of students.
- The authority of the teacher: essence and structure.
- Types of communication between the educator and students.
- Didactic games as a means of influencing the students’ cognition.
- Didactic games as a means of sensory education of preschoolers.
- The use of creative homework in the cognitive activity of students.
- Interrelation of progress and educational motivation of students.
- The study of the subject-developing environment of a modern preschool educational institution (on the example of at least three organizations).
- The continuity of preschool and the primary education system.
- The impact of family upbringing on a child’s academic performance.
- Concepts of the subject-play environment.
- The principle of individualization and its implementation in elementary school.
- Influence of mental states on the processes of education and upbringing.
- Areas of work of a preschool teacher using information technology in their professional activities.
- The problem of organizing differentiated education for younger schoolchildren.
- Education of patriotic feelings of students in extracurricular activities.
Term paper topics on nursing and health care
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of hand hygiene and antisepsis in a medical organization.
- Nursing care for pneumonia.
- The role of a nurse in the rehabilitation of frequently ill children in a preschool educational institution.
- The study of attitudes towards health and the need for activities that contribute to the preservation and promotion of mental health among college students (specific educational institution).
- Peculiarities of nursing care for community-acquired pneumonia, and the prevention of a protracted and complicated course of the disease in a hospital setting.
- The role of a nurse in the prevention of complications of acute respiratory viral infections: sinusitis, tonsillitis, and tracheobronchitis.
- Prevention of spinal injuries in nurses.
- Professional activity of a nurse in an emergency in the neurological department.
- Nursing care for children with community-acquired pneumonia.
- Features of nursing care for a patient in the postoperative period with prostate adenoma.
- Features of the activities of nursing staff in emergency medicine.
- Organization of the work of nurses in primary health care organizations.
- The role of the nurse in rehabilitation after myocardial infarction.
- Nursing care for children with acute bronchitis.
- The role of the nurse in the prevention of postoperative complications.
- Nursing care for migraines.
Term paper topics on marketing
- Detailed analysis of methods and approaches to marketing project management.
- Bringing products to the stock markets and their market positioning.
- Study of models of consumer behavior.
- Marketing in non-profit organizations.
- Marketing aspects of the development of the higher education market.
- Marketing research when launching a new product on the market.
- Marketing communications in the field of ?2C.
- Marketing approaches to strategic and intrafirm planning at the enterprise.
- Marketing strategies for building consumer loyalty.
- The place of competitive intelligence in the system of marketing tools.
- Methodical bases of development of competitive strategy of the enterprise.
- Models for making strategic marketing decisions.
- Models of customer relationship management.
- Directions for ensuring the effectiveness of promotion in the modern B2B market.
- Neuromarketing as a toolkit for influencing the consumer.
- Organization of communication processes in the marketing system.
- Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises based on the improvement of the marketing and logistics approach.
- Legal support of marketing activities.
- The problem of ensuring the competitiveness of goods at various stages of the life cycle.
Term paper topics on civil law
- Copyright agreements (concept, types, conclusion, and responsibility of the parties). Agreements on the use of related rights.
- Subsidiaries and dependent companies as legal entities: problems of theory and practice.
- Intangible goods as objects of civil rights: problems of theory and practice.
- The concept of an obligation arising as a result of unjust enrichment (conditional obligation).
- Letter of credit payments. Types of letters of credit. Execution of the letter of credit and the bank’s liability for violation of the terms of the letter of credit.
- Critical analysis of actual problems in the field of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.
- The concept, legal support, and implementation of the right to a domain name when doing business in the USA.
- Regulation of circulation of tobacco products and technical requirements.
- Joint-stock company as a legal entity: current state and prospects for legal regulation.
- Housing rights of a tenant’s family members in various housing stocks.
- Methods for the liquidation of a legal entity.
- The results of creative activity and personal non-property benefits as intangible objects of civil legal relations.
Term paper topics on programming
- Automation of the delivery of products to the hotel complex.
- Software accounting of material and technical means on the example of an enterprise.
- Development of a program for automating the formation of a budget model.
- Automatic classification of emails.
- Website development entirely in XML.
- Development of a program to provide video conferencing in emergency situations.
- Algorithms for clustering undirected graphs of large dimensions and their software implementations.
- Development of an automated accounting system for hardware and software (Delphi and Access).
- Development of a program for monitoring products presented in online stores on the US market.
- Information-reference system of public authority activity.
- Development of an IT project management program: the task of predicting the cost of an IT project.
- Exploring the possibilities of creating a payment anonymization service.
- Development of a parallel program execution library in Java.
- Development of an IT project management program: the task of scheduling the project.
- Risks and benefits of artificial intelligence.
Economics term paper topics
- Business cycles in countries with different economic systems.
- The business plan of an organization and methodology for its development.
- Consolidation of financial resources of the state and business as a mechanism for ensuring economic security.
- State regulation of natural monopolies.
- The influence of the external environment on the economy of the organization.
- Macro and micro levels of economic security and the mechanisms of their relationship.
- The euro and problems of the modern world monetary and credit system.
- Features of pricing for products and services.
- Mechanisms for the emergence of crisis situations that reduce the level of economic security, and measures to overcome them.
- US experience in regulating international labor migration: possibilities of application in other countries.
- Assessment of directions of the organization of social development.
- Threshold values of economic security and methods for their determination.
- Study of the Asian model of economic development: China, Japan, South Korea.
- Assessment of the structure of investments in the fixed capital of the organization and justification of ways to improve it.
- Problems of anti-crisis management, bankruptcy, and reorganization of enterprises.
- Motivation of early entrepreneurial activity and the level of economic development.
- Assessment of the level of the organization competitiveness and justification of ways to improve it.
- The role of risk management in ensuring the economic security of the enterprise.
- The experience of economic development of Singapore: the possibility of applying experience in other countries.
- Regulation of remuneration in the organization and directions for its improvement.
- The role of stock markets in ensuring economic security.
- Entrepreneurial climate of the region and its assessment (on the example of a specific region).
- Profitability of sales of the organization and justification of ways to increase it.
- Strategic assessment of potential security threats in the debt market.
- The service sector and its role in the global economy.
- Economic efficiency of organizational restructuring.
- Strategic guidelines for the development and improvement of the security level of the banking system.
- Effects of fluctuations in the tax burden in transition economies.
- Economic justification of ways to upgrade equipment in the organization.
- Typology of economic security; the most important classification features (sectoral, functional, institutional, regional) and regulatory instruments.
- Cost-benefit analysis in the public sector.
- Types and structure of prices used in the industry.
- The influence of information systems on the competitive advantages of the firm.
Psychology term paper topics
- Existential psychotherapy (review of directions).
- Psychological aspects of loneliness.
- Crises of personality development in adults.
- Psychological counseling for cancer patients and their relatives.
- The development of methods of discursive and narrative analysis in psychology.
- Discourse analysis and discursive psychology.
- Narrative analysis and narrative psychology.
- Critical psychology.
- The paradigm of psycho-social research.
- Psychoanalysis outside the clinic: the use of psychoanalytic ideas in modern scientific research on subjectivity.
- Women’s subjectivity: discourses and bodily experience.
- Subjectivation practices.
- Psychology of contemporary art.
- Psychological features of perception and understanding of contemporary art.
- Use and interpretation of visual images in psychology: projective tradition and new approaches.
- Qualitative psychology. Methodology and methods of qualitative research.
- “Visual turn” and visual research.
- Psychology and ideas of social criticism.
- Meaning formation under conditions of uncertainty.
- The individual and collective solution of creative problems of children and adults.
- Advisory assistance in overcoming difficulties on the material of solving creative problems.
- Developmental support for learning difficulties: a comparative analysis.
- The study of various aspects of advisory assistance to children and adolescents in overcoming educational difficulties by means of a reflexive-activity approach (including children and adolescents with developmental disabilities).
- Study of the dynamics of a child’s development in the process of overcoming educational difficulties in the context of providing them with advisory assistance by means of a reflexive-activity approach (on the basis of a case analysis).
- Principles and technologies for organizing chess classes for the purpose of general development for children of primary school age.
- Study of the personal and cognitive development of children of primary school age in the process of playing chess.
Sociology term paper topics
- Sociological analysis of the causes of family conflicts.
- Informal employment in the modern USA: analysis of official and illegal employment and attitudes towards it.
- Social analysis of increasing the retirement age in the country.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the legal system (the opinion of Americans regarding the current order).
- Analysis of pricing in the trading environment.
- Analysis of the opinion of Americans regarding the tax burden in the country.
- Sociological survey as a way to determine the effectiveness of existing rules.
- Social networks in the life of young people.
- Life of pensioners in the USA.
- Factors of labor motivation at state-owned enterprises.
- The underground as a sociocultural phenomenon.
- Power and hierarchy in the family: the social aspect.
- The category of social action in the history of sociology.
- “West” and “East” as sociocultural paradigms in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
- The value of the family as a social institution for society and the individual.
- Methods for analyzing the family as a social institution and as a social group.
- Features of the development of sociology in the USA.
- The intelligentsia and its role in the creation and dissemination of cultural values.
- Large families in the USA, the dynamics of their numbers, and the specifics of social problems.
- The concept of values in modern sociological science.
- Understanding culture in theories of mass communication.
- Modern family as an object of sociological research.
- Applied sociology: questions of methodology.
- Postmodern sociology of culture.
- Sociological analysis of the role of a working woman in a modern family.
- Socio-cultural integration and differentiation as mechanisms of the history of culture.
- Reproductive behavior of the modern American family: a sociological analysis.
FAQ about term paper topics
What is the best topic for a term paper?
When choosing a topic for a term paper, the following criteria should be taken into account:
- Relevance. Scientific research is only meaningful if it is relevant. If you want to get help with research, turn to us and buy term papers online from the best authors.
- Scientific novelty. In this case, you need to be careful: a poorly researched topic usually does not allow for a large-scale study due to a lack of authoritative sources of information.
- The presence of opposing opinions regarding the chosen problem. This situation allows us to consider two hypotheses at once, opposing each other, and also to propose our own third one.
- Insufficiently argued or studied topic. In this case, you can take the existing problem as a basis and conduct your own research; the main focus is to find a sufficient number of sources with competent information.
- Applicability of methods of scientific knowledge. Even if a certain scientific problem has been studied more than enough, it can be considered using new research methods.
How do you find the topic of a term paper?
The chances of a correct and successful choice of topic increase if you follow a clear plan. It includes these steps:
– consultation with the supervisor;
– choosing a topic from the list proposed in this article;
– study of literary sources proposed by the supervisor.
What are some good topics?
College students can find good paper topics in this article. Choose from those that apply to your discipline. Also, do not forget to consult with a supervisor about the chosen topic. Additionally, if you lack ideas and cannot create a paper, ask us ‘Can you write my term paper?’, and get in touch with us for more information.
Get reliable college help with term paper topics and more
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