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Paper Topics About Poverty

Do you need an original topic about poverty issues for your essay? This post shares some.

Cause and effect essay topics, argumentative topics, and titles for research papers on poverty — all are waiting for you here. If none of them impress you (which is hard to imagine, but still), try our free tools — a college essay title generator or a writing prompt generator — to develop alternative writing ideas for your assignments.

You’ll also learn how to choose stellar topics for poverty papers and where to get professional “write my paper” help when needed.

So, ready to dive in?

Poverty argumentative topics

poverty argumentative essay topics
Photo by Jordan Opel from Unsplash

  1. How is poverty portrayed or played in the media?
  2. How could cryptocurrency help reduce poverty?
  3. Childhood poverty and how it affects their lives.
  4. Poverty and healthcare in Havana, Cuba.
  5. Accurate poverty alleviation in China and Zimbabwe.
  6. How to reduce poverty?
  7. Why have cash transfers become a major element of global poverty reduction policies, and what are the major advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
  8. Poverty and inequality assessment in Mexico.
  9. The perception of poverty and honest labor in Robert Burns’ works.
  10. Social enterprises: the tool to solve global poverty.
  11. Precolonial and postcolonial Africa and its consequent poverty.
  12. Evaluate the effectiveness of government policy to reduce inequality and poverty through making the tax system more progressive.
  13. Does promoting marriage as a way to avoid poverty further encourage gender inequality?
  14. Poverty in India.
  15. The link between crime and poverty in Memphis, Tennessee.
  16. “Racism in the housing market was what perpetuated black poverty from the start of the 20th century.” Explain this statement and say why you agree or disagree with it.
  17. Poverty: who is responsible?
  18. US and EU poverty approaches.
  19. Poverty in rural China and rural South Africa.
  20. Poverty in Afghanistan.
  21. Think about a global issue on which you can take a stand, such as achieving world peace or eliminating hunger and poverty. Write an argumentative essay in which you support your position with good reasons and examples.
  22. Write an argumentative essay describing social welfare institutions in China with those in the USA (focusing on poverty reduction policy).
  23. Do government vouchers reduce poverty?
  24. The impact of poverty on crime rates.
  25. Healthcare and the feminization of poverty.
  26. Can Indian democracy truly pave a path towards the end of poverty, impunity, and a reformed justice system?
  27. Is the homeless and poverty stricken population in the United States increasing?
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Cause and effect poverty essay topics

cause and effect poverty essay topics
Photo by Dulana Kodithuwakku from Unsplash

  1. Causes and effects and cures of poverty within the African American communities.
  2. Poverty in the black community in NY. What are the causes, history behind it, and conclusion on how to solve it?
  3. The effect of poverty and race on education in American society.
  4. Different causes of poverty among races.
  5. The relationship between poverty and crime: is crime a cause of poverty?
  6. How does poverty affect African Americans in education?
  7. Causes of poverty in Ukraine and Albania.
  8. How does poverty affect children’s rights?
  9. What effect does poverty have on child development in terms of health, education, social development, and emotional development?
  10. Investigate the extent of poverty in Louisiana and compare it to national poverty rates or other rates for other areas of the country. Discuss factors that affect higher or lower poverty rates in Louisiana.
  11. How does poverty in Liberia affect kids becoming successful?
  12. Causes of child poverty in the USA.
  13. The effect of the water crisis on poverty.
  14. How does poverty affect our overall health both in the United States and globally?
  15. What social issues affect poverty?
  16. The effects of low income schooling on elementary students in poverty stricken neighborhoods.
  17. Poverty: how does poverty affect the environment? Research this topic with the environment as your focus. Make sure you look at global poverty and its effects with respect to the environment.
  18. Poverty is the main cause of crime. Discuss.
  19. What were the causes and consequences of poverty in Vietnam in the 1600s?
  20. How can poverty affect children mentally and physically?
  21. What effect would raising the minimum wage have on poverty?
  22. The effects of poverty within metropolitan areas.
  23. What are the effects of the environment on poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa?
  24. While many people in the world have enjoyed increasing wealth and prosperity over the last fifty years, many still live in poverty. What are the causes of this poverty in a world of plenty?

Topics on poverty for research papers

Research papers are academic documents providing in-depth analysis and evaluation of a topic (poverty, in our case) based on empirical evidence. Educators may also assign them as diagnostic essays to assess your writing skills, creativity, and subject knowledge. The topics on poverty below are argumentative and controversial enough to be covered in your research paper for high grades.Extra read from our experts: What is a diagnostic essay?

research paper topics on poverty
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Unsplash

  1. How governmental and economic policies can reduce poverty.
  2. Do poverty traps exist?
  3. Why poverty should be a societal focus.
  4. Seniors and poverty in Canada.
  5. Poverty in African American culture.
  6. Poverty in Mozambique.
  7. Current poverty issues in 2020 relating to social work.
  8. Describe the relationship between crime and poverty in America and discuss the US government’s response to each side of that relationship in the time period between 1980 and today.
  9. Why do people choose to accept living in poverty instead of looking for a way out?
  10. Impact of poverty and child abuse on Nigeria’s development.
  11. Government actions to deal with injustice, poverty, and discrimination.
  12. Why are single mother households at particular risk of poverty?
  13. Ch?istian ethics on poverty.
  14. The construction of poverty and homelessness in US cities.
  15. Is there a relationship between crime and poverty?
  16. Poverty in Guatemala.
  17. How does author Jonathan Swift create an atmosphere of satire by using cannibalism as a solution to overpopulation, poverty, and famine in “A Modest Proposal”?
  18. In what ways can academics contribute on issues of social significance in times of uncertainty and change? Discuss the terms of a global issue such as climate change, terrorism, human rights, poverty, or consumer culture.
  19. One current strategy to end poverty in Haiti.

How to choose topics for poverty papers

how to choose topics for poverty papers

Poverty essay writing help from us

Which of the above topics will you write about in your next essay on poverty? If none looks exciting or promising enough for you, feel free to ask our expert writers to provide alternative titles or help you research, outline, and edit your works. Also, you’re welcome to try our free writing tools like an AI writing checker, a thesis statement generator, a plagiarism checker, and others to polish your papers for higher grades!

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