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How to Write a 10 Page Essay When You Are Limited for Time

Writing a 10-page paper is not an easy task, especially if you have limited time to do it and you can’t call yourself an experienced research paper writer. However, with the right approach, you can successfully deal with it even without wasting too much time. In this article, we will cover some essential tips that will help you write your 10 pages fast without compromising the overall quality.

If you know what to do and how to concentrate your efforts, you won’t waste time doing useless things. Even one day may be enough to complete any assignment and stay away from the stress caused by “How can I write my paper on time?”.

How to Write a 10-Page Research Paper: What Should You Pay Attention to?

There are many things you should pay attention to when writing a 10 page essay or research paper, but the most important of them are:

❶ Structure. Most essay types have to be written in a strict structure. Although some minor deviations are acceptable, it is usually recommended to carefully follow the guidelines you’ve received from your college in general and your instructor in particular;

❷ Information sources. Academic work cannot exist in isolation from the rest of the research on its topic. Moreover, its quality is evaluated based on how many unique sources it uses and their relative value;

❸ Formatting. Students may think that academic institutions pay too much attention to paper format, but it is a reality of academic life. If you want to receive a good grade, you have to organize your paper by following the format preferred by your school, be it APA, MLA, or something else;

❹ Revision and proofreading. This often-neglected stage can make or break your essay. How skilled you are at proofreading determines how polished your paper is going to be. Little efforts at this stage can go a long way toward ensuring your success.

Below, we will deal with each of these stages independently, but right now, we should pay attention to another problem students often face – the need to write a paper quickly.

Writing a 10-Page Paper in One Night: Is It Real?

When you’re thinking to yourself, “How to write a 10 page paper according to all the existing standards?” you’re most likely hoping to find some magical techniques to get the job done.
Of course, the best course of action to deal with an urgent assignment is to sit down and write it right away without waiting until the last moment. But what should you do if you’ve already procrastinated and have a single night to write ten full pages of text with detailed research and a bibliography? At a glance, one is inclined to say that it is impossible; however, if you play your cards right and use a few hours left until the deadline with care, it is possible. Not easy by any means, but doable. Here are some suggestions that can help you:

  • Prepare a plan for your paper. You may be inclined to start writing as soon as possible but believe us: ten to twenty minutes you spend compiling a plan can save you at least a few hours’ worth of rewriting and corrections. If you do so, you will avoid the scenario where you hit the custom writing companies with “Write my essay for me now!” Write down how you are going to introduce your topic, which points are to be mentioned and when, how they are to be connected with each other, what is the thesis statement of your paper, how you are going to conclude your research, etc. Once you’ve done it, you will simply have to write it all down in more detail – which is much easier than to write page after page straight out of your head.
  • Prepare a plan for your work. Take enough time to divide the writing process into segments, dedicating each of them to a particular stage of your work. Determine how much time you expect to take for every stage. For example, collecting sources – 1 hour, reading the sources – 2 hours, etc. In this way, you will be able to see if any of the stages takes too long, and you should pick up your step doing it.
  • Look for sources using specialized search tools. Want to avoid losing extra time? Don’t hesitate to use the most effective search means. Some of the best (from those that are not discipline-specific) are Google ScholarElsevier, and EBSCO. Organize all sources you have so that you know to what chapter of your paper they refer.
  • Use citation management tools. Put all references you find useful and relevant for your research into a citation management tool like Mendeley. This will make their management much easier and save you a lot of time. Type your paper by regularly glancing at the source material from Mendeley. But make sure that everything you don’t quote is completely original to avoid being accused of plagiarism.
  • Check the format of your paper. Every academic paper is written according to strict formatting rules (APA, MLA, Harvard styles, etc.) Make sure you follow your college’s guidelines properly.
  • Proofread the paper. How long does it take to write a 10 page paper? The time needed to compose the project will also depend on whether you have to (yes, you do!) edit and proofread it. It is natural to make mistakes in writing. However, they may turn out to be costly. Pay attention to grammar, syntax, logic, and consistency of writing.

Perhaps, you won’t be able to write a perfect paper, taking into account the lack of time, but going through these steps will help you compartmentalize your resources and emerge with a research paper that is, at least, passable and meets the requirements set by your college.

Structure of a 10-Page Research Paper: How to Make It Logical?

Whether you have many days to complete your paper or have to be quick with your 10 paragraph essay writing, one thing remains the same: your writing should be done following certain conventions. The details may differ depending on the essay type, the discipline, and the requirements set by your college, but mostly, the structure of a paper goes as follows:

✏ Introduction. This part is intended to inform the reader about the basics of your topic. Its most important part is called “the hook” – the first sentence or two that has to catch the reader’s eye and make him/her interested and motivated to read on. There are many techniques to do so: introduce a fascinating and unexpected fact or statistic, a quote from a famous person, or something else – anything that works in your particular case.

✍ Thesis statement. Unlike the topic of your essay, a thesis statement is a short (one or two sentences) explanation of what your paper is about and what is your position on the subject. For example, to simplify things a bit, “The Role of Dickens in the Development of English Literature” is a topic, while “Dickens played a significant part in the development of English literature, and here is my research proving the influence he had on individual writers” is a thesis statement. Make sure it is short, up to a point, and doesn’t contain vague wording.

✍ Body paragraphs. The main part of your essay contains most of the information. Make it a rule always to introduce only one point in every paragraph: this way, it will be easier for both you and the reader to navigate your paper. Each paragraph should be written more or less in the same way: statement of the point – supporting evidence – a refutation of potential counter-arguments – final repetition and a tie-in with the rest of the paper – logical connection with the following paragraph and the point it introduces. Body paragraphs may be divided into several chapters, but the general structure remains the same no matter how many chapters there are in a paper.

✅ Conclusion. This part usually parallels the introduction; therefore, most experts suggest that you write parts of your paper in the following order: thesis statement – body paragraphs – conclusion – introduction. You won’t have to rewrite anything and discover new information in the conclusion. Just summarize briefly what is said previously.

Information Sources: Where to Look for Them?

We have already mentioned a few online indexing websites where you can find high-quality peer-reviewed papers that you can safely use as sources for your research paper. However, there are no strict limitations on where you can get data for your writing. Mass media, statistical information, official reports, websites – many other things can also help you.

Information Sources: Where to Look for Them?

Just make sure they are considered reliable sources. You shouldn’t build your paper around the sources you are unsure about. As for the other places where you can find viable sources, try these:

  • Your textbook. Read the bibliography section referring to the chapter dedicated to the topic you are writing about. It should contain a fair amount of reliable sources. Use them and run the names of their authors through academic databases to see if they have written other books on the same subject. If there are many articles by them, you may safely assume they have some authority in this discipline and in this topic.
  • Reference sections of the books you’ve already found. Each book and article you find is part of a network, with its own references serving as its other notes. Study reference sections of the books you already use to see if any of them cite sources you haven’t located yet.

The “Should I use Wikipedia?” question is frequently asked by students. In fact, you should be careful about the information you find on this website per se because it is publicly edited. It means that anybody can introduce changes to any article. There are no guarantees that whoever does this is an expert or doesn’t have an agenda he/she wants to promote. Instead, pay attention to the reference section at the end of the article dedicated to your topic – quite often, you may find numerous useful sources there.

Formatting: How to Apply the Writing Styles?

This is simple – you are given a set of guidelines and must follow them. Most colleges use one of the widely accepted formatting styles, such as MLA or APA, which means that you can safely use online resources with instructions on how to apply them. There isn’t much to say – you may try using automatic citation generators to make your work easier and save time, but mostly, you just have to be attentive and compare your paper with the style guide as often as possible.

Revising and Proofreading Your Paper

Depending on the discipline you study, the style’s requirements may differ. Generally speaking, academic papers follow more or less the same conventions. Revising your paper simply means making sure you follow them. Here are some points to look out for:

⚓ Avoid passive voice. Many students believe it makes their writing look more serious and dignified, while in reality, it just makes awkward and boring writing.

⚓ Don’t use slang, colloquial expressions, or jargon. Your language should be appropriate for a scientific paper.

⚓ Avoid contractions like “don’t”, “won’t”, and so on. They are considered colloquial.

⚓ Take a break from your paper before you sit down to revise it. If you have time, make it at least a couple of days – this will help you see more grammar mistakes and logical errors when you get to it.

We hope that this guide will be useful in your attempts to write a perfect 10-page essay. Of course, it doesn’t cover all the tricks one learns over the years, but it can give you a good start!


How long does it take to write 10 pages?

The time it takes to write 10 pages can vary greatly. Typically, the time spent on the number of pages depends on your familiarity with the subject, your typing/writing speed, the complexity of the chosen topic, your general proficiency in the art of writing, as well as the research depth. Besides, the content type (e.g., tech docs, business reports, fiction, academic projects, etc.) can also influence the time you spend writing.
As a rough estimate, if you have a reasonable understanding of the subject matter and have moderate skills in writing, you might spend 2-6 hours writing 10 pages. However, the timeframe will depend on the issues mentioned above.

Can you write a 10 page paper in one day?

Yes, it is possible to craft a 10-page paper in a day. However, you will have to stay 100% focused and dedicated to the project. It is recommended to break down the task into bite-sized chunks (each will be easier to manage), create a solid outline, and allocate adequate time for research, writing, editing, proofreading, etc. Cut off distractions, use credible resources, stick to the given requirements, approach the right people for help, and stay hydrated in the process.

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