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How to Write a 3 Page Essay Fast

Writing a three page paper is not an easy task, especially when students have to work against a deadline. Most students are used to working to a very tight deadline because of their own procrastination, as in the study by Alison J. Head mentioned there are 73% of such students.

However, it is very possible to write your paper quickly, beat the deadline, and still score good marks for producing an excellent paper. You wonder how it is possible? Read to find out.

This article is written particularly for students who have a lot of projects on their hands and are looking for a way to write a quick 3 page paper at the last moment. If there are dozens of assignments on the list, and you wonder, “Where can I find a research paper writer?” this article s just what the doctor ordered. Rest assured, if you follow these steps listed, you are on the way to being rewarded with high marks for your paper. Read on!

How Long Does it Take to Write a 3 Page Research Paper?

Well, the exact amount of time depends on so many factors, which may include:

  • the length of the essay,
  • a topic,
  • research material and methods,
  • experience in writing research papers,
  • organization skills.

It should be added here that organization skills influence the time taken to finish a research paper. That’s why this article is designed to get to know you how to guide aims to help you perfect your organization skills and show you tips on how to write quickly and smartly too. If you’re one of those students with writing skills that leave a lot to be desired, follow the recommendation below to avoid “I can’t write my paper!” thoughts and cope with any task.

To make it easy to understand, let us break down the writing process into three parts: prewriting process, writing process and post writing process. We’ve structured these tips and timing for each of these processes in such a way that they can save time. For example, to write a three page paper in 2 days, timing is as follows:

✏  prewriting process – 5 hours,

✏  writing process – 1 day,

✏  post writing process – 5 hours.

Prewriting Tips

#1 Focus

We can’t overstate the importance of concentrating on writing your paper and beating the deadline. To focus and increase concentration, just tell yourself, “No one is going to write my essay for me; I can handle that!” and do the following:

  • Create a schedule for your paper. For example, you can decide to give 4 hours a day to write your paper. Or you can schedule a 3 day intense crash writing for your paper.
  • Reduce different distractions. Any form of noise is likely to seize your attention. Also stay away from social media, television and radio. This may be a tough sacrifice, but in the end it always pays. Your brain will be more focused, and least likely to wear out in straining to focus on so many things at once.

#2 Brainstorm

Yes, you have to think about your paper at times. It’s not so hard as long as you know just what to think about. Brainstorming saves your precious time while using pauses to think during the writing process. Brainstorming helps you draw outlines, anticipate challenges and their possible solutions.

In the International Student Blog 2 ways of brainstorming are presented by an international teacher, Bryanna Davis. Just look at them if you want to brainstorm effectively. We suggest you do the following:

  • Brainstorm in a seated position laying back. Or you can also take a walk to keep a clear head.
  • Brainstorm with a pen and a pad. Try to answer as much of these questions in your writing pad:

✏  What personal meaning does the topic have for you?

✏  What perspective do you wish to write from?

✏  What are the challenges of writing such a topic?

✏  What are the possible solutions?

✏  What importance does your topic have to your readers?

✏  Has your topic been written before?

✏  Where are your likely research sources?

#3 Outline

Sketching an outline saves you lots of time in the writing process. Your writing is focused and it is easy to know when you derail so you can find your way. Outlining also helps you know how, what and where to do your research.

  • Remember that you can make as many outlines as possible until you are satisfied. Your outline is not a rigid frame. See it as a flexible framework that allows you make necessary adjustments till you find the right fit.

#4 Research

It can be overwhelming if you don’t know how to go about it. An inefficient research method is time consuming and produces little results. You can approach a trusted essay writing service for quick assistance and do these:

  • Start by having a quick interview with your teacher or lecturer. This saves you lots of time as your teacher gives you the necessary tips, resources and direction in writing your paper.
  • Next browse thoroughly on the Internet. The Internet has made research relatively easy, there are lots of journals and articles available online these days.
  • Write your references as you gather research materials. It makes citations and bibliography easy to organise at the end.
  • Don’t bother yourself with journals and articles that don’t support your perspective of writing. There is no time to explore the numerous options available. Just stick to the outline you’ve sketched out.
  • You may want to do some research in the library. However, if you feel you have enough research materials online, then there is no need to do so.

Writing Tips

  1. Choose an appropriate title. Titles are usually short and to the point. Avoid long sentences and use of phrases in creating titles. Most times you shouldn’t bother about the title till you are done with the paper.
  2. Develop an introduction. Make your introduction to the point. Your introduction should contain a thesis statement.
  3. Work on a body. The body of the essay is made up of series of supporting paragraphs. Depending on the font size and line spacing, a three page paper is likely to have about 4-6 supporting paragraphs. Make paragraphs for each point and remember to put your best points forward.
  4. Draw a conclusion. Conclude by restating your thesis statement. If there are results of findings, summarise them. You can also conclude by giving a call to action to engage your readers. You can do so by suggesting materials for further reading.

Post Writing Tips

  1. Editing. After you wrote, edit and check for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. Also check for typos.
  2. Proofreading. It is better to give a work to a second pair of eyes for a quick proofreading. To speed up the proofreading process, you can offer to read your work aloud to someone and note the corrections while you’re reading.
  3. Formatting. Font type, font size, and line spaces are important factors to consider when formatting your work. For example, most lecturers like to see essays in the APA format. There are reference generators that help you with specific formatting: APA Reference Generator (6th Ed), APA Referencing Generator

These tips listed above are quite easy to carry out. The more you use these tips the better you become at writing long papers in shorter periods of time. With urgent tasks you always have a chance to apply to our writing agency where you can be encouraged by the quick professional support. Good luck!


How many paragraphs are 3 pages?

The number of paragraphs in three pages will depend on a range of factors, like the content you include, the spacing, and the font. However, based on a rough estimate, an academic project of 3 pages can include 5-7 paragraphs. Keep in mind that the actual number may vary according to the paper’s content and structure requirements.

How long does it take to write a 3 page paper?

The time needed to create a 3-page paper varies based on a range of factors, like your writing speed, research requirements, your awareness of the topic, the difficulty level of the project, etc. At the same time, as a general estimation, you may need 3-5 hours to produce 3 pages of text. The timeframe involves the time needed to do in-depth research, outline your work, write, revise, and edit it.

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