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How to Combine Pokemon Go with College

This summer has been remarkable with the launch of Pokémon Go. You’ve probably spend lots of days outdoors enjoying good weather and catching the Pokémon species. We bet you’ve made new friends in the game’s craze, won a bunch of battles, and gained lots of points. Now, as the summer’s at its close and the school year approaching, you are wondering if you can continue playing Pokémon Go. Don’t worry, we have several tips that will help you both stay in the game and achieve your academic goals.

So, how to do it? How to keep on having fun and stay focused on your college activities at the same time? At a first glance, it might sound as a Byzantine task, but as you follow the tips, you’ll see that everything is doable.

Try Improving Your Time Management Skills

Let’s start with the most general advice. Your time management skills are what stand between your obligations as a student and your wants as a human being. If you’ve neglected them so far, you might have trouble even getting the homework done in time without any side activities. So, start planning your time on a daily basis, make a calendar of activities for a week ahead, and follow your plan closely. Analyze your previous experience and decide how much time you really need for your homework. How much time per day would be enough for you not to lag behind in Pokémon Go?

Do a Speed Reading Course

Before the tough stuff has begun at your college, you have a chance to learn to do your homework much-much faster. Attending a speed reading course might be one of the ways to do that. It will help you to read the information up to 5 times faster. Alternatively, you can practice skimming, which will let you read 900 or more words per minute (while the normal reading speed is about 250 wpm). However, you need to bear in mind that it’s not always appropriate, especially if you are learning new complex information. In any case, a speed reading skill would be of extreme use to any student.

Learn to Do Your Homework between Classes

Some students manage to minimize the time spent on homework outside classes. Learn to use every spare minute to do a bit of assignments. Use the break between classes to do as much as you can, or try to do your class assignments faster, so that you have a couple of minutes for your homework. You’ll see how, by the end of the school day, your home tasks will shrink dramatically — so when you’ll arrive home, all you’ll need to do are a few final touches, and you’re free to play!

Team up with Your Mates to Do Homework Faster

You surely have other classmates who love Pokémon Go as much as you, who also want to spend more time playing the game. Together, you could cooperate on your homework to finish it sooner and continue your Pokémon quest together. For instance, you can choose time and place when you’ll do homework together, or split the reading among you, and then exchange the information while playing.

Order Model Academic Papers from and Save Time for Pokémon Go

That’s the backup plan for you. When you haven’t played your favorite game in a while, and the assignments seem to be piling up, you can ask for external help. For instance, you might save time by requesting a sample essay or an outline from the experienced writers. You could also have your papers edited and proofread—which also saves a lot of time. Just be sure that you don’t submit a sample paper as your own — remember that true Pokémon masters don’t cheat!

Reduce Time That You Spend on Other Activities

Do you have other activities that you’ve gotten attached to during the sweet school-free times? Have you binge-watched Netflix or spent hours on Facebook or Snapchat? Now it’s time to forget about those. Think of your favorite leisure activity which brings you the most satisfaction and relief, and make it a priority. Pokémon Go has lots of benefits as compared to other pastimes: it makes you go out and spend time in the fresh air, it allows you socialize with other by going on Pokémon quests together or by competing with them. That’s just to name a few advantages. Just don’t sacrifice an hour of workouts or lunchtime for the sake of the game!

You can easily get your wants and needs met when both studying and playing Pokémon Go. What it takes is only to plan and manage your non-school hours effectively, find a way to speed up your homework process, and prioritize your leisure activities. We still advise you to pay attention to the quality of your home assignments, don’t sacrifice it for the sake of a game. Let spending time with your Pokémons be a pleasant reward for all your hard working.

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