Category: Research paper writing

Academic writing
Posted on March 05, 2020
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Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research

A little while back, I wrote about ways for students to add a little extra “kick” to their research papers. Those strategies were meant for students who had already mastered the basics of performing research, not students just getting started doing research and writing papers. As with writing, though, research skills are rarely taught very clearly […]

Posted on March 05, 2020

Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Research

Academic writing

A little while back, I wrote about ways for students to add a little extra “kick” to their research papers. Those strategies were meant for students who had already mastered the basics of performing research, not students just getting started doing research and writing papers. As with writing, though, research skills are rarely taught very clearly […]

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EssayShark Writing Guides
Posted on March 28, 2014
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Types of Research Papers

There are different kinds of research papers that need a special approach. No matter if you are assigned to write a research paper of a particular type or need to pick it on your own, you need to know what accents you should make and how to present information. The tone of the entire paper […]

Posted on March 28, 2014

Types of Research Papers

EssayShark Writing Guides

There are different kinds of research papers that need a special approach. No matter if you are assigned to write a research paper of a particular type or need to pick it on your own, you need to know what accents you should make and how to present information. The tone of the entire paper […]

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EssayShark Writing Guides
Posted on July 30, 2012
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How to Write a Domestic Violence Research Paper

Domestic violence and divorce are very common social problems. More and more young couples are going through the process of divorce after a year or two of marriage. Thousands of woman and children are suffering from domestic violence every day. That is why students at colleges and universities are often assigned to write a domestic […]

Posted on July 30, 2012

How to Write a Domestic Violence Research Paper

EssayShark Writing Guides

Domestic violence and divorce are very common social problems. More and more young couples are going through the process of divorce after a year or two of marriage. Thousands of woman and children are suffering from domestic violence every day. That is why students at colleges and universities are often assigned to write a domestic […]

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