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6 Hints to Determine the Best Academic Writer to Handle Your Assignment

The difference between the almost-right word and the right word is really a large matter. It is the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning – Mark Twain

The words of the genius refer to the academic writing as well as to the artistic creation. Every essay from the talented writer can be read on one shot: such an academic paper is an inspiring masterpiece which grabs reader’s attention from the top rows and doesn’t let go until the end. But still, there are not so many authors from custom writing services who do their job perfectly. A high-grade quality of writing requires advanced skills along with efforts to improve them every day.

1. Companies Assess Candidate’s Abilities before Hiring  

Reputable services can’t afford you to think less about them. This is the main reason why they arrange some tests while recruiting new staff to the company’s team. The whole examination is usually divided into 2 or 3 parts, during which HR managers try to find out more about the candidate:

  • Language skills;
  • Ability to generate fresh ideas;
  • Speed of information research;
  • Communication skills;
  • Competence in his or her area of expertise;
  • Aptness to adhere the instructions;
  • Individual style of writing and so on.

If the applicant possesses the above-mentioned skills at a senior level, they have good chances to become a top assistant in the well-established company. His individual style should also meet the expectations of the majority of customers while being unique. So, the best way to be certain that a chosen author is good enough at academic writing is to refer to a reliable custom service.

2. Check the Reviews from the Other Clients

Of course, you can find a suitable helper independently, but in this case, you need to know how to determine the professional author from the thousands of amateurs and students.

If customers identify some shortcomings in the paper after delivery, they will readily complain by leaving negative testimonials on the writer’s page. And they are absolutely right: constructive criticism leads the author to success through revealing weaknesses and learning from the own mistakes. And as for future customers, any word about the writer can affect their choices. By looking through some reviews you can learn more about their responsibility, the ability to be on time with the ready paper, personal approach to the work and communication skills. The notion of quality is usually different for each person, so even the most positive feedback is not enough for the most demanding clients.

3.  Request Few Samples

Freelancers know that nobody will order a paper from them if they can’t provide the customer with examples of previous works and prove their experience.

Usually, writers already have a small portfolio on their personal accounts to attract more customers. Examine it carefully and compare it with the other author’s examples. Choose the one whose writing is grammatically correct and whose style suits you the best.

If there are no sample works on the writer’s page, you can ask the professional to show them to you. A denial is not a good sign and can mean one out of two things: this freelancer is a complete novice in academic writing or they are trying to deceive you.

4. Get Acquainted with Writer’s Qualification and Experience

It is desirable for your assistant to have a degree in any field of study, the closer this area to your discipline the better. Of course, people are used to taking online courses or gaining knowledge using additional sources without admission to a university or college. Either way, you are free to claim the copy of a diploma or certificate.

Obviously, the pieces of paper can’t indicate the whole life and professional experience of the person. Sometimes it is better to question a writer about the skills they have gained during their life and what he or she knows about the topical issue. You can even make up a little test assignment for them if you are still not sure about their honesty.

5. Pay Attention to the Prices

An average rate per page shouldn’t be very low as well as unimaginably high. Cheap academic paper means that its author is a student who wants to earn some extra money or inexperienced writer who is taking first steps in the profession. There are no people with great experience who will work without decent remuneration.

Otherwise, the case when writer demands an unbelievable ton of money for an easy college essay does not guarantee a quality. Some freelancers estimate themselves higher than they actually are. Don’t get into a cunning trap and find the assistant whose prices correspond to the average market fees.

6. Guarantee of Uniqueness is Required

The good academic writer would never lower themselves to copy the other authors’ works or articles. He or she writes their papers from scratch and revise the results before the delivery. It is a golden rule of any kind of writing for those who would like to achieve the greatest heights in this business. Howbeit, you should discuss all the details including a definition of plagiarism with your assistant before ordering an essay. Also, the writer should know about the proper citation formatting style you need to use in your paper.

It is worth noting, all these hints work only together. You can check writer’s style, but to lose sight of their knowledge in your subject. As the result, the essay will shake you to the core and contain poor arguments on the particular topic at the same time. Otherwise, you’ll get an informative text which is awfully written. Considering all the factors while making a final decision can help you avoid such a mess.

Photo by Jen Theodore from Unsplash

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