The Whole Collection of Frankenstein Essay Topics
The history of “Frankenstein” refers to those stories about which everyone has heard, but what is the essence? We often do not actually know. For example, many, referring to the story of Mary Shelley, think that Frankenstein is a fairy monster, while others believe that he is the creator of a monster. In fact, the story of Mary Shelley is just a sad omen of what is happening in the twentieth century.
“Frankenstein” is a popular novel and usually students are assigned to write essays on it. If you face this problem, then we are here to help you by providing “Frankenstein” essay topics. These topics can be used to write an essay or any other academic paper, and you can read them through and come up with your own ideas.
Table of contents
Frankenstein essay questions
- What are the moral implications of creating life, and how does Frankenstein prompt a philosophical analysis of the responsibilities of a creator?
- How does Mary Shelley utilize elements of the sublime in Frankenstein to evoke fear and awe in the reader?
- To what extent does the creature’s identification with Satan, influenced by Paradise Lost, contribute to the themes portrayed in Frankenstein?
- How does the historical context of the French Revolution shape the themes of justice and retribution presented in Frankenstein?
- How does Frankenstein engage with questions of God, creation, and the human soul from the scope of religion and spirituality?
- How does Mary Shelley’s novel interpret the themes of rebellion and its consequences seen in the classical Promethean myth in Frankenstein?
- How does gaining new knowledge influence the characters’ perceptions of themselves and the world in Frankenstein?
- What does Frankenstein channel about the dangers of unchecked scientific advancement through its critique of scientific ethics?
- How does Frankenstein engage with the themes of individualism, emotion, and the sublime, characteristic of the Romantic era?
- What commentary does Frankenstein provide on exploiting nature and human beings for personal gain and ambition through the novel’s portrayal of colonialism and imperialism?
Analytical essay topics for Frankenstein
- Analyze the theme of loneliness in the novel “Frankenstein.”
- Analyze the nature of the betrayal and show how it contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.
- Analyze Mary Shelley’s depiction of women in “Frankenstein.” How does she make them seem passive or submissive?
- Why is Frankenstein’s monster never given a name?
- Analyze how Frankenstein’s monster is responsible for the characters’ deaths.
- How does Mary Shelly write “Frankenstein” as her interpretation of how far humanity has steered away from the righteous path?
- Analyze the historical relevance of “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley focusing upon examples of the ideas concerning the reactions to the historical movements of the enlightenment, industrial revolution, and romanticism. Give examples of all three movements.
- Analyze the romantic elements of “Frankenstein.”
- Analyze philosophy in “Frankenstein.”
- Why does the author describe all women characters passive and self-sacrificing in the novel?
- “Woman has ovaries, a uterus: these peculiarities imprison her in her subjectivity, circumscribe her within the limits of her nature” (quote by Simone de Beauvoir). How can we use this statement, and de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, more generally in “Frankenstein”?
- Who is more human, the monster or Frankenstein?
- What is revealed through symbolism, setting, and dialogue?
- Analyze motivations of the characters in “Frankenstein.”
- What does light and fire symbolize in the novel?
Compare and contrast Frankenstein paper topics
- It has been suggested in Gothic literature that “obsession leads to destruction.” Compare and contrast Shelley and Wilde’s presentation of Victor in “Frankenstein” and Dorian in “A Picture of Dorian Grey” in light of this view.
- Compare “Frankenstein” and “A Sound of Thunder” and 1 Samuel 28 King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
- Compare “Frankenstein” and “The Mysteries of Udolpho.”
- Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Robert Stevenson’s “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Compare and contrast the two novels in relation to this Stephen King quote:
“Horror appeals to us because it says, in a symbolic way, things we would be afraid to say right out straight, with the bark still on; it offers us a chance to exercise (that’s right; not exorcise but exercise) emotions which society demands we keep closely in hand.” - Compare “Frankenstein” and “The Handmaids Tale.”
- Compare the “Frankenstein” film and book.
- Compare “Frankenstein” in artwork and film.
- Compare Victor Frankenstein and the monster. Consider their relationships with nature, desire for family, etc.
- Compare maturity in “Frankenstein,” “Julius Caesar,” and “Beowulf.”
- Compare “Frankenstein” and “Perfume:The Story of a Murderer.”
- Compare the isolation of Frankenstein with Ebeneezer Scrooge in “Christmas Carol.”
- Both Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” (1818) and H.G. Wells’ novel “The Time Machine” (1895) feature a scientist as the primary protagonist. Discuss the representation of the scientist in both novels.
- Compare and contrast “Frankenstein” (the book by Mary Shelley) psychologically or historically using three scholarly articles (two articles to compare and one article to contrast).
- Compare and contrast the movie “The Martian” with Mary Shelley’s book “Frankenstein.”
- Compare between Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Nathaniel Hawthorn’s “The Birthmark.”
- Victor Frankenstein and Beowulf are two protagonists that allowed their ambition to rule them. Discuss the differences and similarities between these two characters, and how their ambitions shaped not only their fate but also the outcome of the stories.
Descriptive essay topics for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- Describe how this book could have been considered offensive and not liked by religious folk.
- Describe “Frankenstein” as romanticism.
- Describe feminist theory in “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley.
- Describe the influence “Frankenstein” has had in pop culture and science.
- Describe Victor as the modern Prometheus.
- Describe the idea of exploration in the novel, and how it illuminates characters.
- Describe to what extent Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” inspired James Whale’s 1930s film “Frankenstein.”
- Describe how Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” alludes to the myth of Prometheus?
- Describe how Mary Shelly’s life experiences and the death of family members has shaped the overall story of “Frankenstein.”
- Describe the ethical concerns Victor Frankenstein’s use of animal and human bodies might raise.
- Describe Frankenstein’s creature and the responsibility for his fate.
- Describe the difference of the term “monstrosity” between Victor Frankenstein and the monster he created.
- Describe the theme of kindness and compassion in “Frankenstein.”
- Describe feminism in “Frankenstein.”
- What is Victor’s greatest fear as he leaves for England? Describe the irony in his decision to continue.
Argumentative Frankenstein topics
- Victor and the creature present radically different perspectives in the events of “Frankenstein.” Explain the primary ways their perspectives and arguments differ. Whose viewpoint do you support? Write an essay in which you support Victor’s argument.
- How has “Frankenweenie,” a Tim Burton film, transformed Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to appeal to modern audiences?
- To what extent does “Frankenstein” support Mary Wollstonecraft’s claim that women were treated as inferior to men?
- How is “Frankenstein” a romantic and horror novel?
- How does Darwin, “Frankenstein,” and “Splice” characterize gender behavior and emotions from 1871 through today?
- Is the creature’s demand for a female companion a valid request? Examine the pros and cons of Victor’s compliance. Consider evidence provided by both Victor and the creature.
- What evidence suggests Victor feels responsibility for the murders? What evidence illustrates that he still blames the creature?
- How is Victor’s view of the Scottish Orkney a reflection of his emotional state?
- After watching his female companion torn to bits, the creature makes an eloquent defense and vows Victor will “repent of the injuries (he) inflicts.” Is the creature justified in his feelings? Why or why not? What is Shelley’s purpose in his defense?
- After hearing of Clerval’s murder, Victor falls ill once again. In agony, he wonders, “Why did I not die?” What would your answer be? Is there a reason for his continued anguish?
- For Victor and his father, what purpose would a quick marriage to Elizabeth serve? Discuss the impact on Elizabeth. What role does she continue to play? Does her death alter or perpetuate that role?
- Discuss the irony in Victor’s statement to the magistrate: “Man, how ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdom!”
- What is the motivation behind Victor’s vow to find and destroy his creature? Has he learned any lessons?
- How is Victor the true monster in “Frankenstein”?
- Discuss the “humanity” of the monster in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.”
Persuasive essay topics
- Is the creature in “Frankenstein” a zombie?
- Examine the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and his monster. How do they interact and communicate with each other? What qualities do the characters have in common, or not?
- How does “Frankenstein” rely on the ideas, beliefs, or issues circulated in other texts?
- How does the creature of “Frankenstein” form the archetypal monster/horror character?
- Why does Frankenstein create his creature?
- How is “Frankenstein” both a romantic novel and a Gothic horror novel?
- “Victor Frankenstein and the monster share the same personality: like father, like son.” Defend or attack this statement.
- Does Frankenstein succeed in creating a “human” life form very much like God does?
- Does Victor choose to be alienated because of his desire for knowledge?
- Does “Frankenstein” present the value of the domestic circle?
- Does Victor’s act of creation result in the destruction of everyone dear to him?
- Does “Frankenstein” show that human beings are deeply ambitious?
- How does the monster turn to revenge after it is abandoned and mistreated?
- Do in the crises and suffering in “Frankenstein” result when imperfect men disturb nature’s perfection?
- How is the power of nature depicted in “Frankenstein”?
If you are writing an essay on “Frankenstein” for the first time, then our “Frankenstein” essay topics will be a great help for you. If you paid attention to our topics, you can get a perfect theme for your essay, or even research paper or term paper. If you don’t even have a hint on how to write your paper, check out our blog for guides that describe how to write different types of papers in detail. Or hire an essay writer to help you with writing a unique paper.
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