I Hate Homework
Here comes the ugly truth: I’m a nerd, geek, and techie. I’ve always been interested in math, science, and economics. I get high scores in tests, I can teach kids and explain the most complicated equation, and I can spend the whole life speaking about Elon Musk, doing science experiments, or hitting the books without a doubt.
But there’s one thing I want to confess: I hate homework.
Yes, I have been always taught that doing out-of-class activities help to obtain in-depth knowledge, improve skills, and practice theoretical material. I know that homework plays a key role in the educational process, but I don’t like it.
I’m not alone with this problem: A survey shows that over 70% of students dislike homework. The majority of kids don’t like homework and they also dislike their school teachers who assign so many tasks daily.
What do all these children have in common? They hate doing their homework. Today, I’m going to share my thoughts on this issue and I have 5 reasons why I don’t like homework:
1. It takes a lot of time
The educational process is time-consuming. On average, I spend 8 hours on education activities each day in college. After leaving the class, I feel exhausted and tired to do my homework, especially when teachers assign too many tasks or difficult assignments on subjects like philosophy. Not only do learners claim that they have many tasks to do after classes, but also parents and researchers believe the same. As specified in one research, 37% of people say high school grads have too much homework.

It’s no secret that having too much homework requires spending a lot of time on your study workload. To enjoy college life for full, it’s important to keep a study-life balance. However, most nerds like me spend their free time to study hard in order to get a good grade. As a result, we don’t have time to spend with friends, relax, or enjoy our hobbies. It’s the primary reason why I dislike my homework.
2. It discourages learning
Most people believe that nerds are focused on the learning process and they are ready to spend the whole day hitting the books. Although we’re interested in education without a doubt, we are still common young people who may lack motivation, especially if we get too much study workload that leads to stress, depression, and headaches. As one study by Mollie Galloway says: “Although the students in our study were averaging more than three hours of homework per night, most did not find this homework engaging, nor did they feel it enhanced their learning.”
Having too many tasks at home is a proven way to dislike your favorite subject with time. After all, it’s nearly impossible to be involved in the educational process if you feel constantly tired.
3. It destroys creativity
It goes without saying that being a creative person is a plus for all people who want to achieve career success. It helps to find alternative solutions, solve problems fast, and stay ahead of other people. Simply put, creativity is a vital soft skill.
Teachers know it and they do their best to help pupils unleash creativity. For example, the content of your task can be aimed at using imagination, but this means nothing if you’re tired. No matter how hard professors try to teach us creativity, spending too much time on learning after classes kills it, and researchers prove it.

It also happens when students work on assignments that require only knowledge, not creativity. For example, it’s hard to show off your creativity with geography assignments.
At the same time, it seems that nerds don’t have to be creative. However, working in a competitive environment, this skill helps computer scientists and programmers stand out from other workers even when working on a market research.
4. It affects my relationships with parents
Living with family, you have to take into consideration their views, thoughts, and beliefs. It’s no secret for my mother and father that I hate homework, but my relatives believe that out-of-class activity helps to develop study habits, teach time management skills, improve knowledge, share tips, get better grades, and obtain a diploma. Although it makes sense, it’s difficult for me to study after classes. It takes time and effort to get my work done, and my relatives become angry which affects our relationships. With love for my family, I respect them and I don’t want to let them down, but it’s difficult for me to keep calm from time to time.
5. It causes headache and stress
From time to time, I feel some health problems after doing my education-related activities. Whether the content of homework is difficult to understand or I can’t submit my finished task on time, I know that my reputation can suffer, so I become nervous. Am I the only one?
Taking a look at educational forums, I’ve mentioned that many learners share their stories about having headaches after studying a subject at home. It makes us irritated and angry, so some pupils seek out support and they wonder whether should homework be banned.
For example, Ellie-Rose Archibald started a petition to Ormiston Academies Trust three years ago. Many undergraduates supported her idea and it got the following results: 96% of learners claimed that homework caused more stress.

It’s no secret that young people want to enjoy their youth and hang out with peers instead of sitting at home, having headaches, stress, and depression. Thus, it’s another reason why many learners feel bad when they have to examine the content of their homework before working on it or learning by rote all historical events and dates.
What is a Solution?
Yes, I don’t like homework. However, I want to be an A+ student who achieves academic success, so I have to spend time doing my assignment. Over the last few years, I’ve found several tips and tricks that work well for most learners.
- Create a study schedule: Trying to find the best time for effective studying, it’s important to take into account your personality. For example, some people are active in the morning while others find it comfortable to work in the evening. Once you’ve found what works best for you, share your schedule with other peers who may need your recommendation.
- Get assistance: From time to time, you may have a lack of understanding of the subject or task, so it can be a reason why you procrastinate. To do your assignments fast, seek out assistance – collaborate with groupmates, ask family and teachers for help, find a mentor, or even consider options like pay to do my homework when facing challenging deadlines or complex topics.
- Draw inspiration: Motivation plays a key role in the educational process. If you have something that inspires and motivates you to finish your tasks, you work faster without sacrificing the quality. As a result, you don’t feel exhausted or tired.
In a Word
Today, there are millions of students around the globe and most of them dislike homework. At the same time, some learners find this out-of-class activity interesting and challenging, but the majority of young people would rather ban it. Anyway, you can hate it or like it, but there’s no option to stop doing your homework, so it’s important to find actionable ways to make the homework process easier and faster.
Have you found what helps you enjoy the homework routine? Share your tips in the comments below!