Essay topics
Posted on October 24, 2018
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Crime and Punishment Essay Topics for Any Type of Essay

When F. M. Dostoevsky was in penal servitude, he faced criminals – thieves and murderers – who influenced him while writing “Crime and Punishment.” The main character of “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov, killed an old woman, not only because of his poverty, but also for ideological reasons. This is one of the main ideas […]

Posted on October 24, 2018

Crime and Punishment Essay Topics for Any Type of Essay

Essay topics

When F. M. Dostoevsky was in penal servitude, he faced criminals – thieves and murderers – who influenced him while writing “Crime and Punishment.” The main character of “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov, killed an old woman, not only because of his poverty, but also for ideological reasons. This is one of the main ideas […]

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Essay topics
Posted on October 14, 2018
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90+ Topics about “Dracula” to Write a Killer Essay

Vampires seem to be the superheroes of today. They are strong, beautiful, and glint in the sun. In addition, they totally ignore their bloodlust and don’t hurt people anymore. The original concept of the vampire has been distorted by modern authors. This list of awesome essay topics on “Dracula” by Bram Stoker will remind you […]

Posted on October 14, 2018

90+ Topics about “Dracula” to Write a Killer Essay

Essay topics

Vampires seem to be the superheroes of today. They are strong, beautiful, and glint in the sun. In addition, they totally ignore their bloodlust and don’t hurt people anymore. The original concept of the vampire has been distorted by modern authors. This list of awesome essay topics on “Dracula” by Bram Stoker will remind you […]

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Essay topics
Posted on October 05, 2018
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Wuthering Heights Topics for Students

How did a 29-year-old woman in the 19th century manage to create the novel that now is regarded as a classic of English literature? What is the secret of “Wuthering Heights”? No one can give an accurate answer. Still, generations of readers keep admiring this outstanding book written by Emily Bronte. Dozens of scriptwriters, film […]

Posted on October 05, 2018

Wuthering Heights Topics for Students

Essay topics

How did a 29-year-old woman in the 19th century manage to create the novel that now is regarded as a classic of English literature? What is the secret of “Wuthering Heights”? No one can give an accurate answer. Still, generations of readers keep admiring this outstanding book written by Emily Bronte. Dozens of scriptwriters, film […]

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Academic writing
Posted on June 07, 2018
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How to Write a Case Study: Guide for Freshmen

If you study in college, it’s unlikely that you’ve never heard about a case study. Researchers widely use case study format for their research no matter what their field of study is: marketing, medicine, business, media, law, communications, economy, or sociology. Sooner or later, every student must face the problem of providing a case study. […]

Posted on June 07, 2018

How to Write a Case Study: Guide for Freshmen

Academic writing

If you study in college, it’s unlikely that you’ve never heard about a case study. Researchers widely use case study format for their research no matter what their field of study is: marketing, medicine, business, media, law, communications, economy, or sociology. Sooner or later, every student must face the problem of providing a case study. […]

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Essay topics
Posted on May 03, 2018
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No Ordinary Cyber Crime Topics

Cyber crime to date has reached an unprecedented scale, which has been greatly facilitated by universal digitalization and ubiquitous connection to the internet using laptops, smartphones, and other devices, and is rightfully considered one of the most lucrative forms of criminal business as a whole. There are an infinite number of types of cyber crime, […]

Posted on May 03, 2018

No Ordinary Cyber Crime Topics

Essay topics

Cyber crime to date has reached an unprecedented scale, which has been greatly facilitated by universal digitalization and ubiquitous connection to the internet using laptops, smartphones, and other devices, and is rightfully considered one of the most lucrative forms of criminal business as a whole. There are an infinite number of types of cyber crime, […]

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Essay topics
Posted on April 20, 2018
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A Doll’s House Essay Topics

The problem of gender roles has become popular in the 20th century and still remains acute. Sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists discuss various ideas and suggestions about women’s plight. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen was a really shocking piece of writing in the 19th century because of the theme of women’s role in society and […]

Posted on April 20, 2018

A Doll’s House Essay Topics

Essay topics

The problem of gender roles has become popular in the 20th century and still remains acute. Sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists discuss various ideas and suggestions about women’s plight. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen was a really shocking piece of writing in the 19th century because of the theme of women’s role in society and […]

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Essay topics
Posted on March 30, 2018
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Use Our Odyssey Essay Topics to Sound Smarter

Homer’s epic poems the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” are more than just classic literature. These masterpieces were classic already for Renaissance artists, not to mention later generations. The “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” are pyramids of the literary world that have an impact even on modern art. The uniqueness of these poems is doubtless. The important […]

Posted on March 30, 2018

Use Our Odyssey Essay Topics to Sound Smarter

Essay topics

Homer’s epic poems the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” are more than just classic literature. These masterpieces were classic already for Renaissance artists, not to mention later generations. The “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” are pyramids of the literary world that have an impact even on modern art. The uniqueness of these poems is doubtless. The important […]

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EssayShark Topics
Posted on March 26, 2018
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80 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics to Turn up With

It is not difficult to prepare a speech for just half an hour, of course, if you are an expert in your sphere and have a good topic. Today we want to present funny persuasive speech topics that you can present easily and write a successful speech. Check out our topics and choose the most […]

Posted on March 26, 2018

80 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics to Turn up With

EssayShark Topics

It is not difficult to prepare a speech for just half an hour, of course, if you are an expert in your sphere and have a good topic. Today we want to present funny persuasive speech topics that you can present easily and write a successful speech. Check out our topics and choose the most […]

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EssayShark Topics
Posted on March 19, 2018
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List of Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

To deliver a great persuasive speech, you need to pick a topic. Before you will see the list of persuasive speech topics for high school students, let’s define the main goal of such speeches.

Posted on March 19, 2018

List of Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

EssayShark Topics

To deliver a great persuasive speech, you need to pick a topic. Before you will see the list of persuasive speech topics for high school students, let’s define the main goal of such speeches.

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Academic writing
Posted on February 10, 2018
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How to Avoid Plagiarism: Ways and Tips

Plagiarism is “copying” or “borrowing” another person’ ideas or words without proper citing. Committing plagiarism is considered to be a serious offence. The penalties vary widely from deduction of marks or failing an exam to disfellowship from the university. Using another author’s intellectual property without permission is thought to be an academic dishonesty. However, it […]

Posted on February 10, 2018

How to Avoid Plagiarism: Ways and Tips

Academic writing

Plagiarism is “copying” or “borrowing” another person’ ideas or words without proper citing. Committing plagiarism is considered to be a serious offence. The penalties vary widely from deduction of marks or failing an exam to disfellowship from the university. Using another author’s intellectual property without permission is thought to be an academic dishonesty. However, it […]

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Essay topics
Posted on February 06, 2018
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Topics for Admission Essays That Will Work for Sure

There are thousands of institutions of higher education in the world. And none of them are ready to admit you, only because you make eyes on an admissions committee. However, a lot of unexpected reasons might help you to enter the university: ethnic background, music talent, athletic skills, or alumni relationships. As a rule, things […]

Posted on February 06, 2018

Topics for Admission Essays That Will Work for Sure

Essay topics

There are thousands of institutions of higher education in the world. And none of them are ready to admit you, only because you make eyes on an admissions committee. However, a lot of unexpected reasons might help you to enter the university: ethnic background, music talent, athletic skills, or alumni relationships. As a rule, things […]

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EssayShark Writing Guides
Posted on February 04, 2018
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EssayShark Books Review: 6 Books for Academic Writing

This article is a review sharing six books to read from EssayShark. All books refer to a certain category of academic writing and can be useful for a wide range of readers. Our writers have decided that it’s a crime to keep in secret their knowledge about essay writing, and as a result, a series […]

Posted on February 04, 2018

EssayShark Books Review: 6 Books for Academic Writing

EssayShark Writing Guides

This article is a review sharing six books to read from EssayShark. All books refer to a certain category of academic writing and can be useful for a wide range of readers. Our writers have decided that it’s a crime to keep in secret their knowledge about essay writing, and as a result, a series […]

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Essay writing
Posted on January 09, 2018
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How Essay Writing Can Help You in Real Life

So, um, we hate to admit it, but academic paper writing is important. Most of the time we advocate the opposite point of view because essays and research papers, as well as the approach to writing them, have a number of serious drawbacks. But today we decided to challenge ourselves and admit that college papers […]

Posted on January 09, 2018

How Essay Writing Can Help You in Real Life

Essay writing

So, um, we hate to admit it, but academic paper writing is important. Most of the time we advocate the opposite point of view because essays and research papers, as well as the approach to writing them, have a number of serious drawbacks. But today we decided to challenge ourselves and admit that college papers […]

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Essay topics
Posted on January 03, 2018
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The Best List of Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

When you are asked to write a compare and contrast essay on ANY topic you want, it may sound fascinating and terrific at the same time. Maybe you thought that it will be easy to pick a topic on your own, but the reality is that you can find yourself sitting with a blank paper […]

Posted on January 03, 2018

The Best List of Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Essay topics

When you are asked to write a compare and contrast essay on ANY topic you want, it may sound fascinating and terrific at the same time. Maybe you thought that it will be easy to pick a topic on your own, but the reality is that you can find yourself sitting with a blank paper […]

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Posted on December 24, 2017
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Meet EssayShark Writers Christmas Contest Winners

Dear all! We are happy to introduce the winners of our Christmas contest for writers. They were asked to write about their best Christmas celebration with friends or in a family circle. We’ve enjoyed reading your stories so much – there was so many warmth, joy, happiness and coziness in them. We present 5 most […]

Posted on December 24, 2017

Meet EssayShark Writers Christmas Contest Winners


Dear all! We are happy to introduce the winners of our Christmas contest for writers. They were asked to write about their best Christmas celebration with friends or in a family circle. We’ve enjoyed reading your stories so much – there was so many warmth, joy, happiness and coziness in them. We present 5 most […]

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EssayShark Topics
Posted on November 29, 2017
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The Best Research Paper Topics for College Students

The success of a research paper mostly depends on the topic, which is why a lot of time is spent searching for the right research paper topics for college students. All academic authors face a similar problem, from freshmen to professors. You had already written some research papers when you were at school, but college […]

Posted on November 29, 2017

The Best Research Paper Topics for College Students

EssayShark Topics

The success of a research paper mostly depends on the topic, which is why a lot of time is spent searching for the right research paper topics for college students. All academic authors face a similar problem, from freshmen to professors. You had already written some research papers when you were at school, but college […]

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Essay topics
Posted on November 25, 2017
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80 Narrative Essay Topics for Writing a Killer Story

[The post information was updated on February, 2023] There is no doubt that writing a narrative essay is an effective way to develop your creativity. Any other type of academic writing does not assume as much freedom in selecting a way of telling a story. However, there are some particularities to consider in terms of […]

Posted on November 25, 2017

80 Narrative Essay Topics for Writing a Killer Story

Essay topics

[The post information was updated on February, 2023] There is no doubt that writing a narrative essay is an effective way to develop your creativity. Any other type of academic writing does not assume as much freedom in selecting a way of telling a story. However, there are some particularities to consider in terms of […]

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EssayShark Topics
Posted on November 07, 2017
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High School Research Paper Topics You Shouldn’t Pass By

Students who have a task to write a research paper often are not assigned the topics from their teachers. Still, finding it on your own is not that simple. It is a widespread practice among teachers to give students the freedom to chose the topic independently. This helps instructors to understand the students’ interests and […]

Posted on November 07, 2017

High School Research Paper Topics You Shouldn’t Pass By

EssayShark Topics

Students who have a task to write a research paper often are not assigned the topics from their teachers. Still, finding it on your own is not that simple. It is a widespread practice among teachers to give students the freedom to chose the topic independently. This helps instructors to understand the students’ interests and […]

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Posted on July 20, 2017
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Surprising Facts About Sharks You Didn’t Know

We couldn’t stand aside as Discovery Shark Week brings on its special guest to discuss the giant Megalodon. Sharks are usually associated with danger, fear and mystery. We are enamored with them and their strength, but still know too little facts about them. Are you as fond of sharks as we are? Check out information […]

Posted on July 20, 2017

Surprising Facts About Sharks You Didn’t Know


We couldn’t stand aside as Discovery Shark Week brings on its special guest to discuss the giant Megalodon. Sharks are usually associated with danger, fear and mystery. We are enamored with them and their strength, but still know too little facts about them. Are you as fond of sharks as we are? Check out information […]

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EssayShark Writing Guides
Posted on April 22, 2016
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How to Write a Letter of Complaint + Bonus Letter Sample

You are a lucky person if you have not written a complaint letter in your life, and are not going to write one. However, every person should know how to write a letter of complaint, in various cases. Maybe, tomorrow, you may buy new shoes, or a new gadget, and there may be something wrong […]

Posted on April 22, 2016

How to Write a Letter of Complaint + Bonus Letter Sample

EssayShark Writing Guides

You are a lucky person if you have not written a complaint letter in your life, and are not going to write one. However, every person should know how to write a letter of complaint, in various cases. Maybe, tomorrow, you may buy new shoes, or a new gadget, and there may be something wrong […]

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Posted on December 28, 2015
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EssayShark in Numbers: 2015 Roundup [Infographic]

  2015 was a big deal for our service. We have changed our website design to look fresh and stylish on every device you have. Later this year, we released Android app and an absolutely new service called assignment.essayshark where you can get your assignment done by professionals in all possible technical disciplines you can encounter in […]

Posted on December 28, 2015

EssayShark in Numbers: 2015 Roundup [Infographic]


  2015 was a big deal for our service. We have changed our website design to look fresh and stylish on every device you have. Later this year, we released Android app and an absolutely new service called assignment.essayshark where you can get your assignment done by professionals in all possible technical disciplines you can encounter in […]

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Academic writing
Posted on October 28, 2015
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Scary Halloween Stories to Keep Everybody Up at Night

Scary Halloween stories are not only about ghosts, vampires, monstrous zombies, spiders and webs in old uncouth castles, traditional mystical mirrors, bloody pumpkins and cruel murders, etc. They are also about the writing process and techniques of creating terrifying tales. One is required to know how to write a scary story to frighten the audience […]

Posted on October 28, 2015

Scary Halloween Stories to Keep Everybody Up at Night

Academic writing

Scary Halloween stories are not only about ghosts, vampires, monstrous zombies, spiders and webs in old uncouth castles, traditional mystical mirrors, bloody pumpkins and cruel murders, etc. They are also about the writing process and techniques of creating terrifying tales. One is required to know how to write a scary story to frighten the audience […]

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Essay topics
Posted on March 06, 2015
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The Whole Collection of Frankenstein Essay Topics

The history of “Frankenstein” refers to those stories about which everyone has heard, but what is the essence? We often do not actually know. For example, many, referring to the story of Mary Shelley, think that Frankenstein is a fairy monster, while others believe that he is the creator of a monster. In fact, the […]

Posted on March 06, 2015

The Whole Collection of Frankenstein Essay Topics

Essay topics

The history of “Frankenstein” refers to those stories about which everyone has heard, but what is the essence? We often do not actually know. For example, many, referring to the story of Mary Shelley, think that Frankenstein is a fairy monster, while others believe that he is the creator of a monster. In fact, the […]

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Academic writing
Posted on December 24, 2014
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How to Make an Infographic to Seem Smarter

Infographics or informational graphics are one of the most convenient visual tools to present your data laconically. Cool infographics are widely used in social media marketing and presentations. Why not use them in studies? They will help not only to present a lot of information in one slide but also to impress your instructor and […]

Posted on December 24, 2014

How to Make an Infographic to Seem Smarter

Academic writing

Infographics or informational graphics are one of the most convenient visual tools to present your data laconically. Cool infographics are widely used in social media marketing and presentations. Why not use them in studies? They will help not only to present a lot of information in one slide but also to impress your instructor and […]

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Academic writing
Posted on November 14, 2014
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How to Start a Rhetorical Analysis and Make it Work

Before you start a rhetorical analysis, you need to understand what it is, and we will help you with this. The type of writing as a rhetorical analysis explores the author’s technique and his idea, not the text of the work that fell under the study. In itself, rhetoric is a part of the art […]

Posted on November 14, 2014

How to Start a Rhetorical Analysis and Make it Work

Academic writing

Before you start a rhetorical analysis, you need to understand what it is, and we will help you with this. The type of writing as a rhetorical analysis explores the author’s technique and his idea, not the text of the work that fell under the study. In itself, rhetoric is a part of the art […]

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Academic writing
Posted on October 24, 2014
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What Is a Capstone Project and How to Write It?

A capstone project’s meaning remains a secret for first-year students, let alone the general public. Don’t you think that it’s the right moment to clear some things up? What is a capstone project in general? What are common types of capstone projects? How can you deal with the written part of your capstone project?

Posted on October 24, 2014

What Is a Capstone Project and How to Write It?

Academic writing

A capstone project’s meaning remains a secret for first-year students, let alone the general public. Don’t you think that it’s the right moment to clear some things up? What is a capstone project in general? What are common types of capstone projects? How can you deal with the written part of your capstone project?

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Academic writing
Posted on August 15, 2014
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How to Write a Good CV and Impress HR Managers

Writing a curriculum vitae is the process of preparing a ticket to your future life while applying to a new job. If you want your candidature to be considered, you ought to know how to write a CV and make it attractive to the interviewer. This is an advertisement for your experience and skills, which […]

Posted on August 15, 2014

How to Write a Good CV and Impress HR Managers

Academic writing

Writing a curriculum vitae is the process of preparing a ticket to your future life while applying to a new job. If you want your candidature to be considered, you ought to know how to write a CV and make it attractive to the interviewer. This is an advertisement for your experience and skills, which […]

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EssayShark Writing Guides
Posted on July 30, 2014
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What Makes a Good PowerPoint Presentation?

Your boss asks you to present a new project and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on this special occasion. And you start panicking because if you fail, each of your colleagues will remember this fiasco till the day you die. Please, calm down! You just need some PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks, and you’ll nail it! […]

Posted on July 30, 2014

What Makes a Good PowerPoint Presentation?

EssayShark Writing Guides

Your boss asks you to present a new project and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on this special occasion. And you start panicking because if you fail, each of your colleagues will remember this fiasco till the day you die. Please, calm down! You just need some PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks, and you’ll nail it! […]

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Academic writing
Posted on May 23, 2014
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Creative Writing Ideas – What You Have Not Known Yet

Creative writing is an activity outside of the bounds of academic, professional, literature, journalistic and other kinds of writing. The absence of limits and rules usually causes a lot of difficulties. But how to cope with them and get over the fear of a blank piece of paper? Have you faced such a situation? Of […]

Posted on May 23, 2014

Creative Writing Ideas – What You Have Not Known Yet

Academic writing

Creative writing is an activity outside of the bounds of academic, professional, literature, journalistic and other kinds of writing. The absence of limits and rules usually causes a lot of difficulties. But how to cope with them and get over the fear of a blank piece of paper? Have you faced such a situation? Of […]

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