Essay writing
Posted on July 30, 2019
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How to Write a Thematic Essay

What is a thematic essay? A thematic essay is a type of essay where the writer develops the main theme in literature using particular literary devices like personification, imagery, metaphor, and so on. The significance of the theme should be expressed by the writer. The main challenge for writing this type of essay is that […]

Posted on July 30, 2019

How to Write a Thematic Essay

Essay writing

What is a thematic essay? A thematic essay is a type of essay where the writer develops the main theme in literature using particular literary devices like personification, imagery, metaphor, and so on. The significance of the theme should be expressed by the writer. The main challenge for writing this type of essay is that […]

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Essay writing
Posted on July 20, 2019
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How to Write a Synthesis Essay

Synthesis essays are not as popular as argumentative or analytical essays. Still, you can be assigned to write this type of essay when you study at high school, college, or university. Writing a synthesis essay is also a part of an exam that you have to pass in order to complete the AP English Language […]

Posted on July 20, 2019

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

Essay writing

Synthesis essays are not as popular as argumentative or analytical essays. Still, you can be assigned to write this type of essay when you study at high school, college, or university. Writing a synthesis essay is also a part of an exam that you have to pass in order to complete the AP English Language […]

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Essay topics
Posted on July 17, 2019
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Civil War Topics About Different Countries

A forcible change of power with subsequent armed confrontations between citizens of the same country inevitably leads to significant humanitarian and economic losses. In this bloody competition, the 21st century has picked up the baton from the civil wars of the 20th century.

Posted on July 17, 2019

Civil War Topics About Different Countries

Essay topics

A forcible change of power with subsequent armed confrontations between citizens of the same country inevitably leads to significant humanitarian and economic losses. In this bloody competition, the 21st century has picked up the baton from the civil wars of the 20th century.

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Essay writing
Posted on July 12, 2019
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How to Write a Memoir Essay Without Losing Your Mind

What Is a Memoir Essay The memoir essay (or simply memoir) is a written literary piece about moments from your life. From French, mémoire means memory or flashback. If you are not a gray-haired old man, you still have something to tell the reader. You are the only person that knows you well. If you […]

Posted on July 12, 2019

How to Write a Memoir Essay Without Losing Your Mind

Essay writing

What Is a Memoir Essay The memoir essay (or simply memoir) is a written literary piece about moments from your life. From French, mémoire means memory or flashback. If you are not a gray-haired old man, you still have something to tell the reader. You are the only person that knows you well. If you […]

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Essay topics
Posted on June 17, 2019
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Exploratory Essay Topics You Shouldn’t Miss

An exploratory essay doesn’t try to present simply one answer to the question. It presents various positions that people have on the topic. This kind of writing can be found in news reports and textbooks. We have gathered exploratory essay topics for those who need to write this type of paper.

Posted on June 17, 2019

Exploratory Essay Topics You Shouldn’t Miss

Essay topics

An exploratory essay doesn’t try to present simply one answer to the question. It presents various positions that people have on the topic. This kind of writing can be found in news reports and textbooks. We have gathered exploratory essay topics for those who need to write this type of paper.

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Essay writing
Posted on June 06, 2019
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How to Write an ACT Essay – Get Prepared for the Test

An ACT essay is one of the standardized tests students must complete. Within specific time limits, you need to answer the prompt in a well-structured essay. Don’t worry, we will explain how to write an ACT essay in easy steps.

Posted on June 06, 2019

How to Write an ACT Essay – Get Prepared for the Test

Essay writing

An ACT essay is one of the standardized tests students must complete. Within specific time limits, you need to answer the prompt in a well-structured essay. Don’t worry, we will explain how to write an ACT essay in easy steps.

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Academic writing
Posted on May 15, 2019
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How to Write a Precis and Learn Faster

Does the word “precis” make your palm sweat? Do you hate this type of assignment because the grade for it always spoils the GPA? EssayShark rushes to the rescue to reveal the secrets of writing a precis. These tips will be handy for taking an exam where you should deal with precis writing.

Posted on May 15, 2019

How to Write a Precis and Learn Faster

Academic writing

Does the word “precis” make your palm sweat? Do you hate this type of assignment because the grade for it always spoils the GPA? EssayShark rushes to the rescue to reveal the secrets of writing a precis. These tips will be handy for taking an exam where you should deal with precis writing.

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Essay topics
Posted on May 09, 2019
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Human Rights Essay Topics You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

We do things that were not available for most people for centuries. We can love and marry whoever we want. Both men and women can become engineers, teachers, fashion designers, or pilots. Western civilization forgot the word “slavery” a long time ago.

Posted on May 09, 2019

Human Rights Essay Topics You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Essay topics

We do things that were not available for most people for centuries. We can love and marry whoever we want. Both men and women can become engineers, teachers, fashion designers, or pilots. Western civilization forgot the word “slavery” a long time ago.

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Academic writing
Posted on May 07, 2019
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How to Deal With a Response Paper Easily and Quickly

If you think that summaries and reviews are enough to write about books and movies, we’re gonna surprise you! A response paper is another genre in this category. For those who have never heard of it, we have provided this awesome guide. In addition, one of our writers has created an exclusive response paper example […]

Posted on May 07, 2019

How to Deal With a Response Paper Easily and Quickly

Academic writing

If you think that summaries and reviews are enough to write about books and movies, we’re gonna surprise you! A response paper is another genre in this category. For those who have never heard of it, we have provided this awesome guide. In addition, one of our writers has created an exclusive response paper example […]

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Essay topics
Posted on May 06, 2019
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Debatable Bullying Topics for Controversial Essays

Bullying is a problem that has been ignored for a long time. Facing “bullies” was considered a part of socialization and coming of age. However, bullying is a cause of many psychological problems that may have terrible long-term consequences.

Posted on May 06, 2019

Debatable Bullying Topics for Controversial Essays

Essay topics

Bullying is a problem that has been ignored for a long time. Facing “bullies” was considered a part of socialization and coming of age. However, bullying is a cause of many psychological problems that may have terrible long-term consequences.

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Essay topics
Posted on April 16, 2019
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45 Excellent Of Mice and Men Topics for Your Essay

The novella “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck gave rise to many disputes when it was published in 1937. It has been banned from numerous US libraries because of “offensive language,” “promoting euthanasia,” and other offenses. As a rule, the banning of a book can be considered as a sign of its high quality. […]

Posted on April 16, 2019

45 Excellent Of Mice and Men Topics for Your Essay

Essay topics

The novella “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck gave rise to many disputes when it was published in 1937. It has been banned from numerous US libraries because of “offensive language,” “promoting euthanasia,” and other offenses. As a rule, the banning of a book can be considered as a sign of its high quality. […]

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Essay topics
Posted on April 10, 2019
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Problem Solution Essay Topics – Real Help With Ideas

Is it difficult for you to find a good topic? Check out the lists we present below to find problem solution essay topics and get one that you want to write on. Topics are divided into categories so that you can find one in the most interesting area for you. You can use these topics […]

Posted on April 10, 2019

Problem Solution Essay Topics – Real Help With Ideas

Essay topics

Is it difficult for you to find a good topic? Check out the lists we present below to find problem solution essay topics and get one that you want to write on. Topics are divided into categories so that you can find one in the most interesting area for you. You can use these topics […]

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Essay topics
Posted on April 03, 2019
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Their Eyes Were Watching God Paper Topics

Zora Neale Hurston wrote the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” in 1931. The themes and plot of the novel were far from the common understanding of society in those days and were unfairly criticized. Today she is considered one of the most controversial and influential authors.

Posted on April 03, 2019

Their Eyes Were Watching God Paper Topics

Essay topics

Zora Neale Hurston wrote the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” in 1931. The themes and plot of the novel were far from the common understanding of society in those days and were unfairly criticized. Today she is considered one of the most controversial and influential authors.

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Essay topics
Posted on March 19, 2019
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120+ Interesting Economics Essay Topics to Impress Your Instructor

Essay writing is hard. It is hard even for the most skillful academic writers and genius economists. There is no single recipe for a good economics essay: you have to learn it through constant practice. First of all, to write an essay, you need to find a good topic. What does this mean? The topic […]

Posted on March 19, 2019

120+ Interesting Economics Essay Topics to Impress Your Instructor

Essay topics

Essay writing is hard. It is hard even for the most skillful academic writers and genius economists. There is no single recipe for a good economics essay: you have to learn it through constant practice. First of all, to write an essay, you need to find a good topic. What does this mean? The topic […]

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Essay topics
Posted on March 17, 2019
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100+ Oedipus Essay Topics: Fresh Insights

Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” (also known as “Oedipus the King”) is considered as one of the most prominent examples of ancient drama. Sophocles raises an important question: What is more important, the will of the gods, or human will? The author strives to show the strength of character and the desire of a person to direct […]

Posted on March 17, 2019

100+ Oedipus Essay Topics: Fresh Insights

Essay topics

Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” (also known as “Oedipus the King”) is considered as one of the most prominent examples of ancient drama. Sophocles raises an important question: What is more important, the will of the gods, or human will? The author strives to show the strength of character and the desire of a person to direct […]

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Essay topics
Posted on February 28, 2019
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70 Pop Culture Topics: Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Do you want to write something exciting and interesting for the general public? We are glad to offer you 71 hot topics about pop culture for your custom essays! Pick one of these amazing themes and create a great essay or a post for your personal blog.

Posted on February 28, 2019

70 Pop Culture Topics: Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Essay topics

Do you want to write something exciting and interesting for the general public? We are glad to offer you 71 hot topics about pop culture for your custom essays! Pick one of these amazing themes and create a great essay or a post for your personal blog.

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Essay topics
Posted on February 26, 2019
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‘Farhenheit 451’ Topics Your Teachers Wouldn’t Tell You

The title – “Fahrenheit 451” – has a certain aura of mystery, and that is why many people are so attracted to this book. “Fahrenheit 451” is “the temperature at which the paper lights up and burns.” Before reading the plot of this book, make an association with another historical and numeric title, for example, […]

Posted on February 26, 2019

‘Farhenheit 451’ Topics Your Teachers Wouldn’t Tell You

Essay topics

The title – “Fahrenheit 451” – has a certain aura of mystery, and that is why many people are so attracted to this book. “Fahrenheit 451” is “the temperature at which the paper lights up and burns.” Before reading the plot of this book, make an association with another historical and numeric title, for example, […]

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Essay topics
Posted on February 15, 2019
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90+ Obesity Essay Topics

Obesity is one of the most widespread diseases. Today it’s easy to meet an obese or overweight person. Look around – it’s your neighbor, classmate, or colleague. If you are lucky enough, and all of the people close to you are thin and slender, the problem still exists. Even the growing popularity of healthy eating […]

Posted on February 15, 2019

90+ Obesity Essay Topics

Essay topics

Obesity is one of the most widespread diseases. Today it’s easy to meet an obese or overweight person. Look around – it’s your neighbor, classmate, or colleague. If you are lucky enough, and all of the people close to you are thin and slender, the problem still exists. Even the growing popularity of healthy eating […]

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Essay writing
Posted on January 18, 2019
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How to Write an Essay for Nursing School

Nurses play an important part in the life of any area of the healthcare system. Their presence 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in hospitals and clinics serves great help both for doctors and patients. If the person gets ill, he or she becomes very sensitive. Patients want moral support along with […]

Posted on January 18, 2019

How to Write an Essay for Nursing School

Essay writing

Nurses play an important part in the life of any area of the healthcare system. Their presence 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in hospitals and clinics serves great help both for doctors and patients. If the person gets ill, he or she becomes very sensitive. Patients want moral support along with […]

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Essay writing
Posted on January 14, 2019
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How to Write a Causal Essay

“Why” is the most popular question among little kids. They want to know how and why everything around happens. Why do we lose this curiosity when we’re getting older? Perhaps, we don’t have much time to figure out all the reasons and effects. When you really need to provide a decent answer on the “why” […]

Posted on January 14, 2019

How to Write a Causal Essay

Essay writing

“Why” is the most popular question among little kids. They want to know how and why everything around happens. Why do we lose this curiosity when we’re getting older? Perhaps, we don’t have much time to figure out all the reasons and effects. When you really need to provide a decent answer on the “why” […]

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Essay writing
Posted on December 28, 2018
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How to Write a Descriptive Essay – See, Smell, Taste

Definition of a descriptive essay A descriptive essay is a type of essay where an author should create a picture in the reader’s mind using the senses like sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. It is a great success if you can do it, but it is not that easy. We are going to tell […]

Posted on December 28, 2018

How to Write a Descriptive Essay – See, Smell, Taste

Essay writing

Definition of a descriptive essay A descriptive essay is a type of essay where an author should create a picture in the reader’s mind using the senses like sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. It is a great success if you can do it, but it is not that easy. We are going to tell […]

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Posted on December 27, 2018
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EssayShark in Numbers: 2018 Roundup [Infographic]

Warm wishes to you from our EssayShark team for the holiday season and for the coming new year! We want to say thanks for new clients that had chosen our service and show our exceptional gratitude to our regular customers. In 2018 we have significantly expanded the number of writers to cover more subjects and […]

Posted on December 27, 2018

EssayShark in Numbers: 2018 Roundup [Infographic]


Warm wishes to you from our EssayShark team for the holiday season and for the coming new year! We want to say thanks for new clients that had chosen our service and show our exceptional gratitude to our regular customers. In 2018 we have significantly expanded the number of writers to cover more subjects and […]

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Essay topics
Posted on December 26, 2018
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Gender Inequality Essay and Research Paper Topics

Gender inequality refers to the unequal and discriminatory treatment of people based solely on their gender. Inequality has happened because of socially created gender roles over the centuries. Gender inequality can be seen when a person of a particular sex is treated differently or even negatively compared to a person of the opposite sex on […]

Posted on December 26, 2018

Gender Inequality Essay and Research Paper Topics

Essay topics

Gender inequality refers to the unequal and discriminatory treatment of people based solely on their gender. Inequality has happened because of socially created gender roles over the centuries. Gender inequality can be seen when a person of a particular sex is treated differently or even negatively compared to a person of the opposite sex on […]

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Essay topics
Posted on December 24, 2018
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Marketing Essay Topics That Matter

Don’t think that coming up with a good topic for your marketing essay is a difficult task. You can develop a good theme if you check out our marketing essay topics presented below. We have divided them into categories so that you can find the area that is of the most interest to you.

Posted on December 24, 2018

Marketing Essay Topics That Matter

Essay topics

Don’t think that coming up with a good topic for your marketing essay is a difficult task. You can develop a good theme if you check out our marketing essay topics presented below. We have divided them into categories so that you can find the area that is of the most interest to you.

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Essay topics
Posted on December 22, 2018
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Apply These Animal Farm Paper Topics to Improve Your Essay

The satirical novel “Animal Farm” was written in February 1944. George Orwell knowingly wrote it in simple and understandable language so that translators (especially Russian ones) could easily convey its true meaning to anyone, even to the most impaired reader. The book, consisting of 10 chapters, is a classic anti-utopian work, based on real historical […]

Posted on December 22, 2018

Apply These Animal Farm Paper Topics to Improve Your Essay

Essay topics

The satirical novel “Animal Farm” was written in February 1944. George Orwell knowingly wrote it in simple and understandable language so that translators (especially Russian ones) could easily convey its true meaning to anyone, even to the most impaired reader. The book, consisting of 10 chapters, is a classic anti-utopian work, based on real historical […]

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Academic writing
Posted on November 10, 2018
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How to Write an Annotated Bibliography – So Simple Even Kids Can Do It

What is an annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to articles, books, documents, and other resources. Writing an annotated bibliography is not an easy task. There are many textbooks and manuals that differ in both depth and relevance for modern science, and style of presentation. In addition, there are many publications […]

Posted on November 10, 2018

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography – So Simple Even Kids Can Do It

Academic writing

What is an annotated bibliography An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to articles, books, documents, and other resources. Writing an annotated bibliography is not an easy task. There are many textbooks and manuals that differ in both depth and relevance for modern science, and style of presentation. In addition, there are many publications […]

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Academic writing
Posted on October 29, 2018
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How to Write a Book Review: Everything You Need to Know

When we read a good and interesting book, we want to share our thoughts about it with someone else. The best way to do that is to write a book review. For students, it’s hard to evaluate great literary masterpieces without any guidelines. Analyzing the text, composing an outline, and structuring your thoughts is a […]

Posted on October 29, 2018

How to Write a Book Review: Everything You Need to Know

Academic writing

When we read a good and interesting book, we want to share our thoughts about it with someone else. The best way to do that is to write a book review. For students, it’s hard to evaluate great literary masterpieces without any guidelines. Analyzing the text, composing an outline, and structuring your thoughts is a […]

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